Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1202 Most people give up

Chapter 1202 Most people give up

"Yan Hong came out to obey the order!"

The messenger yelled again impatiently, seeing that Yan Hong still didn't respond, he opened the tent, walked straight to the opposite side of the map, and looked at Yan Hong with burning eyes.

"According to the frontier army decree, if you don't welcome the messenger, you will be punished fifty times with a cane!"

"Come on! Drag him down and punish him according to military regulations!"

Following his words, the frontier soldiers who came with him rushed in immediately, trying to pull Yan Hong out.

However, Zhang Kun on the side spoke slowly: "How dare a messenger dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

Seeing Zhang Kun, the messengers were slightly taken aback, and their expressions changed slightly.

According to the decree of the frontier army, the rank of general must also come out to meet the messenger, but the rank of general is different. The rank of general means that he has an important position in the frontier army and has the right to dispatch troops.And these people don't have to come out to greet them.

"Damn it, I didn't know that General Banyi was here, and I still hope to make amends!"

The messenger quickly winked at his subordinates and asked them to return.

Since the Great General Ban Yi is here, as a general-level person, it is naturally impossible for Yan Hong to leave just because of a mere messenger.

"Don't you have an order, tell me."


The messenger hurriedly took out the letter from his arms, first showed the special brand on the envelope to the group of people, and then tore it open: "Yan Hong privately transferred troops, according to the law of the frontier army, he should have been killed, but he has been stationed by the frontier army for more than ten years. , I hereby give you a chance to make amends, withdraw your troops immediately, and return to guard the Tongmen Gate, all mistakes in this deployment will be written off, and the past will not be blamed."

Hearing this, Yan Hong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at the map in front of him, he felt a little unwilling.

It's hard to come to this step today, but he didn't expect that he was asked to give up at the last step. Although Yuhu Pass is difficult to capture, he believes that he can definitely capture Yuhu Pass!

In front of the achievements that are within his reach, he hesitated. Although he had a safe retreat, he hesitated.

"General Yan Hong, please follow your orders. This attack on the barbarians has caused a great uproar in the frontier army. Your achievements will be remembered by everyone. There is no need to block your fame in this battle."

"Throughout the ages, no matter how many famous generals have been born, at most they can be like generals, until they hit Yuhu Pass. I think that General Yanhong doesn't need to work hard to do everything that they can't do."

"General Yan Hong, to tell you the truth, I also take you as an example, and I hear your legends every day in the frontier army, but this battle is really impossible to fight."


Seeing that Yan Hong was lost in thought, the messenger hurriedly tried to persuade her.

Although Yan Hong is only a general, he enjoys more than that in the frontier army. His words and deeds often leave a great influence on the frontier army.

If Yan Hong loses this battle, the myth of his invincibility will be broken, and the backbone of the frontier army will also fall.

This is what the superiors are worried about. A frontier army without a military spirit cannot be an opponent of the barbarians at all. dare.

He didn't dare to let Yanhong take this risk, and he didn't dare to gamble on this battle with the backbone of the frontier army.


The messenger spoke dryly for a while, but Yan Hong remained silent from the beginning to the end, without speaking.

Seeing Yan Hong like this, the messenger looked at Zhang Kun again: "General Banyi, can you persuade General Yan Hong?"


Zhang Kun was worried that he couldn't find a chance to speak. After all, this was a matter between the upper echelons of the frontier army and Yan Hong. Logically speaking, he shouldn't interfere. But now, since the messengers are begging him, he naturally wants to persuade him. Advise Yanhong to make the messenger "satisfied".

"Throughout the ages, so many celebrities, generals and ministers, in the end, they are nothing more than a green tomb. Even if they have outstanding achievements, even if they are admired by countless people, they have nothing to do with them."

As soon as Zhang Kun opened his mouth, he smashed down the truth.

The messenger quickly responded: "Yes, General Yan Hong, withdraw in time, you are still a general in the frontier army, and you are still the general that everyone admires. As for future generations and achievements, that has nothing to do with you. Enjoy this glory while you are alive, everyone will die, and when you die, you will be buried in peace, don't think so much."

With a light cough, Zhang Kun continued: "I think those celebrities, generals and ministers should also understand this truth, but they still insist."

"I don't think so. They might just be blinded by their achievements."

When the messenger heard Zhang Kun's words, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly interjected, trying to interrupt Zhang Kun's words, and kept giving him winks.

But Zhang Kun pretended not to notice, took a cup of tea, and took a sip slowly: "What they insist on is just their inner thoughts. I want to ask General Yan Hong, what are your inner thoughts now? Just retreat here, keep your fame for a lifetime, or put all your eggs in one basket and block everything in this battle."

Yan Hong fell into deep thought. What Zhang Kun said made sense. He needed to ask his deepest thoughts, whether the fame of the first life was important or the dominance of thousands of years was more important.

The messenger really wanted to slap himself twice. It was not good to find someone to persuade him. He had to find this Zhang Kun. Since he appeared in the frontier army, he went from Han Pass, to Tongmen Pass, to Po San Pass, and to Yuhu Lake. Close it, and I haven't seen him stop!

Asking him to persuade Yan Hong, isn't that self-inflicted, what is it?
"Yan Hong, we have been together for so long, I know what your deepest plan is."

In the eyes of the messenger who wanted to kill, Zhang Kun slowly said word by word: "The backbone and banner of the frontier army have never depended on the majority of people. When most people think it is not enough, they stand Come out, carry the banner, lead a group of ignorant people, and make some achievements, Yan Hong, I don’t think you are one of the majority.”

Hearing this, Yan Hong suddenly grinned, and then let out a wide-eyed laugh. The presumptuous laughter even made the frontier soldiers who had been following him a little scared.

After the wanton laughter, a gleam flashed in Yan Hong's eyes: "Yes, you understand me!"

Hearing Yan Hong's answer, Zhang Kun just smiled faintly, disobeying the orders of his superiors and fighting with all his strength was the choice Yan Hong would definitely make.

Because he is from the inner soil, because he is an ambitious man!

What he has in his mind is always to expand the territory, not to stick to a corner!
The situation he has been thinking about day and night is not watching the barbarians retreat and defeat again and again before the Tongmen Gate, but to invade the territory of the barbarians, open up territories for the human world, create a great feat, and dominate for thousands of years!

"I've made a decision, come here! Invite these messengers down!"

(End of this chapter)

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