Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 141 I Didn't Expect It Was Really You!

Chapter 141 I Didn't Expect It Was Really You!
Lifting the heavy Dongyue epee, Zhang Kun turned his back and pointed at the man Ling Ran: "I didn't expect it was really you, Elder Zhang Hanyun!"

"I'm surprised, you're just a alchemist, where did you come from such a high level of cultivation, and you escaped the assassination of the prison blood twice in a row," Zhang Hanyun showed a surprised expression on his gloomy face, and then flashed an evil smile Said: "Then let me kill you, the so-called alchemy genius!"

"You've lost your mind." Zhang Kun said calmly holding his sword, but he was desperately thinking of countermeasures. Although Zhang Hanyun has lost power in the Zhang family, he was also a Qi trainer after he had competed with Zhang Boxiong for the position of patriarch. !

This is an opponent that no matter how Zhang Kun struggles, it is impossible to defeat. The Qi trainer is completely crushed against the ancient martial arts. Even a heavenly warrior cannot survive a round in the hands of the Qi trainer. With the terrifying vitality of the Qi trainer, it is possible to look for opportunities to escape during the fight with the Qi trainer!

Zhang Kun quickly crushed the jade talisman, and now he only had a moment to convey his voice to Su Fangmeng, so he quickly said, "Hurry up and send someone to protect my family! I'm here."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Hanyun let out a cold snort and released the terrifying aura that destroyed the last trace of energy contained in the jade talisman. Zhang Kun frowned, hoping that Su Fangmeng had received his letter!

"I'm insane?" Zhang Hanyun suddenly laughed three times as if he had heard some joke, and then roared at Zhang Kun with red eyes: "You abolished my son and made him unable to practice. As a father, I will do it for you today." He seeks justice!"

"Hehe!" Zhang Kun sneered, gritting his teeth as if his pupils were burning with golden anger, and said, "When you sent someone to kill my father, did you ever think about justice!"

"You are nothing more than ants in my eyes. Kill them whenever you want!" Zhang Hanyun said cold words in his dry throat, and raised his right hand lightly, and the green light began to shine in his hand, which is vitality The power, the vitality that only Qi practitioners can control, is oppressing everyone present!

"Retreat, retreat quickly, Mr. Zhang Hanyun, the deposit will be returned to you soon!" The masked killers backed away quietly, obviously they also thought that this place should not stay for a long time, in their eyes Zhang Kun was already a cold corpse , Qi practitioners do it themselves, how can there be no reason for immortality?
"Hmph, a bunch of waste!" Zhang Hanyun glanced coldly at these prison blood killers. If they hadn't been unable to kill Zhang Kun twice in a row, he didn't have to do it himself. Under the tracking and monitoring of the police, the news of his attack will soon reach the Zhang family!

So he tried his best to get rid of Zhang Kun in other ways that would not affect him, but now he has no patience to wait any longer. Zhang Kun's growth rate far exceeded his expectations, and he also heard that Zhang Kun There is an inescapable connection between Kun and the empire's number one alchemist, Gongsun Yangyan!
This not only failed to make him use the mouse, but stimulated his desire to get rid of Zhang Kun!This son must not stay!

Zhang Kun moved his hands, and then two or three jade bottles appeared in his hands out of thin air. He threw them into the hands of Mo Xie who was next to him, and said quickly, "Go to Haomen County quickly, and use these pills to ask the strong to help!"

Mo Xie quickly took over the jade bottle sent by Zhang Kun, and his eyebrows and eyes were also extremely heavy. Although Zhang Hanyun had no grievances or enmity with him, if he shot Zhang Kun here, he would definitely destroy the traces and would never let himself go leave alive.

Normally, they would take Mo Xie's status as the young master of the Mo family into consideration, but now Zhang Hanyun has put all his eggs in one basket!Even if you make yourself feel fishy, ​​it won't leave a curse!
Mo Xie hurriedly ran towards Haomen County, he believed in Zhang Kun's alchemy skills, and the elixir given to him would definitely be able to invite experts to deal with Zhang Hanyun, but the problem now was how to stand out from the encirclement!
"Don't leave, Mo's child!" Zhang Hanyun scolded angrily, and the dark green light in his hand was about to burst out. Mo Xie ran desperately, only to feel that his back was getting hotter and hotter. Just as he was about to take out a sharp weapon to resist, the light behind There was a sharp sound of metal clashing!

He turned his head and saw that Zhang Kun, who was bathed in golden light and starlight, was holding a slender blade in his hand and fighting with Zhang Hanyun's fist!Seeing Zhang Kun bursting out with all his strength, Mo Xie was extremely surprised. How did he manage to fight the Qi trainer?
"Let's go!" Zhang Kun shouted anxiously, a terrifying force came from the Chengying Sword in his hand, and it would burn him to death in minutes, if it wasn't for the high-grade Chengying Sword itself to resist Without Zhang Hanyun's vitality, Zhang Kun has turned into dust at this moment!
"Go!" Mo Xie gritted his teeth and sped up his feet again. He knew that Zhang Kun's state might not last long. If he couldn't find a helper before he couldn't hold on, the two of them would still be finished!

Zhang Hanyun was shocked suddenly. He was about to kill Mo Xie who was protruding from the encirclement, but he didn't expect an invisible blade to point directly at his throat. Under Zhang Kun's attack!

However, what surprised him was that Zhang Kun didn't fly upside down as he expected, but was firmly crucified in front of him. A Qi trainer like Zhang Hanyun couldn't escape from Zhang Kun's attack for a while. He freed his hand, and could only watch Mo Xie run away!

Moreover, the extremely sharp Chengying Sword domineeringly left a bloodstain on his palm!After all, it can even penetrate the mountain wall, but Zhang Hanyun's hands can't be as strong as the mountain wall!

"You guys, stop him quickly, rewards, I will give you double the rewards!" Zhang Hanyun said anxiously, offering higher commissions to those hell-blooded killers.

However, the prison blood killers shook their heads and kept backing away, their eyes were full of awe, but they were not for Zhang Hanyun, their awe was because of Zhang Kun!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang Hanyun. After two failures, my prison blood will never kill again. This is the iron law." The prison blood killer said in a cold voice with his face covered. The aura erupting from the body was so majestic, giving them a faint sense of coercion!
Even though Zhang Kun's power seems to be very thin, its mass is several times higher than Zhang Hanyun's vitality. This pure power of the stars is urging the ancient magic soldiers, Cheng Yingjian slowly recovers, and the released The fluctuation shook everyone in the entire wasteland!

"Damn it," Zhang Hanyun's face turned cold again, and he roared ferociously, "Then go to hell with me!" As he spoke, he slapped Zhang Kun with his palm, and then hit the ground with another palm. Under the blessing of vitality, the Qi trainer, The strength of his physical fitness has reached an unbelievable level for an ancient martial arts practitioner, and the ground seems to be trembling with one palm!
Zhang Kun raised the Yingying Sword horizontally, and the power in his body surged madly, able to block Zhang Hanyun's angry blow, but it made his tiger's mouth numb, and spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organ fragments. The strength of the Qi practitioner is too strong Horror, even with the Shadow Bearing Sword resisting it, the aftermath still made him retreat dozens of steps before stopping!

Zhang Hanyun's slap to the ground exploded in the next moment, as if experiencing an earthquake, the sky shook, and those hell-blooded killers were not as lucky as Zhang Kun, and they were directly swallowed by the cracked ground. While fleeing in a hurry, gaps suddenly opened under his feet!
"Zhang Hanyun, aren't you afraid that my prison blood will send a human-level killer to chase you down!" The prison blood killer ran away in a panic, threatening from time to time.

Zhang Hanyun sneered and said, "Just you ants, if you die, you die, who cares?" After finishing speaking, watching the last prison blood killer being swallowed by the earthquake, he quickly flipped his hands up and down, drawing an extremely mysterious picture. Sigil!

Then the sigil turned into spots of light and merged into his eyes, and his sinister eyes became even more frightening at the moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Zhang Kun, and said with a slight movement of his mouth: "The heavens burn! "

(End of this chapter)

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