Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 205 Choose the pill, choose the future

Chapter 205 Choose the pill, choose the future
"Little alchemist Zhang Kun, we brought the bandit leader from Chimazhai." Han Ran heaved a sigh of relief. The place where Zhang Kun met them was in the alchemy room. An alchemist from the Ou Family.

However, the respect in his words didn't diminish at all. With a wave of his hand, Deng Binbai and Yu Sen threw Lou Zhixin in front of Zhang Kun. Lou Zhixin was terrified when he had never seen such a battle before. My legs are numb.

However, after he found Zhang Kun in front of him, he immediately passed out, Zhang Kun?Was it that 14-year-old boy who actually fell into his hands!
Lou Zhixing was originally wandering around Changyang City, harassing the residents of Changyang County, doing all kinds of bad things like burning, killing and looting, but he never had the guts to rush into Changyang City and rob drugstores, until one day, an old man appeared and asked him to target Youjia Pharmacy finally lures out Zhang Kun and kills him!
But the old man told him that Zhang Kun was only a 14-year-old young man, and it was easy to deal with him. In addition, the old man claimed to be from the Li family, and he had a lot of money, so he paid a deposit of several 10 taels in one go. More bounties will follow.

This is really too much temptation for the bandits in Chimazhai who have eaten their last meal and were chased away by the officers and soldiers.

Lou Zhixing and Hu Shiwen agreed to Li Laohai as soon as they discussed it. They looted Youjia Medicine Store that night and wounded Yin Haihui. They went back to the stockade and relied on the bounty Li Laohai gave. I thought that someone would come to the door so soon!
And these people turned out to be sent by Zhang Kun, how can he be a 14-year-old youth?Lou Zhixing's mind suddenly went blank.

Zhang Kun nodded lightly and said, "Is he the owner of Chima Village?"

"Well, that's right, we have wiped out the entire Chima village except him." Han Ran replied.

Zhang Kun smiled with satisfaction and said, "You guys have done a good job. We are old acquaintances. I don't think you guys are doing it for the bounty."

Seeing Zhang Kun's opening, the three of them were overjoyed and said quickly, "I hope that the little alchemist Zhang Kun can refine the elixir for us."

Zhang Kun raised his forehead as expected: "Well, yes, what kind of pill do you need?"

"Auxiliary cultivation is fine, we don't pick anyone!" Seeing Zhang Kun nodding, the three of them all showed joy on their faces. The trip to Chima Village was really not in vain!
Zhang Kun thought for a while and said, "I'm currently researching a kind of elixir for Peizheng Guyuan. If you are willing to wait, I can give it to you after I finish the research."

"Then you will be the first batch of people to use this kind of medicine. Of course, I have another kind of medicine here, but its effect is weaker, but the quality of the medicine is also high. If you need You can take it if you want." As he spoke, Zhang Kun took out the Luoxuan Pill from the medicine cabinet beside him.

"This is Luoxuan Pill, the top-notch existence among the second-level elixirs. It can regenerate the marrow and change the aptitude!" Zhang Kun spread his hands and a elixir glowing with colorful brilliance was lying in his hands.

This Luoxuan Pill was refined by him after collecting various medicinal materials in the secret realm. When he took one pill back then, his physical aptitude changed. From then on, his path of martial arts cultivation has become more and more stable.

Although this is only a second-level elixir, it is most suitable for earth-level and heaven-level warriors, but because of its high quality, even if it is used by innate warriors, it will also have certain effects.

Of course, the sooner you use this kind of aptitude-changing elixir, the better. If you use it at the innate level, it may only play one-tenth of its effect.However, for warriors, medicine pills that can change themselves are extremely rare. Every time such medicine medicines are released, there will be a rush of looting, so even if there is only a slight chance to change, they will seize it.

The three innate powerhouses were overjoyed when they heard that, what they need is exactly this, the three of them have been stuck in the innate realm for a long time, if there is no opportunity or a powerful elixir, it is impossible to advance to the training stage anyway. Air realm.

Because the Qi training realm cannot be broken through only by hard work and accumulation, the conversion of internal strength into vitality requires a warrior's great perseverance and wisdom, as well as strong talent and aptitude, and the three of them belong to relatively mediocre aptitude.

And according to Zhang Kun's cultivation system on this planet, ancient warriors have to enter the innate state after they have cultivated to the innate state before advancing to the Qi training state, but according to the records of the mirror field, this is a A backward and wrong cultivation system!

There is no essential difference between Xiantian and Xiantian, but a lot of time is wasted, and those extra internal forces will increase the burden of advancing to the realm of Qi training!
It is not always best to accumulate a lot of money in the journey of cultivation, and sometimes it is the right way to travel lightly.But this can't be blamed on the seniors on this planet, because the aura of heaven and earth here is really not suitable for innate powerhouses to directly advance to Qi training, so they can only find another way, saving the country with a curve, it has to be said that it is also a great achievement.

Otherwise, the number of Qi practitioners in the Xiaoshuo Empire would definitely be much smaller.Just as the three of them were showing joy, Zhang Kun slowly said: "But the other kind of elixir is more powerful, but I haven't mastered the refining method, as for which elixir you want, it's up to you to decide. "

The three of them fell into a moment of hesitation, and Zhang Kun actually said that the quality of the other unrefined elixir must be higher than that of Luoxuan elixir, but after all, Zhang Kun has not yet successfully refined it. , and the exact effect of this elixir that no one has ever taken is unknown. They can be said to be Zhang Kun's guinea pigs!

Soon the three had disagreements. Han Ran decided to wait for Zhang Kun to refine a new pill, while Deng Binbai and Yu Sen chose the Luoxuan Pill. Zhang Kun nodded lightly and handed over the two Luoxuan Pills. took them.

The two took the elixir tremblingly, their eyes were full of excitement, this is an elixir that can change aptitude, warriors like them with no background had no chance to come into contact with this powerful elixir. They are all firmly held by the major families!
Han Ran, on the other hand, watched helplessly as the two friends took the elixir, but when he turned his head and saw the indifferent expression on Zhang Kun's face, he strengthened his heart. He believed that the new elixir Zhang Kun was talking about would definitely Can surpass Luoxuan Dan!

In fact, Zhang Kun himself has no idea how this new elixir compares with Luoxuan elixir. After all, Luoxuan elixir was given to him by Jingyu as a trial reward. The teenagers and girls among them took the elixir to improve their aptitude and lay the foundation!
And the new elixir has not yet been refined, although the higher level is the third-level elixir, but the higher the level is not necessarily the better the elixir!Otherwise, it is not uncommon for Changyang City to have fourth-level and fifth-level alchemists, but there are still so many people looking for Zhang Kun to refine elixir.

The reason is that the several low-level pills he has mastered are more effective. Yanfangdan can resist the influence of the hot environment, and Luoerdan can relieve a variety of toxins, and these pills are all in the hands of Zhang Kun. Here, there is no other family, unless you spend double the time to study the medicinal properties in it, you can write the prescription in reverse!

After arranging the rewards for the three innate powerhouses, Zhang Kun then set his sights on Lou Zhixin.

Lou Zhixin felt as if there was an invisible pressure on his body, and he panicked immediately, looked at Zhang Kun with a pleading face and cried: "Master Zhang Kun, it's because I don't know Mount Tai with my eyes, Contradicted you."

Zhang Kun glanced at him coldly and said, "Is it just contradicting?"

"No, no, no, I don't want to do this either. It's an old man, his surname is Li, who paid me to deal with you." Before Zhang Kun said anything, Lou Zhixin recruited them all in a very spineless manner.

Zhang Kun opened his mouth slightly and asked in doubt: "The old man surnamed Li? Could it be that kid's grandfather?"

After finishing speaking, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth. He didn't expect that a little guy he stepped on would bring him this trouble, but it was only a small trouble. He would not let go of a mere Chima village. in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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