Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 135 Mysterious Master

Chapter 135 Mysterious Master
Encountering the poisonous miasma beast was an accident of Zhang Kun's sword practice, but thanks to this big guy, Zhang Kun's practice of kendo will go further. It's just that this poisonous miasma beast is pitiful. Zhang Kun came to the east with a sword, and the Chengying sword pierced the mountain wall, awakening the poisonous miasma beast that was sleeping.

Then came the following story. At this moment, Zhang Kun's body was also drained, leaving no vitality left. The sword move inspired by this double sword pattern was too much to consume his vitality.

Immediately Zhang Kun sat down cross-legged. Next to the huge body of the poisonous miasma beast, Zhang Kun looked extremely small. However, as Kunyu Huazhang slowly moved, Zhang Kun's body gradually became transparent and exuded a faint With golden light, the treasure looks solemn like a small Buddha.

The vitality surging up from the sea of ​​qi is constantly impacting and refining Zhang Kun's body. His qi and blood bones have reached the level of the middle stage of the mysterious level as early as in the secret realm of the primitive jungle. There is still a lot of medicine in the body that has not been able to dissipate, taking advantage of this opportunity, it began to emerge from the flesh and blood!
Zhang Kun felt that the muscles all over his body were trembling, and an unbearable itchiness surged up. After the fierce battle, his body showed an open state, and the pure vitality infiltrated and washed his physical body, as if his body Every cell in the body is eagerly absorbing the energy of the outside world!
"Papa papa." Zhang Kun moved his fingers, and immediately made a sonic boom sound like a string of roasted beans. With a low drink, Zhang Kun punched an ancient tree around him. They fell one after another, and there was a burst of flying sand and rocks!When the dust settled down, he looked at the giant tree, only to find that a big hole had been blasted out of the trunk by Zhang Kun!
I am afraid that no ancient martial artist at the Xuan level would dare to follow such an attack, Zhang Kun's punch can kill them, which means that Zhang Kun's physical strength has also reached the peak of the Xuan level!
It seems that Zhang Kun's cultivation speed is very fast, but in fact he has accumulated for a long time, but with the help of the secret realm of the mirror field, it depends on the different speed of time to make people feel fast, but in fact Zhang Kun really It has been almost a year since his practice. Although this speed is still astonishing, it is not unacceptable.

What's more, Zhang Kun now possesses the fifth-grade talent of the human rank, and he is an outstanding genius in a city and a county!
Now Hua Mubai, who is known as the strongest among the young generation in Changyang City, has reached the prefecture-level level at the age of 16. If the different flow rates of the mirror domain time are not counted, Zhang Kun's actual age has also reached 15 years old Well, if he still doesn't have some breakthroughs like this, he will be sorry for his talent and hard work!
After the power of qi and blood broke through, Zhang Kun thought for a moment, and muttered to himself: "Let's break through directly, the foundation is already very solid!"

As soon as he thought about it, the vitality in Zhang Kun's body flowed back into the sea of ​​​​qi. Zhang Kun took two auxiliary pills and began to hit the barrier of the Xuan level.

This is already very easy for him, because it is not the first time he has made a breakthrough, he has broken through to the mysterious level in the illusion, so now it is more handy to practice, and it will come naturally!
As if the river bed had been dug, Yuan Qi flowed in here and opened up the sea of ​​Qi very smoothly. In an instant, Zhang Kun's body was surrounded by a faint golden light, and light golden light radiated from his nostrils, ears, etc. breath!The vitality in the body seemed to be ignited, bursting like lava!

Soon Zhang Kun reached the Xuan rank, and directly promoted back to the middle stage of the Xuan rank. Since Zhang Kun's physical strength has reached the peak of the Xuan rank, it is enough to withstand enough vitality, so as long as Zhang Kun is willing, he can use The power of the elixir directly sent him to the peak of the Xuan rank, but he did not choose to do so.

Because he still wants to lay a solid foundation, he now faintly feels that his understanding of vitality is still very superficial. In this case, mastering more vitality will not help him understand the structure of vitality.

It's not too late to make a breakthrough after he has used his vitality proficiently. After making up his mind, Zhang Kun forcibly suppressed the nearly runaway vitality, channeled it into the meridians and flowed into the limbs, and then stabilized. All the breath was withdrawn from the body, Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes, stood up, patted the dust on his body, and left Changyang Mountain.

Soon this mountain forest became silent, as if no one had been there. After many days, a bold adventurer went deep into this place and found a huge carcass of a poisonous miasma beast. The frightening thing is that the main body was still buried Dismembered and taken away!

Immediately, the news that a mysterious master shot and killed the poisonous miasma beast spread throughout Changyang County. To kill directly with a single sword, who else can do this except Qi trainers who have mastered vitality and swordsmanship?
However, none of the Qi practitioners jumped out and said that they did it by themselves, and everyone's interest gradually shifted away from this matter, until the Qixing Pavilion held another auction, and the finale lot turned out to be a whole five hundred catties of poison Miasma Beast Flesh!
Zhang Kun is also very helpless. The storage ring that Su Fangmeng gave him is very delicate and beautiful, so he has not been willing to change it, but the problem is that the space contained in the storage ring is not large enough, and it is almost full after holding the flesh and blood of the poisonous miasma beast. , and these materials cannot be processed by Zhang Kun now, what he really needs is the venom of the poisonous miasma beast.

That's why it was put up for auction. Of course, Zhang Kun once again hid his identity, dressed in black, handed the poisonous miasma to Elder Lu, and then left in a hurry, because he always felt that Elder Lu's smiling eyes were on his body. Sweeping up and down, making myself uncomfortable.

And he also vaguely guessed that since he appeared at the alchemy event, Elder Lu should have guessed his identity, but it is said that he should not have the strength to defeat the poisonous miasma beast, I hope Elder Lu will attribute all this Let's go to the powerful teacher behind him who doesn't exist.

Now Zhang Kun is not afraid of exposing his own strength, but now he has been targeted by various forces. In troubled times, if he can have less trouble, he will be less burdened. After he has settled all the grievances, he will naturally show own power!

As for the venom of the poisonous miasma beast, Zhang Kun did not mention this material in the pill formula in his hand. After several trials of using it to replace the main drug in other poisons failed, Zhang Kun still temporarily gave up. He still doesn't have the strength to create his own formula.

I am afraid that only those who have reached the realm of alchemy masters can have such a level, but there are exceptions, so the Fuling Qingdan was not created and refined in the alchemy stage?Zhang Kun believes that his talent is not inferior to others, and he will do what others can do, and will do better!
In the end, the venom could only be wronged and could not be refined into poisonous pills. Zhang Kun simply processed them and refined them into a cylinder of sword oil, which can be applied to Dongyue epee and Chengying sword, and it will also play a huge role in battle. The effect is only compared to refining the elixir, which is still a bit wasteful.

Grabbing the three pills that had just been refined, Zhang Kun shook his head. They were all useless pills. He tidied up the alchemy room. Today, he went to Dong Hancheng for advice on how to use the venom of the poisonous miasma beast. Master Dong took a bright look at it. After Zhang Kun, he put forward several proposals as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Kun tried to refine it, but of course it ended in failure. The most painful thing in the life of an alchemist is to study new formulas.

Shaking his drowsy head, he was about to leave Youjia Pharmacy and go to the Zhang family's ancestral house. He still remembered that Zhang Boxiong asked him to go to the mission room to pick up the mission and go to Zhang's secret realm.

Suddenly there was a violent explosion sound behind him, and Zhang Kun turned his head suddenly, only to find that the pill furnace of the medicine shop had exploded from the bottom, and the poisonous miasma beast venom still remaining in it splashed instantly, and everywhere it went was covered with green The venom has eaten away!

"Not good!" Zhang Kun repeatedly said that it was not good. Dong Hancheng was still beside the alchemy furnace, and he couldn't care about himself anymore. He gathered his vitality and rushed into the alchemy room. In the cloud of explosion, he couldn't see Dong Hancheng clearly. Where!

(End of this chapter)

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