Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 137 Don't Say I Bully You

Chapter 137 Don't Say I Bully You

Doctor Wang paused, put down the sharp blade in his hand, frowned and looked very bad, everyone turned their heads away, only to see a 14-year-old boy who was panting through the crowd and walked inside.

"Who are you? Do you know that our miracle doctor Wang is going to treat patients? Get out of here quickly. If you have a mental illness, we don't treat you here!" A sitting doctor looked at Zhang Kun in boredom, and waved his hands to drive him away. shape.

He is the original owner of this medical clinic, and he usually treats patients. This time when Miracle Doctor Wang came, he naturally stayed aside obediently. Zhang Kun disturbed him while holding the golden ticket. Can he not be annoyed?

Zhang Kun glanced coldly at the owner of the clinic, and said lightly: "His illness doesn't need to be amputated. I have a cure!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone seemed to have heard the big joke, and couldn't help laughing wildly with their stomachs in their hands. Is this young man crazy? Didn't he hear that Miracle Doctor Wang had come to a conclusion long ago? This injury can't be cured. !
Immediately, everyone present regarded Zhang Kun as a joke, and stared at him jokingly, expecting to see the embarrassing expression on his face, dare to contradict the genius doctor?There are hello fruits to eat!
Several disciples of Miracle Doctor Wang secretly slandered: "Doctor Wang has a bad temper, this kid is about to be abused!"

"Hehe!" Miracle doctor Wang snorted coldly when he heard the words, naturally he couldn't remain indifferent, what this kid said was completely contrary to his own conclusion, this was a naked slap in the face of himself.

"Boy, don't say I'm bullying you, you said you can heal this man's wound, do you know what kind of poison he has?" Miracle doctor Wang saw that someone was arguing, and handed all the tools in his hand to the disciple next to him, Completely ignoring that Dong Hancheng was still lying there in a coma.

Seeing this, Zhang Kun frowned deeply, his disgust was beyond words, and he shouted in a low voice: "What he was poisoned by was the venom of a poisonous miasma beast, can you stop talking nonsense and delay my treatment of him, I will take yours Dog's life!"

"What did you say!" The owner of the medical center jumped up and pointed at Zhang Kun's head and shouted sharply. He is responsible for receiving visiting doctor Wang. If the old man is unhappy, can he continue to open the medical center? That's a problem!

"Go away!" Zhang Kun waved his hand, wrapped his palm with a little force, and slapped the owner of the medical hall aside. The violent impact made him fall to the corner of the wall. He was not seriously injured, but he was very embarrassed!

Divine doctor Wang was secretly startled: "What, this kid is really right, no, if he really has some way to cure him without amputation, my signboard will be smashed!"

"Aaron, Ahu, get this spoiled brat out of here!" Miracle Doctor Wang waved his hand angrily, and two strong men jumped out from behind him, both of which were at the peak of the Xuan level!

Obviously, although Miracle Doctor Wang is proficient in medical skills, he doesn't know anything about martial arts. Naturally, he needs to rely on his medical skills to hire a few thugs for self-defense. It was Zhang Kun who met!
Zhang Kun frowned. He didn't want to make more troubles. The most important thing now is to treat Dong Hancheng. However, instead of going to treat Dong Hancheng, this miracle doctor Wang is here to prevent Zhang Kun from treating him!

"It seems that we can only defeat them!" Zhang Kun shot quickly, and the two people on the opposite side seemed to be hit by a gust of wind, but Zhang Kun remained motionless, like a stone sculpture, until the moment when the two of them approached his body , he shot like lightning!

"Boom!" The pure power was vividly displayed by Zhang Kun. A beautiful scuffle knocked Aaron to the ground, and he avoided Ahu's punch with his feet. The whip leg kicked out instantly!

As if the sandbag had been broken, Zhang Kun swept the attacking Ah Hu to the ground with a wail, and the gap in strength between the several people was immediately exposed. They had no power to fight back under Zhang Kun's command!
The fighting experience is too poor. Zhang Kun's fighting experience has been honed bit by bit in the secret realm. I don't know how many life-and-death battles he has played. It's just to deal with ordinary people who have no power to restrain chickens!

In front of Zhang Kun, he only had to be beaten. Even if Zhang Kun didn't use any energy, he could beat the two of them. But now time is running out. In order to save Dong Hancheng, Zhang Kun used three points of energy as soon as he came up. Then the gap becomes even more disparity!
"Ah!" The two fell to the ground wailing, and Zhang Kun lightly kicked the two who were blocking the way and walked inside. In the eyes of Doctor Wang, Zhang Kun's slow steps were as terrifying as the bells of hell. , he tremblingly said: "What are you doing, don't come here!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" The two disciples of Miracle Doctor Wang also panicked. Seeing Zhang Kun walking step by step, they quickly found a clean place and knelt down, begging for mercy. .

But Zhang Kun didn't pay attention to the two of them at all. He pushed away the miracle doctor Wang who was standing next to Dong Hancheng's sick bed, and took out a elixir containing abundant spiritual power and sent it to Dong Hancheng's mouth.

Doctor Wang saw this scene, but there was a sneer in his heart. Zhang Kun didn't bother him, so he suddenly started to shriek again, and couldn't help saying: "Hmph, want to use pills to save people? I can't help it." Without reminding you, if it is not a panacea-level pill, it will not work!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone nodded again and again. It is true that the effect of the panacea is very strong, but who can take it out? There are not many families in the entire Changyang County that have panacea. How can a random kid have a panacea? ?
"You'd better shut up. I haven't seen such a noisy guy like you. Get out while I'm in a good mood." Zhang Kun didn't even look at him, but focused on taking the medicine for Dong Hancheng.

"Hehe, you do know some kung fu, so what, does that mean you can save people?" Dr. Wang said sarcastically, "Tell you, boy, if you cure him to death, then It's all your responsibility, so many people are watching!"

"Don't think it's great to have brute force. This is not a world that relies on fists to eat. If you don't have medical skills, don't pretend to be okay!" Doctor Wang chattered, trying to regain the place he lost before, because he knew very well It is impossible for Zhang Kun to have a panacea. No matter how many pills he gave Dong Hancheng, it would be in vain!
"Did you finish your last words?" Zhang Kun has finished feeding the medicine and straightened up. Now he is waiting for the effect of Shengsheng Haohua Pill to take effect slowly. It will take some time, and it does not work directly.

Doctor Wang stared at Dong Hancheng who was in a coma, and when he saw that there was no improvement, he said with a smile: "Everyone has seen it, this villain is a liar, rushed in and injured my people, and even Delaying my treatment of patients is really hateful and hateful!"

"Yeah, don't delay other people's treatment if you don't have the skills!"

"What's the use of brute force? You won't gain the respect of others by beating people indiscriminately!"

Seeing that the wind of public opinion among the onlookers turned instantly, Miracle Doctor Wang and his disciples smiled, and the disciples stopped kowtowing, and stood up one after another to watch Zhang Kun's joke!
However, at this moment, an old and dry voice sounded muddy: "What's wrong with me?"

Zhang Kun hastily held Dong Hancheng's hand excitedly. His poisonous wound on his right arm had been healed, and his fingers could move freely and flexibly.
"Senior Dong, you're awake!" Zhang Kun said pleasantly. This time the accident was caused by someone who deliberately wanted to take revenge on him, and Dong Hancheng was implicated. If Senior Dong lost an arm because of this, Zhang Kun would definitely regret it for the rest of his life. !

Fortunately, he had the Creation Pill left by Gongsun Yangyan on his body, which perfectly healed Dong Hancheng's injury!This time, it was Miracle Doctor Wang's turn to be embarrassed!
Miracle Doctor Wang, who was still chattering and criticizing Zhang Kun, suddenly turned dark. He stared blankly at Dong Hancheng who had recovered to the original state, completely speechless in astonishment!

(End of this chapter)

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