Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 166 Zhang Kun's Alchemy Technique

Chapter 166 Zhang Kun's Alchemy Technique

If shattering with mental power is to smash the shoelaces directly, dissolving the Wuyou Pill with the power of the medicine inscription can preserve the independence of each liquid medicine in the Wuyou Pill, otherwise it will just turn into a liquid like the Xuanyuan Pill. There was a stream of white liquid.

I don’t know how long it took, but this step was extremely slow, and because Zhang Kun conceived the method with his genius creativity and imagination, there was no experience to follow before, so what Zhang Kun can do is to be careful and then be more careful !

Unknowingly, three hours had passed, and with Su Qingyao's chuckle, he tapped the medicine cauldron, and two round red pills jumped out from the brown-red flame.

Holding the two pills as if they were treasures, Su Qingyao looked provocatively at Zhang Kun who was still dissolving the Wuyou Pill, and said indifferently: "Don't think that you are the only one who knows how to divide the pills!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. They didn't expect Su Qingyao to refine the elixir so quickly, and not one but two elixirs, both of which were actually level five elixir. This kind of efficiency is really astonishing. Everyone here took a few breaths, and looked at Su Qingyao with a little more awe.

On the other hand, Zhang Kun was still immersed in refining. Su Qingyao smiled and found a seat. He felt that he had won. There was no problem with his performance. Everything was at his highest level. Such a perfect Under refining, he didn't think Zhang Kun had any chance to win him!
This time the competition is not about grades, but about value!The price of two fifth-level pills can already be sold for as much as 2!You must know that the price of ten bottles of middle-grade Ningbi Dan has already reached 400 taels of gold, while a bottle of five, a second-grade middle-grade pill costs 3000 taels of gold, and a third-grade middle-grade pill costs 5 taels of gold. Two, four-level middle-grade pills can already be used on Qi practitioners, so the value soars needs [-] to [-] taels, and the fifth-level pills refined by Su Qingyao can even be bought for [-] taels!
Zhang Kun must successfully refine a elixir that exceeds 10 taels of gold to win. Obviously his only hope is Fuling Qingdan.This kind of elixir that has been lost for a long time is priceless, and its value cannot be measured by ordinary fourth-level elixirs. In addition, it is a life-saving elixir, so if someone is in urgent need of this elixir, Maybe you can buy as much as 10 taels, or even as much as 100 million taels of gold.

Therefore, as long as Zhang Kun successfully refines a Fuling Qingdan, he has the possibility of winning, but the question is whether he can successfully refine it?

At this point in the refining process, even the onlookers felt a little tired. Su Qingyao's forehead was covered with fine sweat after refining, not to mention Zhang Kun who was still refining. However, since watching After thinking about the picture of Kunyu Huazhang's galloping river, Zhang Kun's spiritual power has been raised to a new level, not weaker than when he was blessed by the mirror field!
"What the hell is this kid doing?" Su Qingyao looked suspiciously at Zhang Kun, who looked calm, and frowned. His master Wang Bojun once said that the more powerful the pill, the more time-consuming it would be. Can Zhang Kun really refine a elixir that exceeds the value of his fifth-level elixir?

I heard that when he was doing retreat, it was Zhang Kun who practiced the Fuling Qingdan that no one else in Changyang City could make, and saved Su Fangmeng's life.Even so, Su Qingyao still had confidence in his alchemy, so he did not spy on the situation in Zhang Kun's medicine cauldron, and waited for Zhang Kun to complete his refining with his arms crossed on his chest.

However, I didn't expect Zhang Kun to practice for one day. For a whole day, the onlookers dispersed and gathered together, and then dispersed again. The lights in the Su family's alchemy room were always on all night, and Zhang Kun was still immersed in the refining of the elixir. In the middle, it seems that everything has been forgotten.

Su Fangmeng and Su Yin also came to the alchemist several times to visit Zhang Kun. Seeing that he closed his eyes but did not stop moving his hands for a moment, they did not bother him. Mo Xie and Xu Heyu also rushed to him after hearing the news. Come on, seeing Zhang Kun's alchemy, everyone is amazed, let alone alchemy for a day and a night, even if they just sit like this, it will be difficult for a day and a night!

What's more, it is such a labor-intensive job as refining elixir. I really don't know how Zhang Kun persisted. Wouldn't he be mentally exhausted? Impatient, he simply started refining the elixir again.

That night, there was still a crackling sound in the alchemy room of the Su family. It was the sound of medicinal materials rolling and burning in the fire. After Su Yaoqing completed his elixir for the third time, he was already very tired. Mimi's eye sockets were sunken, and she was a little unsteady even when walking, but Zhang Kun was still standing there like a stubborn stone, still carrying out his refining.

At this moment, Zhang Kun's refining has reached the most critical moment. The essence of the three liquid medicines dissolved from Wuyou Dan is in a purified state, and the Linglong Grass and Broken Heart Grass added afterward are still in the state of raw materials. However, They were in the same medicine cauldron at the same time, which meant that when Zhang Kun purified the raw materials, he had to keep the other three purified materials unaffected.

Another Xuanyuan Pill was put in, and after being crushed, it used its white liquid energy to wrap two batches of materials. Zhang Kun tried his best to control the energy balance in the medicine cauldron. Under the control, it is divided into two dials!
"Different pills in the same furnace!" Su Qingyao was tired and paralyzed in front of her medicine cauldron, and looked at Zhang Kun curiously, but she saw this scene. The state created by using Xuanyuan Dan is in the alchemist's professional terminology. Among them, it is called different alchemy in the same furnace, which is an incredible technique that places extremely high demands on the internal strength of the alchemist.

It seems that an alchemist can refine two different pills in one medicine cauldron at the same time. Although Zhang Kun is not refining two different pills now, his method is the same as that of different pills. It was very close, Su Qingyao was shocked again, Zhang Kun had already mastered such a technique!
"He is a stupefied kid who was born and raised in Changyang City, where did he go to learn these incomparably profound alchemy techniques?" Su Qingyao secretly gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Even my master will not easily pass this technique on to others. Leng is only willing to teach after I have cultivated to the alchemist realm!"

"Could it be that Zhang Kun is also taught by a famous teacher?" Su Qingyao's heart was full of question marks. What he didn't know was that when he was practicing in seclusion, Mr. No. 1 Gongsun Yangyan of the Empire Alchemy had come to Su quietly. If he knew this, he would not be surprised by all the complicated tricks he saw in Zhang Kun's hands now!

In other words, he no longer dared to challenge Zhang Kun. Even though he was only a third-level alchemist, behind him was Gongsun Yangyan, who even bowed his master!
"Huh!" Zhang Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief. Under the protection of Xuanyuan Pill, he stabilized the three purified materials, and at the same time accelerated the extraction of Linglong Grass and Broken Heart Grass. This time the purification was very smooth. After one day and one night of refining, Zhang Kun seemed to have entered an unprecedented realm or state.

The refining speed is getting faster and faster, and the stability is far beyond the past. In addition, he has almost learned most of the refining methods of the third-level elixir, and he is not far away from entering the fourth-level elixir!
The multicolored medicinal liquid shone brightly in Zhang Kun's tattered medicine cauldron. This strange tattered medicine cauldron not only ignited spontaneously without fire, but also contained a strange energy field, which affected the spirit of the alchemist and could make Zhang Kun The refining process is smoother!

Watching the five-color medicinal liquids gather in the middle, a vortex-like storm center was formed. Even if Zhang Kun tried his best to protect it with Xuanyuan Pill, there was still a time difference between the two materials, which led to the formation of the Wuyou Pill. The medicinal liquid essence extracted from it is not so fresh, and it is even more difficult to combine with the heartbroken grass and the exquisite grass!

However, this did not trouble Zhang Kun at all. His spirit was released in the medicine cauldron like a torrent, and suddenly a contracting force radiated from the four walls of the medicine cauldron into the vortex!

(End of this chapter)

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