Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 180 What are you doing?

Chapter 180 What are you doing?

"Invitation card?"

Zhang Kun couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Usually, no one stopped him when he entered and left the Liang family, because most of the Liang family knew him, so Liang Lingxue didn't go out of his way to give him any invitation letters. Someone he knew was guarding the gate, so Zhang Kun was stopped.

"If you don't have an invitation letter, go to the side and don't block the people behind."

The chubby young man on the left saw Zhang Kun's astonished expression, so he regarded him as someone who came to fish in troubled waters and tried to sneak into the Liang family. They also met many such people today.

"Well, I'm Ling Xue's brother..."

"I've never heard that Junior Sister Lingxue has any older brothers. If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude!" Another young man roughly interrupted Zhang Kun's words, and the sword in his hand was even half drawn out of its sheath.

Zhang Kun didn't expect these two strange youths to be so irritable, frowned slightly, and said lightly: "You two, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to do this. If what I said is true or false, you can go in and report it." .”

"Stop talking nonsense, how do I know if you want to take the opportunity to escape? In a small country town like yours, if it weren't for Junior Sister Lingxue, we wouldn't come if I beg you, and you still think about how I treat people in small places like you. Hurry up and leave." Don't be shameless." The fat young man yelled impatiently.

The two of them were already upset because they were sent to guard the gate, but they didn't expect that someone would make trouble in front of them. If it wasn't for Junior Sister Lingxue's birthday today, they would have to teach Zhang Kun a lesson.

As soon as the chubby young man spoke, his sleeve was pulled by the young man next to him. He also realized that what he said just now was inappropriate, but he had already spoken. Looking at the dissatisfied eyes of those coming from the family behind him, he instantly let go of his anger. Transferred to Zhang Kun.

A sharp sword with a flashing cold light pointed directly at Zhang Kun, the threat was self-evident.

The family members behind also recognized Zhang Kun's identity. The recently famous talented young alchemist was being bullied by two young men guarding the gate.

So for a while, no one came forward to persuade them to fight, and the people of those families looked at Zhang Kun and the three of them with the attitude of watching the show.

Although Zhang Kun was pointed at with a sword, he didn't feel the slightest fear, and he was even thinking about the news revealed in the words of these two young people.

Looking at the logo on the young man's white robe, Zhang Kun suddenly had a bad thought in his mind, and combined with Liang Lingxue's abnormal behavior recently, he felt more and more that this was the truth, that Liang Lingxue might have to leave Changyang City.

Just as the two sides were at war, a crisp voice suddenly came from inside the door.

"What are you doing!"

Everyone looked around and saw a girl in a gorgeous white dress appearing at the door. It seemed that her pink face was flushed because of her haste.But no matter what, this is always a beautiful girl, and everyone's eyes are attracted to her in an instant.

Liang Lingxue rushed over as soon as she heard that Zhang Kun had clashed with the two seniors guarding the gate, and even the senior senior who was chatting with her was directly put aside by her.

"Lingxue." Zhang Kun nodded at Liang Lingxue, took a step back, and signaled that all this matter should be handled by her.

Today is Liang Lingxue's birthday, and he doesn't want to cause any trouble. Since Liang Lingxue is here, he won't get involved. Otherwise, if he is allowed to come by himself, will these two disciples who don't know what sect they are, be able to go well? Returning to the teacher's door is an unknown.

Liang Lingxue also understood what Zhang Kun meant, and cast a grateful look at Zhang Kun. This time, Zhang Kun was inexplicably wronged because of her lack of consideration, and she also knew a little about Zhang Kun's tricks. It's not the kind of master who doesn't fight back after suffering a loss, so when she saw that Zhang Kun still took her feelings into consideration, Liang Lingxue suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart.

But when Liang Lingxue cast his eyes on the two brothers, his tone became a bit cold.

"Senior brothers, you still haven't put down your swords, are you trying to make others laugh?"

These two disciples also realized that their behavior was inappropriate, but they couldn't hold back when they were scolded by a girl younger than them.

"Junior Sister Lingxue, we Qingyun Pavilion people, why should we care about people from such a small town?"

"I'm also from Changyang City. What do you mean, if I stand with him, you'll point your sword at me?" Liang Lingxue turned cold when she saw that the two were still holding the sword in a daze. , reprimanded mercilessly.

She also didn't have the slightest liking for these extremely stupid two people in her heart, and she really didn't know how these two people got into Qingyun Pavilion.

"But, Junior Sister!" The chubby young man wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Liang Lingxue.

"Senior Brothers, Ling Xue is very grateful for your willingness to help, but if you continue to be so obsessed, then I can only tell Master about it."

It turned out that when the two extremely stubborn young men heard about Master Liang Lingxue, they immediately gave up and obediently put away their swords. Although their expressions were still full of dissatisfaction, they still stood behind Liang Lingxue.

In fact, these two senior brothers are also very helpless in their hearts. If it were someone else who had just started, they wouldn't bother, but Liang Lingxue was different. He was recruited by their master himself, and he was even willing to wait for her after her birthday. After taking her back to the pavilion, it can be seen that she attaches great importance to Liang Lingxue.

Moreover, there has been news in the pavilion that Liang Lingxue is likely to become the saint of Qingyun Pavilion. If this is the case, then she will be under one person and above ten thousand in the pavilion, and it is not something they can provoke So after consideration, they decided to give Liang Lingxue this face.

Liang Lingxue was relieved to see that these two guys didn't continue to be stubborn. After asking the Liang family to pick up the guests on their behalf, she made a look at Zhang Kun and walked in.

Seeing this, Zhang Kun hurriedly followed, and countless people watched the pair of boys and girls disappear through the door.

"Zhang Kun, I'm sorry this time. I didn't expect those two guys to treat you like this. When I go back, I will definitely sue them with the master. You won't be angry, will you?"

On the way to the back garden, Liang Lingxue revealed her true nature when she was alone with Zhang Kun. She grabbed Zhang Kun's arm with both hands and looked at Zhang Kun pitifully with her small face up. She looked like a little girl acting like a baby. The appearance is far from the strong appearance just now.

Zhang Kun struggled for a while, but he didn't break away from Liang Lingxue's hand. Looking at her weeping look, although he knew it was fake, but looking at this delicate little face, the original anger disappeared long ago. Instead, there is only deep helplessness, this girl knows her temper very clearly.

"I'm not angry about this, what I'm angry about is, are you hiding something from me?" Zhang Kun looked Liang Lingxue straight in the eyes and asked word by word.

Complicated emotions flashed across Liang Lingxue's eyes, and she stopped suddenly, and even let go of Zhang Kun's arm, which she had been holding on tightly. With her hands mixed together, she lowered her head and said in a sullen voice, "Then since You already know, why are you asking me?"

"I'm your brother, you kept such a big thing from me for so long, and you still ask me what I want to do?" Zhang Kun was also a little angry, this girl didn't know when she joined the sect without telling her, And maybe he was about to leave Changyang City. When Zhang Kun thought of this, he felt a puff of breath in his chest and couldn't vent it.

"Who said I didn't discuss it with you, but you only have sister Mengmeng in your heart, and you don't care about me at all!" Liang Lingxue raised her head suddenly, and shouted at Zhang Kun. It was already filled with tears, although she gritted her teeth to prevent the tears from coming out, but the crystal drops still gushed out wantonly from her beautiful eyes.

"Lingxue..." Zhang Kun was stunned, he didn't expect Liang Lingxue to have such a big reaction.

"Damn Zhang Kun, stinking Zhang Kun, I hate you the most!" Liang Lingxue turned around suddenly, and ran away while cursing, leaving Zhang Kun standing there blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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