Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 143 Run!

Chapter 143 Run!
"Send someone to protect my family! I'm here." Zhang Kun's eager words came, and Su Fangmeng, who was discussing family affairs with her father, was startled. She touched the jade talisman in her bosom, and it was indeed shattered. It means that Zhang Kun has crushed the jade talisman!
Zhang Kun was in danger, but he didn't finish his sentence. Su Fangmeng didn't know where Zhang Kun was. He and Mo Xie only knew that he and Mo Xie were going to Haomen County to enter Zhang's Jedi today. According to the time, they should be close Haomen County is here!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun encountered an accident. Judging from Zhang Kun's tone, he must have been intercepted halfway!

Su Fangmeng stood up abruptly, put down the heavy family chores, and said to his father, "Zhang Kun is in danger!" His beautiful eyes were full of worry, and the frown was particularly affectionate.

"What? What's going on, who has the guts!" Su Yin was shocked. The Su family had long regarded Zhang Kun as a treasure, not to mention his talent and potential, but only because he could make Gongsun Yangyan From the point of view of visiting Changyang City in person and refining the Shengsheng Huadan, Zhang Kun has a reason to let the Su family protect it!
"Hurry up, tell me where he is, and I'll send someone to find him!" At this moment, Su Yin was as anxious as if Su Fangmeng had been kidnapped. If something really happened to Zhang Kun, it would be a big deal for the Su family. It was a huge loss, and if Gongsun Yangyan blamed the Su family for not doing enough to protect them in a fit of rage, the Su family would be doomed even more!

Didn't you see what happened to the Ou family? It's just a word from Gongsun Yangyan, no one dares to refine medicine for them!
Su Fangmeng quickly told Su Yin where Zhang Kun might appear. Su Yin didn't delay at all. It was like a huge machine in an instant. The whole Su family started to act. Su Fangmeng pulled Su Yin who was about to go out and said: "Zhang Kun also asked us to send people to protect his family!"

"I'll take people there myself!" Su Yin said very seriously, if anyone really wanted to target Zhang Kun's parents, they should have taken action by now. Always protect Zhang Kun and his family!

"Me, I'll go too!" Su Fangmeng said with a serious face. She hadn't met Zhang Kun's parents yet, but she also didn't want anything wrong with them. She didn't want Zhang Kun to be sad.

The Su family immediately took action, and there seemed to be an undercurrent in the entire Changyang City. Not only the Su family, but also other forces were involved. For a while, all the big families in the city moved around Zhang Kun alone!

Zhang Hanyun's sinister smile was always on his face, he stopped talking nonsense, his goal had been achieved, in his eyes Zhang Kun had already fallen into the grief of losing his parents and relatives, and he had no ability to fight at all.

He greedily looked at the Chengying Sword still held in Zhang Kun's hand. He attributed all the reasons why Zhang Kun could resist his attack to this mysterious weapon. If he killed Zhang Kun now, he would get With this magic weapon, Zhang Hanyun's strength will increase several times!
At that time, neither Zhang Boxiong nor other forces in Changyang City can stop his rising ambitions. After all, this is a world where strength is paramount. Under absolute strength, all schemes will be useless.

Zhang Hanyun, who took out the golden scissors, felt that he was sure of winning, and without injecting too much vitality, he swung the golden scissors at Zhang Kun's head, as if he had seen the scene of Zhang Kun's head falling to the ground!

However, the next moment, he opened his eyes wide, and a terrifying aura rushed towards his face. The sudden change made him take a few steps back, and he murmured in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

I saw Zhang Kun, who had kept his head down all the time, as if he had resigned himself to his fate, suddenly raised his head, with a flash of determination in his eyes!
He said silently in his heart: "Father, the child is unfilial and cannot avenge you. Mother, the child is unfilial and cannot serve you. Wang Meng, I'm sorry."

The reluctance and attachment in my heart lingered in my mind, and then it passed by in a flash, replaced by burning anger!At this moment, he has grasped the Yingying Sword, and the power of the stars transmitted from the distant mirror field shines in it, and the sword body has turned into light!
And the vitality flowing in the body also burned up, Kunyu Huazhang was running to the extreme, Zhang Kun seemed to see a few golden characters appearing in front of his eyes, and his eyes had already turned into fire!

The sad emotions were left behind for the time being, and all Zhang Kun's energy was focused on what he was going to do next, one, two, three, and five blood Luo Dan bit his stomach, such a crazy move made His whole body was agitated.

"This blow is not for anything else," Zhang Kun muttered to himself, "It's just for the ultimate in the way of swords that I understand!" Unprecedented transparency, the sharp sword intent spread from his body, this heart has turned into a sword!
"It's over, Zhang Kun, go to hell!" Zhang Hanyun seemed to yell out his throat, and swung the golden scissors with all his strength, because he actually felt a little scared, wanted to surrender, wanted to retreat!

"You are the one who is going to die!" The vitality and the power of the stars in Zhang Kun's body fused and collided together, reaching a new height. This power seemed to evoke the memory of Chengying Sword, and a phantom of a man in a blue shirt appeared. He raised his hand and waved lightly, and all the gods and demons disappeared in smoke!

This is the source of Zhang Hanyun's fear. At this moment, he seems to be facing a powerful existence that he has never seen before, and he almost wants to put down his weapon and bow down!
One after another of the sword patterns on the Chengying Sword in Zhang Kun's hand suddenly lit up, as bright and gorgeous as a galaxy. His eyes were burning with golden flames, and he shouted in a low voice: "Sword Style Annihilation!"

Zhang Kun held Chengying tightly, as if he was holding an ancient dragon in his hands!His body turned into a stream of light, as if he had merged into the sword, and suddenly he collided with Zhang Hanyun's golden scissors!
"It's impossible, it's too scary!" Zhang Hanyun only had one thought in his head at the moment, that is, run!He couldn't understand how Zhang Kun did all of this. In short, it was definitely not a force he could resist!

The power released by that breath was far beyond his comprehension. He didn't dare to bet on how powerful Zhang Kun's sword was. He just wanted to run and avoid Zhang Kun's attack!
That fearful thought dominated him, and even made him forget at this moment that he was the qi trainer who was in charge of life and death just now, and Zhang Kun was just a mere ancient martial arts practitioner. Blood Rodan, using the power of the stars to activate the Shadow Sword, can only pose a threat to the innate powerhouse!

In fact, he could withstand this blow, but the fear was so deep-rooted that he ignored the absolute strength gap between the two!He even forgot to resist, bursts of destructive waves came from his body, half of his right leg was directly destroyed, and his vitality was gone!

"Damn! What kind of evildoer is that!" For the first time, Zhang Hanyun thought of regret. He knew that he should not have provoked Zhang Kun, nor should he have attacked his father, and he should not have participated in the conspiracy of the Ou family!
"This is here, please everyone!" Mo Xie's voice came, and three innate powerhouses rushed out behind him. Looking at Zhang Hanyun who was fleeing in a panic, they couldn't help asking in confusion: "Who is the person to save?" him?"

Mo Xie also looked at Zhang Hanyun who fled in amazement, shook his head numbly, looked at Zhang Kun who was exuding boundless vigor on the other side and said: "If I'm not mistaken, we should save him!"

At this time, after Zhang Kun struck out with a sword, he was already out of strength, and the sword intent around his body was restrained. He suddenly fell down, closed his eyes, and fell into a coma. Seeing this, Zhang Hanyun wanted to kill a carbine, but he saw Mo Xie had brought people to arrive, so he could only spit and fled to the distance!

One of his legs was cut off by Zhang Kun, so he could only crawl on the ground in a state of embarrassment!

"Zhang Kun!" Mo Xie quickly stepped forward to support Zhang Kun, fumbled for a few pills from his body, and put them into his mouth, then said to the innate masters who were stunned in place: "It's the one in front of you!" That lame one, hurry up and chase after him!"

(End of this chapter)

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