Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 159 Blackmailing the Su Family

Chapter 159 Blackmailing the Su Family
With a bang, many people stood up suddenly from their positions. The news was too explosive. How could this small pot have such powerful power?You must know that destroying a Changyang city is absolutely impossible with just a few strong Qi practitioners!

And how did this little jar manage to destroy half of Changyang City?No one knew the answer, so they could only stare blankly at the elders of the Zhao family, expecting them to give an explanation. Under the gaze of everyone, the elders of the Zhao family spoke slowly.

"We named it the Tianxuan Cup. After our research, I think it is a weapon, but we don't know who made it." The Zhao family elder said solemnly, obviously this is not an ordinary thing. Although it is impossible to clarify its purpose, it is an object that makes people feel extraordinary at first glance.

"In addition, we think it may be something like a key. If it is activated successfully, you can get the treasure in the cup. Obviously, it is a treasure far beyond our understanding!" said the elder Zhao.

"The current state of the Profound Sky Cup should be sealed. Judging from the purity of the energy contained in it, as long as it is activated, no one can stop the power it releases!" Zhao's elder said coldly : "If any of you here don't believe it, you can also go forward and feel the power in it."

After hearing the words of the elders of the Zhao family, everyone gasped. Zhang Kun frowned and cast his eyes on the cup of Tianxuan. Although it was far away, he could already feel the inside of the cup of Tianxuan Contains a complex formation.

In fact, refining pills and drawing formations have some similarities. They are both a process that requires the energy extracted from the materials to be arranged and constructed to increase or weaken the properties of the materials themselves.

"Then I'll give it a try!" A person who didn't believe that the Tianxuan Cup had such a terrifying power walked up it, and after observing it closely, he said with a gloomy face: "It is indeed as the elder of the Zhao family said, This thing is too dangerous!"

That person is not an ordinary person, he is also a Qi trainer, but after he observed the cup of Profound Sky closely, he felt fear. With a touch of charm, that is the power that can only be possessed by Taoism!
The Magical Artifacts are used by the Qi Practitioners of the two realms of Qi Cultivation and Foundation Establishment, while the Qi Practitioners of the Jindan Realm use rarer and more precious Dao Artifacts that can be called the most important weapons of the country!
Everyone's expression changed instantly. At this moment, the Tan Palace is almost full of the top high-ranking figures of Changyang City. Such a dangerous thing is placed in the center of the booth. What should we do if an accident occurs?The entire Changyang City must be erased from the territory of the Xiaoshuo Empire!
Immediately, many people raised objections. They believed that such a terrible weapon should be permanently sealed up, or find a way to destroy it!An atmosphere of panic began to pervade the sandalwood palace, and some timid people couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Seeing the people in the Sandalwood Palace clamoring, the elder Zhao cleared his throat and said, "You don't need to worry at all, because I dare say that no one can activate this thing, so it is absolutely safe!"

Qin Liangjie looked at the Tianxuan Cup seriously and said, "How strong is the power to activate it?"

"The Cup of Profound Sky can only be activated with a one-time burst of high-intensity energy. My Zhao family once united with the hands of several elders of the big clans, but even with all my strength, I couldn't activate it!" The elder Zhao said quietly.

Hearing these words, everyone was more or less relieved, otherwise, if this time bomb was placed here, their little lives would be gone.But in this way, isn't the Tianxuan Cup just a useless waste product?
"If you can't activate it, then what's the use of it? It can't hold much water!" At this moment, everyone is puzzled. Although the cup of Tianxuan contains endless threats, it is like an extinct volcano, which has been destroyed forever. There is no possibility of eruption, so what is its value?
The elders of the Zhao family smiled casually: "It depends on everyone's ability. I, the Zhao family, let it out, and hope that everyone in Changyang City can think of a way to use it!"

Everyone was silent after hearing this. The significance of the Profound Sky Cup is indeed extraordinary. It can be said that it has infinite possibilities. Its function should not be used as a weapon like the Zhao family claimed, but Zhao Now that the owner has taken it out for transfer, they can't activate it on the one hand, and they can't get any more value from it on the other hand.

What made everyone even more speechless was that there had never been any precedent for such a thing as the Profound Sky Cup, and its value was a mystery. Bidding on it was like gambling!

"Everyone, because the value of this exhibit is special, we don't set a reserve price, and the minimum price increase is 1 taels of gold."

Swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, all the Patriarchs looked at each other in blank dismay. The powerful fluctuations of the Dao Artifact made them look greedy. Shot, they all fell into silence.

"10 taels!" The first quotation appeared. It was the Liang family where Liang Lingyou was. For those who study novelty, it can be said that the cup of Tianxuan is attractive enough to him!
"15!" "20 taels!" "Add another 30, [-]!"

After making a beginning, the family heads present couldn't sit still one after another, making repeated moves, raising the price of the Tianxuan Cup to a peak!The attraction of Dao artifacts to them is too great. If it weren't for the special cup of Tianxuan, which cannot be used normally, such things as Dao artifacts cannot be bought with gold at all!

In Wojia King City and Xiaoshuo Imperial Capital, Qi practitioners basically use crystals rich in this energy, such as primordial stones, as exchange items when trading. Gold, a worldly currency, is no longer useful, so If they can buy a Dao artifact here with a few 10 taels of gold, it would be a piece of cake from the sky!
Zhang Kun looked at Su Fangmeng, who had a calm face beside her. She didn't panic at all. Seeing the price of the Tianxuan Cup soared, she also maintained her usual indifferent temperament until the price rose repeatedly at 10,000+. , She said like a yellow oriole's first cry: "50 taels."

Su Fangmeng's clear and pleasant voice resounded throughout the Sandalwood Palace, and everyone focused their attention on Su Fangmeng in the box on the third floor. After she bid 50 taels, everyone was amazed, because they were surprised by Su Fangmeng's face. Did not see the slightest wave!

At such a young age, she is already in charge of such a huge Su family, and the price is 50 yuan when she makes a move, but her pure and flawless face does not have the slightest panic or tension, with a calm and calm expression on her face, Zhang Kun smiled Smiling, he thought of another girl.

Xuan'er, who once helped him call the bid in the box of the Seven Star Pavilion, had tried her best to muster up the courage to call [-] at that time.Zhang Kun's smile made many people itch in secret, this kid is actually so close to Su Fangmeng!

After Su Fangmeng made the bid, all the patriarchs in the Tan Palace temporarily forgot the bid, and it took a while for someone to remember it, and quickly raised the price: "51!"

Zhang Kun glanced at the bidder. It seemed that he was from the Wang family. The Wang family was a medium-sized family attached to the Zhao family. It was about the same size as Zhang Kun's Zhang family. It joined the competition for the Tianxuan cup in the Su family. The first moment after that, the Wang family made a move.

Apparently, this is a move that the Zhao family has arranged to drive up the price, so that the Su family can pay a higher price to buy the Tianxuan cup. In fact, the Zhao family knows very well that they are playing this trick to plot against the Su family. The cup is useless in their hands.

Since the Zhao family has nothing to do, the other small families naturally have no hope. It seems that only the Su family can buy the Tianxuan cup. For the old guys of the Su family, the Tianxuan cup is attractive enough , and what the Zhao family has to do is to sell the Tianxuan Cup at the highest possible price, and cheat the Su family well!
(End of this chapter)

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