Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1175 Give it to a predestined person

Chapter 1175 Give it to a predestined person

Zhang Kun nodded again and again. As for the name Zhang Peng, it was just his temporary name.

He was worried that some of these people would know his achievements in Hanguan Pass and Tongmen Pass, and if he knew his identity as a frontier soldier, they might betray him completely.

Not to mention the conflicts between the frontier army and these people in the past, just the news that the frontier army is going to attack Nanzhenguan is enough to make these businessmen feel the same hatred.

Because Nanzhenguan is their gold mine, even if they risk their lives, they must go there.

Once this place is occupied by the frontier army, it will cut off their source of income.

The so-called cutting off people's money is like killing their parents. This kind of hatred cannot be offset by Zhang Kun saving them once.

When Nanzhen Pass was closed, two burly barbarians were guarding the door, stopping all the businessmen who came to check their identity information.

"Zhou Ning, the fifth on page 73, the password you left me last time is barbarian invincible."

"Okay, next one."

Zhang Kun looked at the little book in the hands of the barbarian, and suddenly felt that his way of sneaking in with the caravan was extremely correct.

Without these businessmen guaranteeing him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to enter Nanzhen Pass at all.

"Name, page number, password."

When it was Zhang Kun, the barbarians saw that he hadn't taken the initiative to report, so they put away their notebooks, and looked Zhang Kun up and down: "Boy, you just look at me."

"I'm new here, and I want to change something valuable to buy medicine for my father."

Zhang Kun once again showed his tragic identity, but this barbarian didn't accept this trick.

"No one guarantees, no entry."

As he spoke, he waved his hand to signal Zhang Kun to leave.

At this moment, after verification, the middle-aged woman who was waiting aside said to the barbarian: "This brother is new here, and I am willing to vouch for him."

The barbarian glanced at her and asked, "Is your identity reliable? If he causes trouble in the city, you have to bear the consequences."

The middle-aged woman repeatedly agreed: "It's very reliable. This child is the most filial in our village. To treat his father, he has traveled so far. It is also a filial piety. He is a villager and he can be trusted."

"his name."

"Zhang Peng."

After dealing with all this, Zhang Kun followed the middle-aged woman and entered Nanzhen Pass.

Although it has been occupied by barbarians for a long time, apart from the rough decoration style, it still retains the appearance of the former frontier army.

There are straight streets on both sides. Because of the transaction with humans, the barbarians here don't care about the appearance of Zhang Kun, a newcomer.

There are newcomers like this appearing every day, so there is no need to care about it.

"Just here."

A middle-aged woman vacated a space for Zhang Kun at a fixed stall: "You sell here, next time you come, they should prepare a stall for you."

Seeing this, Zhang Kun was a little speechless. He didn't expect the barbarians to control human beings so brutally and powerfully.

Restricting the scope of human activities in Nanzhenguan will not allow military secrets to be leaked. Moreover, the most excessive thing about these barbarians is that all places where human activities are surrounded by a high wall!
Under such circumstances, let alone inquiring about information, the topography of Nanzhen Pass is completely unclear.

"How to do?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Kun put the things in his back on the ground while thinking.

His purpose is to find out the information inside the barbarians, and it is not enough to sell things here.

He needed a way to attract the attention of the upper echelon, and then use his own conditions to get close to them, so that he could have the opportunity to investigate the situation at Nanzhen Pass.

"How do you sell this herb?"

A barbarian came to the stall and asked, pointing to the medicinal materials placed in front of Zhang Kun.

Seeing this, the middle-aged aunt was a little envious.

Usually, these barbarians sell things here at a fixed price. Although they can make a profit, there is no room for them to bargain. The profit is meager. The most important thing is to buy some things from the barbarians and sell them to humans. It's a profitable business.

After staying here for so many years, this is the first time I have seen a barbarian willing to ask for a price.

"Not for sale."

However, Zhang Kun was keenly aware of an opportunity, relying on these medicinal materials prepared by Yan Hong for him.

Although these things can only be regarded as medium in the frontier army's inventory, they are much better than those bought by those merchants.

This is his chance.

"What? Why are you putting it here if you don't sell it?"

The barbarian was a little confused, and looked at Zhang Kun suspiciously, as if he wanted to get an explanation from him.

The aunt on the side quickly touched Zhang Kun with her elbow, signaling him not to do this. Since some barbarians are willing to bid, it is a good thing to sell it.

But Zhang Kun ignored her hint, but said lightly: "I only sell to destined people, you are not the destined person I am looking for."

"Boy, don't go too far. You dare to be so arrogant because the medicinal materials are of better quality? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

The barbarian stretched his strong muscles, and the large muscles squirmed on his arms. No one dared to underestimate the power of such fists.

But Zhang Kun is not afraid at all, because he knows that since Nanzhenguan has set up such a place, it will definitely set up corresponding rules. If the barbarians are allowed to exploit and squeeze human beings, I am afraid that no one will come to this trading place long ago. .

"The quality of this medicinal material is actually mediocre. I have better medicinal materials, but I need to find a buyer who can eat these goods. I'm afraid you won't be able to hold them."

Seeing that Zhang Kun was so determined, the barbarian also murmured in his heart, as if what he said to human beings was really impressive.

"If you really meet someone with predestined relationship, it's okay to give these medicinal materials to him. Anyway, they are all low-grade goods picked in the yard. In our house, they would be thrown into the dirty pool."

Zhang Kun saw that the barbarians had some confidence, so he threw a heavy bomb directly, directly blowing up these people, and he didn't have the slightest doubt about Zhang Kun's statement.

Seeing that his plan was working, Zhang Kun sat down directly, closed his eyes and rested his mind, without any appearance of worry.

The barbarian finally left, and he looked at it several times unwillingly.

Ordinary merchants bully the barbarians because there is no medicinal herb production, so they shoddy it. Even if the price is lowered by the barbarians, it is still profitable.

"Zhang Peng, can you really do this? Don't delay your father's treatment."

The middle-aged aunt kindly advised.

It was this aunt who defended herself along the way, and it was she who took the initiative to guarantee Zhang Kun, which is why the previous incident happened.

However, Zhang Kun did not tell the matter because of her friendliness.

"It's okay, my father told me that there are a lot of medicinal materials in the yard these years, and a person with a big appetite is needed to eat this batch of goods."

After explaining this sentence, Zhang Kun stopped talking. He knew the truth that too many words would lead to mistakes. The more times he said about his fabricated family, the higher the possibility of revealing his truth.

Just like Zhang Kun's original idea, under the vivid description of the barbarian, countless barbarians came to take a closer look, which actually caused a small wave of enthusiasm in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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