Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1227 I apologize to you

Chapter 1227 I apologize to you
The value of a piece of Yuan Essence has far exceeded the value of a blood flower, but Zhang Kun has no other choice. After all, this is a barbarian tribe. Except that the Yuan Essence is universal, they do not use the gold and silver coins commonly used by humans.

"This... why don't you take away these blood qi grasses, this essence is also very valuable. In the future, as long as you see me and say your name, everything on the stall will be yours."

Zhang Kun didn't pay attention to the stall owner's words. Anyway, he could get a Yuan Essence from the Mirror Field every day. Now that he doesn't need it, he might as well use it to torment that devil.

Picking up the Blood Qi Flower, Zhang Kun left without giving these people any chance to explain.

Walking around the corner, Zhang Kun directly swallowed the Blood Qi Flower into his stomach.

"Even if you are stronger than me, it is not so easy to deal with me."

In the training books given to him by the barbarian woman in Nanzhenguan, it is clearly recorded that blood energy flowers are necessary for the devil's cultivation.Anyway, this is not the first time Zhang Kun has taken it, but the stamina is a bit strong, and he can bear it, but for Mozi, it is absolutely heartbreaking.

Taking a look outside, Zhang Kun wandered along the street again, while performing exercises to digest the medicinal effects of the blood energy flower, while looking around.He didn't believe that there would be no maps for sale in such a large city of barbarians, and he didn't believe that those barbarians could travel between all cities without using maps at all.

Still at the stall, the stall owner stared blankly at the essence of essence in his hand, and was in a trance for a while.

The value of a Yuan Essence is beyond imagination, even if he sells Blood Vitality Grass for a lifetime, he may not be able to make so much money.

"Where is the blood flower?"

The one who spoke was the sacrificial priest of the barbarian tribe. Even though the weather was extremely hot, he still wore a robe, walked through the crowd, walked up to the stall owner, and looked around, but he didn't find the blood energy flower he was looking for. sink.

"Someone just bought it."

The stall owner also had a secret thought in his heart, why did he forget about the sacrificial priest, the sacrificial priest enjoys a very high status in the city, as long as he said a word, his stall here would not need to be set up.

Being able to let the priest come in person, he has already guessed the value of the blood energy flower.

"This is the essence he gave me."

He quickly took out the essence of essence from his pocket, and handed it over with trembling hands.

The priest looked at Yuan Essence, his expression fluctuating for a while.

What the golden-masked barbarians know, the priests also know that when the devil is alive, the blood will bloom. In other words, as long as the devil is alive, they will have to offer the flower of blood. There is a chance to be rewarded!

The devil's reward is different from other barbarians, it is the supreme glory, the glory that the barbarians dream of!

The devil is born once every thousand years, and there is a reincarnation every nine times, from one to nine, and this time the devil is born, it is the ninth place in the ninth reincarnation!
The extremes of heaven and earth are nine, and it is too late.

The devil was born this time, and he must be the strongest among all the barbarians!
"That's it, that's it..."

The priest sighed helplessly, waved his hand, and threw back the Yuan Essence in his hand to the barbarian, sighing softly all the way, leaving with regret.

He was not only lamenting that he missed the opportunity to donate blood to Mo Zijin, but also lamenting that he missed the opportunity to see Mo Zi's face.

Wherever the devil goes, blood energy flowers will bloom.

In other words, Mo Zi had already arrived in this city, but he had no fate to meet him.

By the end of the day, Zhang Kun had already turned around the whole city, but he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated because he didn't see a place selling maps.


With a soft sigh, Zhang Kun collected his emotions and was going to ask Ke Xing if there was any news.

The most critical point to eliminate the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness is to find the wild valley. I never thought that I spent so much effort, but after entering the barbarian tribe, I didn't get any news about the wild valley.

"Go back and ask, if it doesn't work, just change the city and have a look."

Because this was his first visit to a barbarian city, he didn't know what the situation was like among the barbarians, so he needed more information before making a decision.

Zhang Kun originally wanted to knock on the door, but he heard the heavy panting in the room, and Ke Xing's rather catered to the waves.

He silently withdrew his hand. When others were happy, he would naturally not bother him. Moreover, he and Ke Xing only met each other once, and they didn't have much relationship.

Turning around and leaving here, Zhang Kun found a hotel, ordered two glasses of wine and some food, and sat there quietly.

There was a lot of noise, the barbarians didn't care about their own image at the wine table, they raised their wine glasses, and after the collision, the wanton splashing of alcohol and laughter mingled together.

Zhang Kun is not qualified to enjoy such a lively scene, because his situation does not allow him to have the slightest indulgence.

"Here comes your wine!"

Xiao Er put the food and wine on Zhang Kun's table, and went to greet other guests, while Zhang Kun took a sip of strong wine, using the strength of the wine to run the barbarian's kung fu.Although the improvement was small, Zhang Kun refused to give up such an opportunity.

A little more strength, when competing for body ownership, can have more chances of winning.

"Drinking alone, young master, don't you feel lonely?"

When the familiar voice came, Zhang Kun was slightly taken aback, but then smiled and said, "Come to my wine table, but you have to pay for the wine."

The barbarian girl grinned when she heard this sentence, she sat across from Zhang Kun without caring, stretched out her white hand and picked up the wine glass: "Why do you care about this little money? As long as you follow me When you go back, you can get countless money and the respect of the barbarians."

"It's boring."

Zhang Kun raised his head and drank some of the wine in his hand, looked at the barbarian woman in front of him, and sighed softly: "It's boring."

Until now, he understood why he hadn't found any maps related to the barbarians for such a long time, nor had he found any trading outlets.

Because these people know that when they come back, they will search everywhere without a map. In the process, their whereabouts will inevitably be exposed.

These barbarians just recognized their fatal weakness and wanted to catch their whereabouts.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Kun kept shouting that it was meaningless.

He really hates the feeling of being controlled by others. This is his determination to practice, no longer be controlled by others, and live a free life.

"Then, I apologize to you on behalf of the priest and the barbarians."

As she spoke, the barbarian woman handed a box in front of Zhang Kun.

(End of this chapter)

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