Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 139

Chapter 139
Everyone applauded, Zhang Kun's elixir brought them a lot of benefits, so it was naturally welcomed by them. Seeing their gratitude to Dade, Zhang Kun felt a little at a loss, and he promised to help refine it. The purpose is to practice the technique and speed of alchemy.

It took Zhang Kun an hour to refine the most common Qi-enhancing pills back then, but now it only takes 5 minutes to refine this low-level pill, and two or three pills can be refined in one furnace, effortlessly!Zhang Kun at such a speed can be said to be a money printing machine in the shape of a human. As long as he is given the materials, it will be turned into a medicine in a few minutes, and sold in the market, the value has increased tenfold!
As soon as he entered the mission room of the Zhang family, Zhang Kun went straight to the topic and bowed to the elder in charge of the mission room and asked, "Elder, I want to accept the mission related to my Zhang family's secret realm."

Mr. Zhang in the task house is called Zhang Zhen. When he saw that he was an immature young man, his face immediately turned cold. He waved his hand impatiently to drive Zhang Kun away, and said in his mouth, "Go, go, go to the secret realm with your strength." If you want to die, you should get out of here quickly."

"And I don't have any missions related to the secret realm here, and the secret realm will not be open to disciples of your strength!" Zhang Zhen said, without even looking at the ledger that recorded the missions that had been released, he did it to Zhang Kun. Draw conclusions!

Zhang Kun slightly frowned and said in doubt: "It shouldn't be, the patriarch said that there are missions about the secret realm here. Elder, why don't you check it out first?"

"Investigate what?" Zhang Zhen's bearded eyebrows trembled and said angrily: "If I say no, there is no. Don't you understand, boy? You even brought out the patriarch. Let me tell you, even if the patriarch favors you, it's useless!"

Looking at Zhang Zhen who lost his composure and barked wildly in front of him, Zhang Kun felt a little helpless, obviously he was unable to communicate with such a person, and he probably already guessed the reason, this Zhang Zhen should be Zhang Hanyun's subordinate Ever since he abolished Zhang Xushan's dantian, Zhang Hanyun has been targeting him openly and secretly in the family!
"Okay, if you don't have the strength to take the task, go down quickly! Don't waste our time here, there are still many people queuing up behind!" An impatient voice came from behind, and Zhang Kun could tell that it belonged to the Zhang family Zhang Wei, a direct descendant, was usually on good terms with Zhang Xushan, so naturally he would not give Zhang Kun a good look.

Before Zhang Kun could speak, someone helped him and said, "Why do you talk to alchemist Zhang like this? How many elixirs he has refined for the family, have you not received his favor?"

"Hahaha," Zhang Wei laughed as if he had heard a big joke. He pointed to Zhang Kun and said, "Who cares about the elixir he made? The elixirs bestowed by the elders, not to mention endless!"

"Besides, he is just an alchemist. If he is not attached to a big family, where can he get the alchemy formula and materials?" Zhang Wei laughed and said, "Could it be based on their poor strength?"

As he said that, Zhang Ni grabbed Zhang Kun's clothes corner, trying to pull him away, his inner strength suddenly exploded in his hands, but Zhang Kun stood still, but his hands were numb from the jaws of shock!

"What?" Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Kun's back in surprise, Zhang Kun hadn't turned around to look at him until now, but Zhang Wei had already guessed the contempt in Zhang Kun's eyes!He suddenly felt a burning pain on his face. He just laughed at his weak strength, but his tentative blow failed to shake the opponent at all.

What was even more frightening was that Zhang Wei found that there was no trace of using internal force in Zhang Kun's body, that is to say, Zhang Kun withstood his own blow completely relying on the strength of his physical body.Zhang Kun shook his head silently and said, "Why are there mosquitoes biting people before summer?"

"Damn it, you!" Zhang Wei was so angry that his face turned pale, but he had nothing to do with Zhang Kun and could only wink at Zhang Zhen as a signal.Zhang Zhen immediately understood, patted the table and said: "Enough, I said that I don't have any missions about the secret realm for you, or some kind of patriarch, don't do this to me, leave the mission room now, why don't I cancel the mission you released permission!"

"I really don't know what the patriarch thinks, isn't the elder also wanting to issue a mission?" Zhang Wei muttered to himself, and waved away Zhang Kun impatiently. The other people could only shake their heads, Zhang Kun made the elders angry, and they had nothing to do.

When others were about to read Zhang Kun's joke, a majestic voice sounded: "Who said there is no mission in the secret realm?" Everyone looked behind and saw a tall, burly, calm and experienced middle-aged man standing at the door , hastily bowed and saluted: "Patriarch!"

"Huh!" Zhang Boxiong snorted coldly, walked into the task room, grabbed the brush from Zhang Zhen's hand, and wrote on the task book.Zhang Zhen was taken aback by the sudden change, so he could only stand obediently beside Zhang Zhen, keeping silent like a cicada!
After Zhang Boxiong finished writing in twos and threes, he handed the task book to Zhang Kun and said with a smile, "That's the task."

"Go to the Jedi of the Zhang family in Haomen County, find a piece of glazed stone, hand it over to the family, and reward 5000 taels of gold." Zhang Kun glanced at this concise task, nodded calmly and said: "Okay, I will take it Yes. But can I bring a friend, Mo Xie from the Mo family?"

Zhang Boxiong nodded with a smile and said, "Of course." Immediately, his expression changed 180 degrees, he turned his head to look at Zhang Zhen and shouted angrily, "You said there is no task about the secret realm?"

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Zhen nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice, and shrank his body. The air and arrogance he had faced Zhang Kun just now had completely disappeared. In front of Zhang Boxiong, he seemed like a bird. Like a dog, begging for mercy.

Zhang Zhen's head turned quickly, and he immediately thought of an excuse and said quickly: "Patriarch, listen to my explanation, it is too early for me to enter the Zhang family's Jedi with Zhang Kun's strength, I am doing it for the purpose of protecting him, If something happens to him, wouldn't it be a big loss for my Zhang family?"

Zhang Boxiong glanced coldly at Zhang Zhen, who was smiling all over his face, and scolded: "Hehe, so, should I praise you for being awesome? Then you dare to question my authority to issue missions to Zhang Kun? Is there any kindness in it?"

"Ah?" Zhang Zhen was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to say yes or no, and he couldn't answer the latter question, he was like a sculpture in the middle of it.At this moment, he suddenly regretted it. If he knew it earlier, he would have provoked Zhang Kun, the little evil star.

Zhang Boxiong snorted coldly and said: "I think you are old and dizzy, and you are not suitable to stay in the task house anymore. The Zhang family doesn't need you to continue working. Clean up and go home to take care of yourselves!"

After saying a few words, Zhang Boxiong dropped the writing brush in his hand and made a thumping sound on the table, hitting the hearts of everyone present. His meaning was very obvious. He did not attach much importance to Zhang Kun. To cover it up, for Zhang Kun, he can even directly fire a serving elder!
After Zhang Boxiong left, Zhang Zhen looked at his leaving back with a flash of resentment, and then packed his things with a livid face and prepared to go back. Seeing many people watching him as if watching a joke, he immediately became angry He yelled: "Whatever you look at, it's all gone, there is no task today, no task!"

Glancing lightly at Elder Zhang, who was in crisis of unemployment, Zhang Kun showed a harmless smile, and silently exited the task room.Seeing this, everyone dispersed, and as for Zhang Wei, when Zhang Boxiong left, he ran away in disgrace!
"Zhang Kun, you deliberately concealed your strength to embarrass me. I must get back today's debt in the future!" Zhang Wei made an oath in his heart. Zhang Kun might still care about him before, but now he She didn't take this Zhang Wei seriously at all, and even if he pulled her clothes a little, she didn't bother to argue with him.

A lion is bitten by a dog, will it come back?Unknowingly, Zhang Kun, who was once looked down upon by the entire Zhang family, has gradually reached the point where every member of them must respect him!

(End of this chapter)

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