Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 157 Jumping the beam clown

Chapter 157 Jumping the beam clown
Seeing the friendly tone of the other party, Zhang Kun politely cupped his hands and said, "I met Brother Xu. I am a native of Changyang City."

"Hahaha, I greeted you both before I introduced you." Qin Liangjie stroked his long beard and said.

"Both of you are rare geniuses. Seeing you today should be a hero. Zhang Kun is a miracle in the alchemy world of Changyang City. He reached the third level of alchemy at the age of 14. It seems that his martial arts cultivation is not weak. Bar!"

Qin Liangjie did not take the initiative to investigate Zhang Kun's martial arts cultivation status. Judging from the aura emanating from his surface, it is easy to treat him as an ordinary person with no cultivation base at all. The record of shots, so there is also a rough judgment on Zhang Kun's strength.

Zhang Kun nodded silently. If he was an ordinary person, he would jump three feet high with joy after receiving such a performance from the Marquis of the county, and then pretended to be modest and said no, but Zhang Kun seemed not to be flattered or humiliated. Whether it was ridiculed by the audience or praised by the county lord now, he took it lightly.

Those people are just clowns, why bother with them?
"And this Xu Heyu came to my Changyang City as a guest from Wojiawangcheng. He is just 16 years old this year and has prefecture-level strength. Limited!"

"The Marquis of the county has won the prize. I am just relying on some talents. I am not as good as Brother Zhang Kun. It is well known that the way of alchemy requires great wisdom and perseverance to understand, and my strength has not improved for a long, long time." Xu There was regret in He Yu's tone.

Zhang Kun smiled noncommittally when he heard the words. Naturally, geniuses like Xu Heyu often use elixirs to speed up their cultivation. Now he said that it is difficult to improve their strength. I am afraid that they cannot be improved with elixirs. They need to be realized in battle. Only then can he deepen his cultivation!

"Hey, this beautiful girl is from which family, I have never seen such a beautiful woman in Wangcheng!" Xu Heyu actually noticed Su Fangmeng behind Zhang Kun very early on.

Although she is only 14 years old, Su Fangmeng has become exquisite and graceful like a flower that has just opened its buds. Coupled with her vaguely leisurely temperament, it is really a good choice for a man. A very deadly temptation.

Even Xu Heyu, who boasted that he had seen countless women in Wojiawangcheng, couldn't help admiring him.

Su Fangmeng nodded to him politely and said with a polite smile: "Su family, Su Fangmeng." After speaking, she turned her eyes back to Zhang Kun.Seeing this, Xu Heyu looked away reluctantly, at this moment Qin Liangjie said: "You guys are watching, the treasure exhibition is about to start!"

Immediately, everyone was attracted by the treasure exhibition that started off the field. The sensation caused by Zhang Kun subsided temporarily. After all, the protagonists this time were the treasures who were about to appear on the stage!

All the patriarchs also returned to the boxes assigned by their families. Of course, they can only sit on the second floor, and only Qin Liangjie himself and the mysterious Tangong master can sit on the entire third floor.

The significance of the treasure exhibition this time is extraordinary, and it is a very good opportunity for the families of Changyang City to show their own strength. The strength of your own power!

As a giant auction house that exists in the entire empire, Seven Star Pavilion will naturally not miss this treasure exhibition. Not only did it bring the collected treasures to the venue for display, but it also contracted to host the exhibition this time!

Standing in the focus of everyone's attention is Zhang Kun's old acquaintance, Elder Lu. He also dressed up for such an occasion, and his gray hair was neatly tied behind his head. The reason why Qixing Pavilion sent him One of the reasons for hosting this treasure exhibition is because he made a fortune for the Seven Star Pavilion in Changyang City through Zhang Kun!
Not only that, because of his outstanding achievements, and the fact that the branch master of the Seven Star Pavilion in Changyang City is old, it is very likely that the position of Pavilion Master will be passed on to him. Elder Lu is now a big celebrity in the Seven Star Pavilion.

"Everyone, everyone is welcome to participate in the five-yearly treasure exhibition. In the past five years, under the leadership of our Changyang City Marquis Qin, the weather in Changyang has been smooth, the country is prosperous and the people are safe. It is really the great fortune of Changyang and the great fortune of the people!" Lu Lu The elder seemed extraordinarily passionate today, and spoke to the guests in the Sandalwood Palace.

Immediately there was thunderous applause from the audience. Qin Liangjie's achievements in Changyang over the years are still very recognized and affirmed, and everyone is more convinced of this foundation-builder who was directly sent from the central government of the empire to manage Changyang City. At this time, Elder Lu also gave The rhythm was well grasped and he said loudly: "Let us thank Qin Junhou together!"

Immediately everyone cheered in unison. Qin Liangjie’s box on the third floor can see the situation below, and the special material of its windows can also let the people below see the situation in the box, so Qin Liangjie smiled at the crowd below A wave of greetings!He hosted the treasure exhibition this time, and at the same time conveyed to everyone the scene of the development and progress of Changyang's overall strength.

And Zhang Kun and Xu Heyu were standing on both sides of Qin Liangjie, so everyone could see it.They gasped and recognized the two of them. They didn't expect Qin Liangjie to give this honor to the two young boys!

Zhang Kun had also met Zhang Kun in the farce just now, but it was the first time they saw this green-haired young man, but considering that he could stand beside Qin Liangjie like Zhang Kun, everyone didn't care at all. Dare to despise.They all cast envious glances, of course only limited to the children of the aristocratic family, and when they reach the level of Patriarch and Elder, they will naturally not be jealous of the two juniors.

"Okay, let's not gossip, let's take a look at the first exhibit. According to the donor's wishes, this exhibit can also be auctioned!" Elder Lu introduced passionately.Everyone expected this, saying that it was a treasure exhibition, but most of the treasures are not just for people to see, they can still be bought by bidding!
After Elder Lu finished speaking, several people pushed a small cart covered with red cloth to the booth. Elder Lu pretended to be mysterious and said: "Everyone knows, what is the most important thing for Qi practitioners? Cultivation method? Martial arts? Or a handy weapon?"

"Now let's look at the first exhibit," Elder Lu said as he lifted the red cloth off the trolley. The first exhibit revealed its true appearance. Cold blue-gold ore!

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed again and again, someone had already recognized what it was, Elder Lu introduced in a timely manner: "I think everyone has already guessed a little bit, this is the night porcelain mined in the depths of the Yunge Mountains thousands of miles away. Spar!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present couldn't hold back their emotions. The night porcelain spar was a mysterious ore that was said to be able to absorb the power of the night, and it was also an extremely rare and precious material for weapon processing!
With the magic weapon made of this material, the power can be greatly improved, and it is very easy to manufacture the rare middle-grade magic weapon, and it comes with special effects. It has always been praised and sought after by the majority of Qi practitioners. Sold for sky-high prices at auctions.

Moreover, this piece of night porcelain spar seems to be of extremely high quality, and it also exudes a faint mist, which is a manifestation of the pure energy inside the ore.In the private room of the stands on the second floor, an elder of the family said with a smile: "My Bai family discovered the porcelain spar by accident this night. I didn't expect to discover a whole vein of mine at one time, and this is how the Bai family has the scale it is today. And the ones on display are the best of the night porcelain spar, my Bai family tried many methods and couldn't smelt it, the things are indeed treasures, it depends on whether you have the ability to refine them into weapons!"

This time at the Treasures Exhibition, the first exhibit ignited the atmosphere in the venue explosively, and people chattered about it immediately. Many people originally wanted to buy it, but after hearing what the elders of the Bai family said, they also You have to weigh whether you have the ability to use the night porcelain spar!

(End of this chapter)

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