Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1166 I want to go to hell

Chapter 1166 I want to go to hell

After working until dawn, the fire at Tongmenguan was brought under control, and all the frontier soldiers were exhausted.

In addition to the three fire sources discovered at the beginning, which were extinguished in time, there were dozens of fire sources in the distance. , until now, there are still many traps that have not been discovered.

Yan Hong returned to her original barracks, but now, there are only ruins and nothing left.

Kicking away the charcoal-burned tree trunks on the ground, Yan Hong breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to the pitch-black camp and said: "Camp here, our frontier army will re-garrison here in the future. Let Han Hai The craftsmen who were prepared by Guan came over and immediately started to set up the guard formation."

After giving some instructions, Yan Hong looked at the pitch-black camp on the ground, but fell into deep thought.

Ke Man's fighting style is far from Ah KS's. He needs time to sum up and sort out the things in his mind.

As for the guardian formation, there was nothing they could do. These barbarians almost destroyed the entire guardian formation. It would take at least ten years to repair it. During this period, they needed the guardian formation to ensure the safety of the Tongmen Pass.

Outside the barracks, there was a group of captured barbarian people. The war happened too quickly, and they believed too much that the barbarian army could resist the frontier army. As a result, they did not wait for the good news from the barbarian messenger. Among them, the one who pushed open the door was a human being, a frontier soldier.

Zhang Kun looked at this group of barbarian people, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind for a moment. After thinking about it, he told the frontier soldiers beside him: "The barbarian people, as long as they don't resist, don't slaughter them."


Although these frontier soldiers had long been prepared to slaughter these people, but Zhang Kun is now the general of the barbarians, and no frontier soldier has ever dared not to obey the orders of the general.

As for why the general did this, they are not qualified to ask, nor are they qualified to understand.

"By the way, let's let all the old and weak barbarians go, anyway, they are not the source of combat power."

After giving the order, Zhang Kun left, and he didn't know why he said such a thing or did such a thing.

Shaking his head, Zhang Kun left here.

It's just that among the barbarian crowd, a barbarian woman heard Zhang Kun's order and watched him leave with tenderness in her eyes.

Zhang Kun searched around Tongmen Pass before finding Lin Yuxi. Last night's surprise attack was led by frontier troops. The Buddhist and Taoist reinforcements were only on the flanks, escorting them, so they hardly suffered any losses, especially in the After discovering the trap left by the barbarians, the frontier army even protected the Buddhist and Taoist disciples.

This is Yan Hong's order.

This time, the twelve sects who came to support have suffered heavy losses. If there are a large number of casualties in the Buddhist and Taoist sects, I am afraid that the frontier will be in an emergency in the future, and these sects will not come to support in the first place.

"...The Buddha will bless you to ascend to the Paradise and enjoy peace."

Lin Yuxi was reciting a mantra for a seriously injured frontier soldier. Amidst Lin Yuxi's pious expression and quiet voice, the seriously injured frontier soldier gradually calmed down.

When she woke up earlier, she found that the frontier army had set off en masse, so she rushed over here in a hurry.

"Buddha, I don't want to go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss."

Suddenly, the frontier soldier turned his head and looked at Lin Yuxi.

"Why? Don't go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, do you want to go to hell? There are countless tortures and punishments there."

It was the first time Lin Yuxi heard such words.

Man is a very strange creature. Most people don’t believe in anything on weekdays. Whether it’s Buddhism or Taoism, they only go to these holy places to see and listen to their teachings when they think of it occasionally. As for what they think in their hearts, Only they themselves know.

However, as soon as they are on the verge of life and death, they believe in things that they don't usually believe in. Facing the fear of death, perhaps only the Paradise of Bliss praised by religion can alleviate it.

Therefore, Lin Yuxi has met too many people, begging him to enter the Land of Ultimate Bliss, a place where there is only joy. No one has ever said that he does not want to go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

The seriously injured border soldier smiled lightly: "Buddha, please, can you let me go to hell and enter reincarnation."

"I can."

Lin Yuxi sighed helplessly. No matter what their reasons were, they now needed comfort and someone to reassure them. this ability.

"Thank you Buddha."

The army over there turned his head and looked at the sky. The wound on his body was bleeding again, and he seemed to be dying, but he didn't have the slightest fear, and his extremely low voice seemed to be whispering.

Lin Yuxi didn't hear what he said clearly. At this moment, Zhang Kun came up behind him, messing up her hair like teasing a child.


Lin Yuxi raised her head and looked at Zhang Kun. It was the first time she saw someone who didn't want to go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. The world recorded in Buddhism is full of joy. No one would reject such a place, but today someone refused.Even, he bluntly said that he was going to hell.

They were not Buddhist believers, and they definitely didn't want to wash away their sins, but she didn't understand why he made such a choice.

Seeing Lin Yuxi looking at him, Zhang Kun quickly raised his hands in surrender. He didn't know anything about Buddhism, let alone explain Lin Yuxi's confusion.


Lin Yuxi looked at Zhang Kun, at the only person she could rely on, and wanted him to give her an answer. No matter what the reason was, as long as there was one reason, she was willing to believe the reason he said.

Zhang Kun had no choice but to whisper to the frontier army what happened earlier, and after listening, he nodded thoughtfully.

Kneeling down, she squeezed Lin Yuxi's face: "Are you stupid? If you go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss and avoid reincarnation, will they have a chance to meet again? They are brothers who want to be another life."

Zhang Kun's words were like a bomb, which exploded among all the injured frontier soldiers.

"Buddha, please send me to hell too, I want to be brothers with these bastards again."

"Please Buddha, I won't go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss."

"There's nothing terrible about hell, isn't it just torture? Get over it, and we brothers will meet again."


Hearing the words of these wounded soldiers before they died, countless thoughts flashed through Lin Yuxi's heart, she nodded quickly, and agreed to their request: "Don't worry, I will definitely send you to hell, I will use Buddhism to bless you, so that you will be less suffering from reincarnation .”

"Thank you Buddha..."

(End of this chapter)

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