Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 177 Please Don't Block The Way

Chapter 177 Please Don't Block The Way
When the three of Zhang Kun appeared in the hall, the people who were waiting in the hall were all excited, and all eyes were on a silver badge on Zhang Kun's chest.

They didn't expect that not only was this kid not bragging, but he was a third-level Alchemist, which was even higher than most of the people present.

Zhang Kun ignored everyone's strange gazes and walked directly towards the door. Xing Wei walked side by side with him to the door and said, "Zhang Kun, next..."

Before the words were finished, the people who had been quiet became noisy again.

"Zhang Kun, is he Zhang Kun?"

"I should have thought earlier that he is the only one in Changyang City who can achieve such alchemy at this age."

"I didn't expect that Zhang Kun also joined the Alchemist Association. I am actually in the same association as Zhang Kun."

Xing Wei listened to everyone's voices, and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes. It seems that Zhang Kun is still a celebrity?

At this time, Tang Zixuan saw Xing Wei's doubts and explained: "President, you have been in seclusion, so you may not know. In the last family competition, there was a young man who surpassed the alchemy and defeated the third-level alchemist. The entire Changyang The city was a sensation, and I didn't expect it to be Zhang Kun."

"Super-grade Chengdan?" Xing Wei did not expect Zhang Kun to have such a brilliant record. This is simply unheard of, but Zhang Kun did it. It seems that people like Zhang Kun will shine everywhere .

"President, if it's okay, then I'll leave first." Zhang Kun's goal has been achieved, and it is recorded that the Tianmenghua Pharmacopoeia is already in his storage ring, so he bid farewell.

"Zhang Kun, are you a third-level elixir now? Then can you refine a fourth-level elixir?" Xing Wei didn't intend to let him go so easily, especially after hearing about Zhang Kun's past achievements, he couldn't help but He was secretly glad that his decisive move just now had already drawn Zhang Kun into the guild.

Now he almost regards Zhang Kun as his only hope to go further.After all, with the talent that Zhang Kun has shown now, Changyang City can't keep him, maybe the county city can't do it either, maybe only those young geniuses and monsters in the imperial city are the opponents he should compete with.

"President, you think highly of me. Last time it was just a coincidence." Zhang Kun hurriedly shook his head and denied, looking at Xing Wei with strange eyes. Refined.

"This, that's it." Xing Wei also realized that he asked a stupid question, but he was really shocked by Zhang Kun's previous deeds just now, so that he asked this question subconsciously. If you think about it, you will know that this is unrealistic at all. It seems that Zhang Kun did use a certain amount of luck last time.

However, although Zhang Kun did not tell lies, he did not tell Xing Wei one thing. Although he is not yet able to refine the fourth-level elixir, he is only one step away from the fourth-level elixir. He has a hunch that he will soon breakthrough.

Zhang Kun walked out, and Xing Wei, who originally planned to go back, also followed Zhang Kun after hearing about Zhang Kun's previous achievements, apparently wanting to send a distance.

Zhang Kun glanced at Xing Wei, but he didn't feel much. It's not as pleasing as Tang Zixuan on the other side, but other people don't think so. There are not many people in Changyang City who can be sent off by the president of the Alchemy Association. indivual.

When these alchemists saw Zhang Kun's expression of course, it seemed that Xing Wei should have been like this. Under the shock of their hearts, they also remembered Zhang Kun's name in their hearts. Although they had different ideas about Zhang Kun, some One thing is the same, in Changyang City, this person must not be provoked.

"Wait." Suddenly someone stopped them, and a figure came out from behind and appeared in front of them.

Zhang Kun looked at Chen Shu who stood in front of them, and looked at him indifferently, while Xing Wei at the side showed a majestic look, and said seriously: "Chen alchemist, what are you doing here?"

"President, I, I want to apologize to alchemist Zhang." Chen Shu glanced at the badge on Zhang Kun's chest that was exactly the same as his own, and couldn't help showing frustration. His only alchemy talent that he was proud of was in front of Zhang Kun. He was completely blown to pieces, and even he was nearly ten years younger than him.


Xing Wei snorted indistinctly, and Chen Shu showed a bit of joy when he saw this, and hurriedly said to Zhang Kun: "Master Zhang, I didn't know people well just now, I offended you so much, please forgive me."

Seeing Chen Shu, who used to be arrogant, now standing in front of him with his head lowered, Zhang Kun's heart did not fluctuate at all. If he hadn't shown the strength of a third-level alchemist just now, would Chen Shu still apologize now? ?

I'm afraid it's impossible, and Zhang Kun doesn't have any good feelings for people like Chen Shu, so he said lightly: "As long as you don't come to provoke me, I will naturally not bother you."

"President, Zhang Dan taught him..." Chen Shu hurriedly raised his head, and looked at Xing Wei for help.

But this time Xing Wei didn't seem to see it. He stared straight ahead and ignored him. A 14-year-old third-level alchemist and a 20-year-old third-level alchemist are fools who know which side to choose. .

Since Zhang Kun refused to forgive Chen Shu, then Xing Wei wouldn't make fun of himself. After all, he might ask Zhang Kun as the president in the future. There is no need to make a promising alchemist unhappy for Chen Shu.

"I'm leaving, please don't block the way." Zhang Kun glanced at Chen Shu lightly. Although his face was full of guilt, when he looked at Zhang Kun, the flash of unwillingness and viciousness in his eyes was also true. He has a panoramic view.

"President." Chen Shu still pinned his hopes on Xing Wei, hoping to put pressure on Zhang Kun through him.

"Okay, Chen Shu, you step back." Xing Wei ordered solemnly, this Chen Shu was so entangled, which made him a little annoyed.

Seeing that even Xing Wei had said that, Chen Shu had no choice but to walk aside in desperation and watched the three of them leave. He felt the playful eyes cast by those alchemists, and he knew that from today onwards, he would never He is no longer a talented alchemist who is sought after by others, and it may even be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the alchemist union, and everything is because of Zhang Kun!
Chen Shuguang took a hard look at Zhang Kun, turned around and left the Alchemy Association. He will not give up, he will prove to everyone who is the genius alchemist!

"President, you don't need to give it away." Zhang Kun turned around and looked at the two people. In fact, he was also a little puzzled about Xing Wei's attitude. Even if he showed his talent, Xing Wei, as a president Well, one of the top figures in Changyang City doesn't need to flatter himself so much. Such a warm attitude makes him a little defensive.

But he has already joined the guild, so he can only take precautions against this guild leader until he understands his purpose.

"Hahaha, okay, okay." Xing Wei also seemed to see Zhang Kun's estrangement, and smiled without leaving a trace.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Zhang Kun suddenly remembered something, turned around again, and stuffed a jade bottle into Tang Zixuan's hand in surprise, "Miss Tang, this bottle of medicine is for you , as a thank you for speaking for me just now."

"But, this one is too expensive." Tang Zixuan was about to decline subconsciously, her pretty face flushed when she saw the jade bottle in her hand, the value of this bottle of medicine was enough for her to work for several months.

"Don't worry, I gave it to you. If you don't like it, just throw it away." Zhang Kun waved his hand in front and disappeared into the crowd.

Tang Zixuan clenched the jade bottle in her hand, she lowered her head and wondered what she was thinking, the blush on her pretty face was even more touching.

"Xiaoxuan, start working in the library tomorrow. I will arrange another person at the front desk." Xing Wei showed a knowing smile, patted Tang Zixuan on the shoulder, and turned to leave.

"Ah?" Tang Zixuan let out an exclamation. The work in the library is the most leisurely job among all the jobs in the guild, and the salary is not low. You can also read the books in it at will. It is a position that many people are vying for. Unexpectedly Got it by myself, a newcomer who has been in the job for less than a month.

Tang Zixuan figured it out after a little thought. It was probably because of Zhang Kun's relationship. She didn't expect that her impulsiveness would get her so much in return, and she was even more grateful to Zhang Kun in her heart.

 Today is my birthday, let's celebrate it by myself, let's make it four more!

(End of this chapter)

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