Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 207 Be careful!

Chapter 207 Be careful!

In the early morning of the second day, after everything was arranged properly, Zhang Kun bid farewell to his parents and younger siblings, and asked the three innate masters to pay attention to protecting the family, and then led the teams of the Ou family and the Zhang family to embark on a journey to the Yanmo Cave.

For Zhang Kun, it doesn't matter what kind of team he brings to the trial. He only needs to rely on himself. The few alchemists who have entered the Yanmo Cave can do something with the help of pills!
As for the testers of these two families under him, he can help if he can, and if he can't help, it can only depend on everyone's good luck.

The Changyang Grand Competition naturally had a gathering at the beginning. Marquis Qin came forward to gather the participants from various families in the central martial arts arena of Changyang City. After a few words of encouragement, they sent everyone to the battlefield.

Although this is just a trial to enter the secret realm, what is going on is a grand competition in Changyang City, fighting for the honor and interests of the family, this level can already be regarded as a war, and it is not a problem to say that it is sent to the battlefield !
Thousands of people from hundreds of big and small families suddenly left Changyang County City in a swarm, and went deep into the [-] mountains outside the city!

Changyang County is a county with extremely blocked traffic. There are many mountains in the county, and the roads are difficult. Few people from other counties are willing to come here. In addition, there are no special resources in the county, and the roads are difficult to pass. Therefore, the economy The strength is not ranked in the Xiaoshuo Empire.

Changyang City is not considered a prosperous place, but the birth of the Flame Demon Cave this time has attracted the attention of many strong people from other places.

Ever since the Su family failed to send people to explore the Yanmo Cave alone, the Zhao family has been clinging to this treasure land. Even after Zhang Kun smashed the Zhao family's plot to get involved in the Yanmo Cave, the Su family was still unable to complete the exploration. , and also under external pressure.

Su Yin and the others decided to use the Yanmo Cave as a trial site for the Changyang competition, and disclosed the location of the Yanmo Cave. Now every family and force has a map in their hands, which was provided by the Su family.

Therefore, the Su family also joined forces with other families in Changyang City to conduct a simple exploration of the Flame Demon Cave, and after confirming that it was suitable for training younger generations, it was determined as a venue for the big competition.

After all, each family sent their young elites to participate this time. Naturally, they wanted to ensure that the danger factor in the Yanmo Cave would not be too high, and there were many rumors that the Su family was secretly unwilling to participate. Opening the Yanmo Nest, wanting to take it as his own, but now suddenly becoming generous, sharing the Yanmo Nest with everyone, there must be some conspiracy behind this!
Thousands of people seem like a lot, but after throwing them into the [-] mountains, there is nothing to see, just like a drop of water falling into the ocean, without even a single wave!

Soon, Zhang Kun could no longer see the teams of other families except the people around him. Originally, he wanted to join the team of the Su family, but unexpectedly, the leader of the Su family seemed unwilling to meet Zhang Kun. , disappeared without a trace as soon as it left the city.

The Su family has a great career and many collateral families. After all, Zhang Kun’s friendship is only from Su Yin, Su Fangmeng’s lineage, plus Su Liqian and Su Qingyao. The other Su family’s children have different attitudes toward Zhang Kun. friendly!
Zhang Kun is naturally mentally prepared for this. I don’t know how many people have been slapped in the face by his own rise. It is normal for some people to criticize this. Some people even classify Zhang Kun as a hated person because of jealousy. Among the team!
"Quick, keep up!" A young man in the Zhang family's team shouted at his companion behind him. Zhang Kun turned his head and saw that this person turned out to be the one who made him feel sorry for him in the task room!

Seeing Zhang Kun looking at him, Zhang Wei quickly restrained his tone, lowered his head gloomyly, and only walked forward.His heart was full of resentment. He didn't want to participate in this big competition. His mother, a powerful elder of the Zhang family, had great expectations for him, and tried her best to ensure that he entered the trial team. !
But everyone knows that Zhang Boxiong's patriarch has asked Zhang Kun to form a team with Zhang's family, and he and Zhang Kun have had grievances and grievances. Isn't this sending himself to the tip of the knife?

Therefore, Zhang Wei has a bitter face from the beginning to the end today, with a face of displeasure, but unable to resist the family's order, suddenly a vicious thought arose in his heart!

When Zhang Kun entered the Yanmo Cave, he would attack secretly. The Yanmo Cave is full of dangers. As long as he arranges it properly, Zhang Kun can die in the natural environment of the Yanmo Cave!
Zhang Kun waved to the team behind him, signaling them to hurry up. Although they were not in a hurry, it was an advantage to reach the Yanmo Cave first, and they could seize all kinds of opportunities by being one step ahead!
At this time, the Ou family cast contemptuous glances at the Zhang family who were one step behind. The Zhang family was originally a small family in Changyang City. It was because of Zhang Kun that they got the ten places that were treated the same as the top big families.

And looking at the Zhang family's team, you can tell that their average combat power has not yet surpassed the prefecture level, while the Ou family's side is on the prefecture level, and the difference between the two is immediately revealed when the two are compared!

Seeing this, Zhang Kun glanced coldly at the people of the Ou family, and immediately the arrogance of the Ou family was suppressed. Although Zhang Kun is not strong enough, he is also the nominal head of the Ou family after all, and a word may be able to influence them Their status in the family, of course they have to be obedient.

There are still a few people who have secretly made up their minds to perform well in front of Zhang Kun. Maybe the young patriarch will promote their positions in the family when he is happy. After all, he is only a young man. For guys, it's much easier to impress!

Among the [-] mountains, a lush forest covers the top of the mountain, and the vision in the distance is almost covered by the dense branches and leaves, and there are often powerful ancient beasts hidden in the jungle!
Therefore, even though everyone was on their way, they were always alert to the dangers around them. Otherwise, they would have been wronged if they died in the Hundred Thousand Mountains without even seeing the shadow of the Flame Demon Cave!

A group of people walked forward slowly, Zhang Kun's mental strength was always on guard, and all movements within a radius of 100 meters were under his control. Suddenly, he reminded: "Be careful!"

Everyone quickly put on a defensive posture, drew out the weapons hanging behind their backs, and their palms began to gather various lights, waiting for the threat to appear!

However, after a few minutes, nothing happened, and the scene was very silent, only the heavy and tense breathing of the testers could be heard.Finally someone lost patience, a middle-aged man said impatiently: "Patriarch, you are surprised, this is not dangerous at all, don't scare me!"

Zhang Kun shook his head and said nothing. Seeing this, the man secretly said in his heart: playing tricks, and then said earnestly: "The owner of the family is practicing alchemy at home all day, so he probably doesn't know the situation in the wild. There are indeed many beasts in the [-] mountains. They come and go, but as long as you pay attention to their footsteps, you can judge their location!"

The middle-aged man said with an old-fashioned look: "Obviously I didn't hear any movement, I think the Patriarch overreacted!"

As he spoke, there was a hint of sarcasm on his face, obviously mocking Zhang Kun's lack of experience in field battles. It seems that this talented alchemist will have to rely on them, the elders of his family, for his next journey!

"Get down!" Zhang Kun yelled, and the expression on the middle-aged man's face froze. He felt a scorching breath hit him from behind, and turned around suddenly, and it turned out to be a Huge apes hanging from giant trees!

The reason why there were no footsteps was because it was not for walking at all. The middle-aged man suddenly changed color, but his body froze in place uncontrollably. He couldn't lift his legs, couldn't calm down, and could only stay in place Die!

"Damn! Hurry up and attack!" Seeing the appearance of the ancient beast, everyone hurriedly took out their weapons and slashed at the ape. Fortunately, the ape was only an earth-level savage beast, and it quickly swallowed it under the joint attack of everyone. gas!
(End of this chapter)

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