Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1185 The Last Item

Chapter 1185 The Last Item

"As far as I know, there are three ways to solve this problem. The first is to prepare a woman for venting before practicing. Otherwise, if you don't vent in the fire, you will rebel against the dantian, which is not good for cultivation. It will damage your cultivation."

"The second is to reduce the dosage. In this way, the dantian can be avoided from being injured by the fire, but the effect of cultivation is not good. The third is to use the ice jade cold lotus to reconcile the effects of the medicine. Based on the experience of the barbarians for so many years, it is also Only this medicine can suppress the fire caused by the blood qi grass."

After finishing speaking, the barbarian woman thought for a while before adding: "The first method is the most widely used among the barbarians, because the process of venting the fire is also a kind of tempering for the body."

Zhang Kun nodded secretly. The barbarian woman was telling the truth, because he had tried to add other herbs to suppress the fire while practicing, but the effect was not satisfactory.

The barbarian woman frowned suddenly, as if she remembered something, she tapped her head, and then she suddenly came to her senses, went to find a book in her clothes, and put it in front of Zhang Kun: "You should have cultivated the gold-masked barbarian. The use of blood energy is also the most suitable exercise for you, this book is a detailed discussion of blood energy cultivation, and the experience left by countless barbarian cultivation is a gift prepared by the high priest for you."

"High Priest?"

Zhang Kun picked up the book and flipped through it. It was hard to imagine that the barbarians still had such a complete book. He originally thought that their stories were passed on by word of mouth.

"It's the high priest. He predicted your existence, but the high priest never cares about barbarian affairs, so the high priest is not the one who arranged for me to come."

Zhang Kun just felt speechless for a while, the high priest was giving him help in a timely manner, and he couldn't find any reason to refuse.

The exercises obtained from the golden-masked barbarians only included the first two cultivation methods of blood energy, one was body training, and the other was condensing blood energy.After that, there is no more content, but the book in front of me carefully records the six stages of blood energy cultivation.

In addition to these, the most important thing is that it also records the experience of countless predecessors.

As far as the previous two cultivation methods are concerned, the above suggestions are worth referring to, because he also encountered such a situation in his cultivation.

"Then thank your High Priest for me."

Zhang Kun directly put the book close to his body, but when he was about to let go of his hand, he put the book into the sea of ​​consciousness. He didn't want such things to be discovered by the frontier soldiers, although in battle, it is inevitable Using blood energy, he can completely hand over the exercises he took from the gold-masked barbarians at that time, and remove the suspicion of having a deal with the barbarians.

Although I said that now I have taken the things of the high priest, according to Taoist thinking, I have formed a relationship with the high priest of the barbarians.This fate will have to be solved in the future.

But that's all for the future, my top priority is to help Yan Hong take Yuhu Pass as soon as possible, and then enter the barbarian tribe to find the wild valley, and get rid of the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Since he was slandered by coincidence last time, he has rarely been seen, let alone released tasks, but Zhang Kun knows that he is just cultivating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and when he feels that he is almost done, he will attack himself. Now It's just the calm before the storm.

"Do you have any other questions?"

The barbarian woman asked, but Zhang Kun didn't answer. After thinking for a while, he shook his head lightly. He still doesn't want to know about the barbarians. He can't say why, but he simply doesn't want to.

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, the barbarian woman hesitated for a while, and then said to him: "I asked just now, the gift for you is the last one, and it will take about an hour. What do you want to do to pass the time? I It will be all right."

That's it again.

Zhang Kun was already a little speechless. He didn't expect that this barbarian would directly give him such a person. No matter her behavior or appearance, she could be called first-class, but now, he still didn't have any thoughts about her.

No matter what he does now, no one will know, but he still doesn't want to.

"Do you know a word? Beauty and wealth are what people want, but there is a way to get money, and there is a way to beauties. You are just instilled with certain ideas, not your own. idea, so I refuse."

After Zhang Kun finished speaking lightly, he ignored her.

For him, his own life was already a bit chaotic, and he absolutely couldn't add a third person.Qingqing and Lin Yuxi alone are enough for him to be overwhelmed. If he is related to other women, the most important thing is that this person is actually the enemy of human beings, a barbarian.

Just thinking about it, he felt that his head was big. Although a beauty is good, it still depends on whether he has the blessing to enjoy it.

"Is that so..."

The barbarian woman fell into deep thought. Indeed, as Zhang Kun said, everything she does now is instigated by others. Even things like serving Zhang Kun are buried in her subconscious. Not what was on her mind.

"But, do you know, sir, that I have no idea?"

She stared blankly at Zhang Kun, wanting to find an answer. Ever since she was born, she had been carrying such a fate. She was led by others and moved forward like a puppet. Suddenly, she had to make up her own mind and go by herself. Thinking about the meaning of existence, she was a little confused.

"Since you have guessed everything, you should understand that for me, life, even this life, is meaningless."

"If I don't have their guidance, then I have no meaning of existence."

Listening to what the barbarian woman said, Zhang Kun thought for a while, and then coughed lightly: "Whether it is a barbarian or a human being, the existence itself has no meaning. All meanings are nothing but the meanings given to it by humans. For example For a simple example, you think the food is delicious and want to taste all the delicacies. This is the meaning. Before that, all the food is just for life, but after that, every bite of the meal has a special meaning."

After she finished speaking, Zhang Kun ignored her. This is a profound understanding of black and white Taoist priests for thousands of years. Even Zhang Kun himself only knows a little bit about it. As for how much she can understand, it depends on her good fortune.

Seeing the barbarian woman lost in thought, a smile flickered across the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth.

He didn't want to wake up this woman out of good intentions, but wanted to break the layout of the barbarians. Even if he really had a relationship with the barbarians, it was because of his own destiny, not being led by the barbarians.

No matter if it is a barbarian, or the consciousness in his own sea of ​​consciousness, no matter who he is, no matter what his reason is, as long as he dares to target himself, he must be ready to face his own counterattack.

Start from the arranged places one by one, completely break the situation little by little, and then lead by yourself!

This is Zhang Kun's arrogance, it is also his perception, and it is also his realization after he discovered the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness. Even if he can't break the game, even if he can't defeat the opponent, it will make them feel uncomfortable and let them know that I, Zhang Kun, Not so easy to bully and calculate!
Time passed slowly, and there were fewer barbarians in the entire venue.

The barbarian in charge looked at the last item, and finally relaxed his tense mind. As long as this item is auctioned off, he can rest.

"This is the last item. At the owner's request, this is a blind auction. We don't know the value of the item. However, according to the owner, this item is priceless. Let's start bidding. "

(End of this chapter)

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