Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 155 Who is calling me

Chapter 155 Who is calling me
And the faces of Zhou Xuan and Tang Xuansui here are not good-looking at all, it can be said that they are extremely ugly, Zhou Xuan said coldly: "Boy, you have to think clearly, you offended the two of us, Changyang There is no place for you in the two counties of Hezhou and Hezhou!"

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I'm sorry, I have something to do just now." Zhang Kun touched his nose, and felt as if he looked at the embarrassment of the two, but he still endured it and went back.

"Damn it, who do you think you are?" Tang Xuansui's temper has always been very bad. Zhang Kun's repeated ignorance and provocation made him completely angry. He said angrily: "Your Marquis of Changyang will invite a few civilians It is because of the generosity of the old man that his children participated, but it does not mean that you have the same status as us, do you understand?"

The secluded corner where Zhang Kun is sitting is also the place that he intends to leave for the children of common people, so there are a few honest-looking people behind him who are dressed in shabby clothes. Hearing Tang Xuansui's clamor, he was a little scared , Several of them hurriedly pulled up their legs and ran away, swearing in their hearts that they would never participate in such things that did not belong to their own class in the future.

Zhang Kun looked at the back of them leaving helplessly, shook his head, sat still in his position, not at all shivering, and quietly watched Tang Xuansui's performance.

"And we have the right and qualification to let you, a commoner, get out!" Tang Xuansui became angry all of a sudden, and he rolled up his sleeves to grab Zhang Kun's collar, trying to "please" him. "Go out of Tan Palace.

Zhang Kun suddenly became a little annoyed, and slapped the hand that Tang Xuansui extended to the side, and he was about to shoot with the power of Qi and blood. At this time, Su Fangmeng stood in front of him and shouted softly: "You are not allowed!" Brother Zhang Kun who bullied me!"

"Zhang Kun?" Tang Xuansui was hit in the wrong hand and was in pain. Before he could recover, he heard the name and was stunned.

"What, he is Zhang Kun?" Everyone was surprised, looking at Zhang Kun's plain face, it was completely inconceivable.

"Impossible, how is it possible, you are Zhang Kun?" Zhou Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth in disbelief, not believing that the elder brother Zhang Kun that Su Fangmeng was talking about was him!
"Hmph, Wang Meng, you'd better not protect this kid, he can't be Zhang Kun, don't think that you can help him get away with this!" Tang Xuansui looked at the calm Zhang Kun with cold eyes, very Said in disbelief.

Zhang Kun is one of the best geniuses in Changyang City, a rising star in the alchemy world. There are rumors that several major events in Changyang City are related to this 14-year-old boy, so he must be a certain young man Yes, come here from other counties or even royal cities or imperial capitals!
In short, it won't be this inconspicuous little thing in front of me. Those rich ladies also showed suspicious eyes, and even a few showed contemptuous smiles, shook their heads and said, "Sister Mengmeng is really stupid. That trash acting as Zhang Kun is really a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man!"

"Maybe it's that kid's rhetoric that deceived sister Mengmeng. Her words that she doesn't understand men at a young age are all routines!" A rich lady commented sharply.

"Hehe, it seems that you are pretending to be Zhang Kun and cheating Su Fangmeng!" Tang Xuansui immediately found a way to criticize Zhang Kun, and seized this breakthrough point to humiliate Zhang Kun contemptuously.

Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly, he was very puzzled, how did these rich kids grow their brains, does he still need to prove himself that he is Zhang Kun, is that to prove that my mother is my mother?
"Since this is the case, I think it is necessary to check whether he is qualified to participate in this treasure exhibition." Zhou Xuan spread out a fan, waved the breeze, and said calmly, but there was a murderous intent hidden in his words .

"That's right, boy, you need an invitation letter to participate in the Treasure Exhibition. Where's your invitation letter?" Tang Xuansui said domineeringly, and stretched out a hand to ask Zhang Kun for an invitation letter.

Zhang Kun shrugged his shoulders, and said disappointedly: "I thought that the children of your family were all educated and reasonable, but I didn't expect that they just studied deeply in the aspect of pruning people. Okay, this is my invitation letter, you Take a good look and then shut your mouth."

"Hmph, you're good at talking!" Tang Xuansui took the purple invitation letter handed over by Zhang Kun, looked at it from top to bottom and then laughed, then raised the invitation letter and waved it over his head. : "Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, this person used such a fake as an invitation letter, thinking how great he is!"

"Hahaha, it really made me laugh!"

"Oh, it's really bad, my stomach hurts from laughing!"

"Oh, help me up, laugh at me and fall down, just give him this one just now, today's treasure exhibition is not in vain!" Everyone laughed, it turned out that all Zhang Kun's so-called confidence came from That fake invitation letter in his hand?

Snatching the invitation letter from Tang Xuansui, Zhang Kun looked at Su Fangmeng with some doubts and asked, "What's the problem?"

"Brother Zhang Kun, our invitation letter is yellow." As Su Fangmeng took out her invitation letter from her waist, it was yellow as expected. It was different from Zhang Kun's except for the color, and there were fewer marks of the county magistrate on it. A few.

Zhang Kun frowned, could it be that the one in his hand is a fake?No way!Just when he fell into doubt, a burst of noise rang in his ears one after another!

"Get out, get out, staying here is really desecrating this place!" Everyone shouted in unison, and several of them had already instructed their own slaves to surround Zhang Kun, and wanted to drive him out here!

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Tang Xuansui stood aside with a smile on his face as if his scheme had succeeded. He enjoyed this moment very much. His rival in love was exposed to his false identity face to face, and even shouted by everyone. Hit, don't mention how comfortable this refreshing feeling is!

"What do you want to see?" Su Fangmeng looked coldly at the people surrounding him, and sternly reprimanded. As soon as he raised his arms, several servants of the Su family stood up and stared at Tang Xuansui. People, suddenly the scene is full of swords and swords, like a powder keg full of explosives!
At this time, Ou Duo, the current head of the Ou family, came in. He was delayed for some things before he came to the treasure exhibition. Before he had time to go to his seat, he saw Tang Xuansui with a group of People surround a person.

Ou Duo took a closer look, and it turned out to be Zhang Kun. He frowned immediately, and after thinking for a while, he pretended not to see it. He walked to the seat on his own, picked up a cup of tea, and tasted it as if nothing had happened.

After all, the Ou family still didn't completely submit to Zhang Kun. How could it be possible for you to let a noble Qi trainer bow his head to a Xuan-level ancient warrior?You can pretend to be respectful in front of you, but now you can also pretend not to see this situation. Ou Duo showed a faint smile, tilted his head, and looked to the other side.

"I don't have anything to say, boy, do you go out by yourself, or should we invite you out?" Tang Xuansui looked at Zhang Kun jokingly, this time he has the chance to win, it doesn't matter if you are Zhang Kun, it doesn't matter Is there Su Fangmeng guarding you, you dare to fool in with a fake invitation letter?

"Hehe, boy, it's not bad for you to go out now. If Qin Liangjie, the county lord, comes and finds out, it's not as simple as being kicked out. He will definitely make you unable to eat!" For your good appearance, he pointed Zhang Kun earnestly.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone suddenly focused all their eyes on him, and the audience fell silent for an instant!

"Who is calling me by my name inside?" A majestic voice sounded like Huang Zhong Dalu came from outside the door. Tang Xuansui turned his head to look at it at a loss, his eyes widened immediately, and he quickly covered it with his hand. own mouth.

I saw a man wearing a deep purple robe and a golden crown coming from the door, and the guards on both sides moved away in awe.He walked straight to this side and asked angrily, "Who told him to get out?"

(End of this chapter)

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