Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1206 Crashing into a Trap

Chapter 1206 Crashing into a Trap
Ke Man doesn't like this kind of life-and-death game, and what he wants most is to get the biggest result at the smallest cost, but now, because Zhang Kun's appearance completely disrupted his plan, he had to set up a trap Under the circumstances, fight against Yan Hong.

"This person must die."

This thought flashed in his mind, he grabbed the longbow of the archer beside him, and opened the bow to set an arrow.

He hated Zhang Kun so much that he even put the whole battle situation behind him: "You take your Sky Thunder Pill, and you can rest in peace here."

As Ke Man let go of his hand, the black arrow shaft shot out, the sharp arrow refracted dazzling light in his eyes, and its tail feathers trembled against the gust of wind, adjusting its direction.

Even after a distance of more than 500 meters, the arrow still accurately pierced Zhang Kun's heart.

After a crisp sound, the arrow bounced high and swirled into the sand.

Although he was not injured, Zhang Kun's footsteps were thrown into disarray by the huge momentum, and the barbarians around him took the opportunity to intensify their offensive to kill Zhang Kun!
"Blood, shock!"

Delicate blood that was about to drip suddenly popped out of Zhang Kun's body, bursting instantly!
For a moment, whether it was the yellow sand on the ground or the barbarians who trapped him, they were all swept away by five meters.

The barbarian looked at Zhang Kun again, instantly filled with hatred.

"Humans dare to secretly learn my barbarian skills!"

"kill him!"

"For the honor of the barbarians!"

A barbarian rushed towards Zhang Kun without fear of death, completely ignoring Zhang Kun's long sword stabbing at his chest, waving the long knife and looking at Zhang Kun's neck.

A smear of blood quietly emerged, blocking the long knife that was chopped off.

And the sword in his hand also pierced the barbarian's chest, and some warm blood splashed on his face. He didn't move at all, he drew the sword, turned around, and swept across.

The whole movement was done in one go, which was perfect, and behind this perfect performance was the blood splattered from the neck of a barbarian, like a silent accompaniment.

The death of the companion did not make the barbarians retreat in any way, and even made them rush forward more actively, trying to tear Zhang Kun to pieces!



"Kill him!"


One after another, the barbarians rushed forward, yelling, and surrounded Zhang Kun. There were enemies around him, and even in the air, there were barbarians jumping up from time to time, trying to kill him!
Zhang Kun's complexion was very ugly. He didn't expect that the barbarians held such a huge hatred for the bloody things they had mastered. Last time they were on the general stage, their performance was not like this!
At that time, the three gold-masked barbarians, without exception, were just a little curious, and did not have such great hatred and resentment, but the barbarians in front of them seemed to be crazy!Faced with such a siege, he began to feel powerless.

"If it doesn't work, I have to use my vitality!"

Zhang Kun knew that in the face of such a situation, if he didn't use his vitality, it would only be a matter of time before he lost.

But when he thought of the possible consequences of using his vitality, he could only keep this thought firmly in his heart. He was not ready to face the consequences, but when it was a last resort, he could only choose to take risks.

"Stay where you are, don't act rashly."

With a loud cry, Yan Hong suppressed the border soldiers who were about to move.

Although these frontier soldiers were very dissatisfied with what Zhang Kun did at Nanzhenguan, but now, he is indeed massacring the barbarians with himself. This will not change anyway. Let him face it alone Barbarians, this is something they cannot do.

This is the simple love and hate of the frontier army. Anyone who kills the barbarians with them is a friend, and anyone who condones the barbarians is an enemy.

Yan Hong naturally also discovered the situation on Zhang Kun's side. Even if he wanted to support him, he couldn't.

Because of Zhang Kun's appearance, the barbarians who appeared behind stopped the encirclement of the frontier army.Because they are now within the range of barbarian bows and arrows, if they move their troops rashly, loopholes will inevitably appear, causing a large number of border troops to be injured.

He hesitated for a moment, whether to lead these frontier soldiers to fight to the death, or just give up all efforts like this.


Seeing that Zhang Kun was in trouble, an adjutant shouted anxiously.It is absolutely impossible to make them abandon their partners, not to mention that it is especially important now that there is no hope of attacking and they can only retreat.


Yan Hong popped out these two words from her mouth.

He watched Zhang Kun fighting to the death, and knew that people in the frontier army fell under the barbarian's arrows at any time, and knew that Ke Man had set a huge trap for himself this time.

He didn't want to accept such an ending.

Once you choose to retreat, the barbarians behind you will definitely take the opportunity to catch up. At that time, more frontier troops will fall on the way to escape. When the three checkpoints of Donglin, Beishan and Nanzhen are captured, the blood shed by the frontier troops will be in vain. up!
He didn't want to watch such a thing happen, and he didn't want to lose the opportunity that countless brothers had risked their lives for in vain!
He needs a milestone victory, he desires such a victory!
Yuhu Pass and Han Customs were originally separated by this desert, and the three of them are even more defenseless.

This is also the reason why the barbarians and humans have been stalemate here for several years. Even the barbarians who have been stationed at this checkpoint for many years have not moved the people here. defense facilities.

Because they know that such a checkpoint cannot be guarded at all.

And this desert area is a buffer zone between barbarians and humans. Whether it is attacking Tongmen Pass or Yuhu Pass, the opponent has enough time to prepare.

For many years, countless famous goalkeepers have been powerless in front of this desert. They can only look at the upcoming victory and wave goodbye to themselves.

For many years, human beings have been suppressed by the barbarians at the bronze gate, and can only stick to it. As for attacking, it is just a hopeless luxury.

But now, he got such an opportunity, it was the first time for him to face the victory of this battle so close, and he was eager to win.

As long as you win the Yuhu pass, this is not only a great achievement in human history, but also a good opportunity to take the opportunity to invade the barbarian territory!
He believed that as long as he could conquer Yuhu Pass, he would be able to assist the frontier army to capture more passes and drive out the barbarians completely!
He turned his head, looked at the frontier soldiers who had been with him day and night, and gritted his teeth: "Everyone obey orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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