Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173
Zhang Kun smiled lightly and nodded in agreement with him. It is a full-strength attack in the late stage of the Fusion Realm. This is the limit of the Sky Thunder Pill he refined. If you want to be more powerful, you need better medicinal materials. It is a complicated purification method.

"With such means, it's no wonder that the Tongmen Pass can be captured."

Han Li sighed with emotion. The barbarians have always been the representative of rough skin and thick flesh. They didn't react at all when they were hit by ordinary exercises. This is also the most troublesome place for the frontier soldiers.

The training talent of the frontier army can't be regarded as top-notch. The generals including Yan Hong are all from the interior, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the frontier army.

Although they were able to defeat the barbarians, after all, they were small in number and it was difficult to reverse the situation of the battle. This was why the frontier army had always adopted a defensive strategy.

"There are things, there is a way to defeat the barbarians, but, General Yan Hong, what do you want to do?"

Once he saw that there was hope of victory, Han Li's long-hidden battle flame was ignited again.

And the thousand-year achievements that Yan Hong mentioned earlier must not be simple.

"Zhang Kun, let's go talk in the barracks."

After saying hello to Zhang Kun, Yan Hong took the initiative to walk into the barracks. On the sand map, Yan Hong inserted the three chess pieces representing soldiers in Donglin, Beishan, and Nanzhen respectively.

After finishing all this, he looked at Han Li: "This time it depends on whether you are brave enough or not."

Seeing such a mark, how could Han Li, who is also a general, not understand what Yan Hong meant?
The troops are divided into three groups, the risks involved are too great, and even if these three checkpoints are occupied, they cannot be defended, so...

His eyes fell on Yuhu Pass further back, and he nodded as he looked at Yuhu Pass. With these three cities and Tongmenguan as support, there will be a lot to do in the future, whether it is retreating or attacking."

After commenting, Han Li looked at Yan Hong: "Besides me and you, who is the other conductor?"

Han Li took Zhang Kun out of the equation as a matter of course. Having inquired about Zhang Kun's news these days, he naturally knew that this person was not good at leading troops.

"It's Zhang Kun, I can trust it."

Yan Hong gave an affirmative answer, but Han Li fell into deep thought. After a long time, he suggested: "Why don't you ask the superior to transfer the general to come, and he will bring the troops here, which can alleviate the problem of soldiers being scattered."

Yan Hong shook her head directly: "Not to mention whether the superiors will allow such a risky way of fighting, just the matter of mobilizing troops, do you think the barbarians will ignore it? When we mobilize soldiers, they will definitely do it." Arrange accordingly, I think, you should understand this."

Like Yan Hong, Han Li had fought the barbarians to the death. Although the fighting methods of those barbarians seemed reckless, they were not stupid.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to stand in a stalemate with humans for so long.

And those barbarian comments that don't have a lot of brains are mostly soldiers who have never been on the battlefield, or have only been on the battlefield once.

"Then, this move is really a risky move."

Han Li frowned and thought about the pros and cons of it. He knew the risks of doing so, and he also knew that once this happened, it would be a great event for celebrities through the ages.

"General Han Li might as well stay here for a few more days. I have already made a plan, and there are about ten days left."

Yan Hong smiled slightly: "After ten days, I can guarantee that each of my soldiers will have at least ten Sky Thunder Pills. This configuration is enough to attack a city once."

"Okay, let me think about it."

Even Han Li fell into hesitation. He knew that if he participated in this battle, he would damage his reputation for many years and violate military regulations. The risk was very high.

However, the benefits after the event was completed made him very excited.

As long as this matter is completed, the frontier army may change their views, and then they will be able to stand up and go to the battlefield again instead of being trapped in a city.

Han Li fell into deep thought, and then Yan Hong looked at Zhang Kun: "I've seen that the garrison at Nanzhenguan is relatively small, so I'll leave it to you. As for dispatching troops, I'll arrange adjutants for you. What's wrong?" You can ask them if you understand."

However, Zhang Kun yawned: "March and fight is not something I do by force, so you can just arrange an adjutant to take the soldiers outside Nanzhen Pass, and leave the rest to me."

"What are you going to do?"

Yan Hong smelled something different from Zhang Kun's words, and he might not want to fight head-on.

"By the way, prepare some high-quality medicinal materials for me. I want to enter Nanzhen Pass to find out the truth. I will set off tonight."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun left. Looking at his back, Han Li suddenly felt that Zhang Kun was more courageous than them all.

Back in his tent, Zhang Kun packed up all his things with a serious expression on his face, because the consciousness spoke again and gave him an instruction.

If after fifteen days, he still did not enter the barbarian territory, he would directly wipe out Zhang Kun's life.

"Time is really pressing."

With a sigh of emotion, Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. This time, he had to take a risk. No matter what kind of reward the frontier army gave, he actually didn't care about it, because his only purpose was to go to the barbarian territory and find Savage Valley, destroy this soul.

This is what he wants to do most.

Although this method is risky enough at the moment, it is the fastest method and Zhang Kun's favorite method.

"Are you going?"

Lin Yuxi watched Zhang Kun busy packing his things, and asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, time waits for no one."

Zhang Kun agreed without looking back.

Lin Yuxi just fell into silence.

She knew that there was another consciousness in Zhang Kun's sea of ​​consciousness, and it put too much pressure on Zhang Kun.

"I heard from a few frontier soldiers today that you seem to have made a big move?"

Lin Yuxi suddenly spoke.

"Well, big move."

Zhang Kun knew all about this plan, but he didn't dare to tell Lin Yuxi that if she knew about such an adventure, she might be afraid every day.

He didn't want the woman he liked to suffer such a crime.

"How soon will you be back?"

Lin Yuxi suddenly changed the subject.

"I don't know. If it takes a long time, it will probably take half a year."

Although he has already remembered the way to enter the barbarian tribe, but the barbarian tribe's territory is so large, it is not easy to find the barbarian valley.

A barbarian would not kindly remind him where the Valley of the Wild is, and he had to bury his head to find everything.

Half a year, in fact, is not enough at all...

The room fell into silence, only the sound of Zhang Kun tidying up. When everything was packed, Zhang Kun looked at the wall and didn't want to turn his head.

He was afraid that when he turned around, he would see Lin Yuxi's face full of disappointment.

"Don't worry, as long as I finish handling the matter this time, I will come back immediately."

After a pause, he added: "Only when I am the real me, am I qualified to talk about the future."

After speaking, Zhang Kun wanted to leave, and staying here would only make the parting emotion more intense.

Behind him was the sound of clothes falling to the ground, and a pair of arms hugged him from behind his waist: "Promise me, come back alive."

"Well, stay in the Buddhist gate well, you have the status of a Buddhist disciple, no one dares to touch you."

Hugging Lin Yuxi into his arms, Zhang Kun admired his beautiful body presumptuously, and Lin Yuxi's face flushed with shame.

(End of this chapter)

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