Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 209 Aren't They Just Some Wild Beasts?

Chapter 209 Aren't They Just Some Wild Beasts?
"Ah? What?" Everyone was shocked, and quickly took out their weapons and shields to form a formation around Zhang Kun, carefully looking at the surrounding dense forest, for fear that a wild beast would suddenly appear from somewhere.

Someone asked suspiciously: "Master, why didn't you say it earlier, we can still avoid them."

Zhang Kun looked up at him, and said indifferently: "Avoid? Why should you avoid?"

Everyone is dumbfounded, if they don't avoid it, are they waiting to be torn to pieces by those ignorant beasts!

I didn't see that the other teams around were struggling to resist, lingering, and even lost a few members. They are not the team of the Su family and the Zhao family, and their strength is not enough to face a large number of wild beasts!
Zhang Kun shook his head and said: "Someone deliberately lured the wild beast to us, and there is no way to escape, so get ready to defend!"

Zhang Kun has always maintained a state of vigilance. Although he can't use his mental power to investigate the situation, everything around him seems to be clearly visible under his extremely keen senses. He heard a human footsteps approaching Came here, and behind him was a group of rushing beasts, with bangs and bangs, coming straight towards Zhang Kun's team!

Then the human being approached Zhang Kun and the others suddenly turned around and went to the side. I don't know what secret method was used to hide his figure, and those savage beasts who didn't have wisdom naturally couldn't control so much and rushed directly Zhang Kun and the others!
The testers of the Zhang family and the Ou family were stunned. Zhang Kun actually ordered to defend on the spot. Shouldn't they lift their feet and run away immediately? Face such a beast tide alone!

Are they going to repeat the mistakes of other families? Suddenly everyone panicked, grasping their weapons and preparing to fight to the death, but they also know that their gods are not great, so they can't pin their hopes on Zhang Kun, right?
"Da da da!" A series of dense footsteps sounded, and everyone felt extremely oppressed in their hearts. They gritted their teeth and prepared to resist the wild beasts. The beasts rushed out, and their vigorous figures rushed out of the dense forest one after another!

One, two, three. A total of eight savage beasts appeared. This scene was extremely shocking. The eyes of each savage beast were shining with bloodthirsty light, as if they wanted to swallow all the humans in front of them. , They let out bursts of fear-breaking roars, and everyone felt waves of heart-piercing fear!

"Ah!" Many timid people in the team couldn't help shouting, their thighs and calves softened, and they wanted to leave here immediately.Many people said: "Let's, let's run, don't participate in any bullshit competition!"

Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly and said, "Participate, why don't you participate, isn't it just a few wild beasts?"

"Patriarch, you really don't know, or you're just pretending, those are eight wild beasts, all of them have the strength to defeat the strong at the prefecture level!" Someone shouted at Zhang Kun with a crying tone.

Although there are two teams from the Ou family and the Zhang family, there are a total of twenty testers, but there are only six people who have really reached the prefecture level, two from the Zhang family and four from the Ou family. Only a savage beast has the power to fight, so the other black-level warriors are afraid that they will suffer!

What's more, the number of prefecture-level combat forces here is not dominant!Everyone began to complain: "Zhang Kun, it's all your fault, you have already noticed it, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"You didn't bring us into danger on purpose, did you! What's your intention, are you trying to put my Ou family to death?" Someone from the Ou family questioned.

An old man in the Zhang family sighed helplessly: "The enemy is at hand, now is not the time to blame Zhang Kun, hurry up and find a way to escape!"

Zhang Kun looked at his companions in the surrounding team coldly. He has a strong mental power, but it is his freedom to remind them of the movement, not his obligation!

"Hehe," Zhang Kun said with a chuckle, "Do you only blame others?"

Everyone cast contemptuous eyes on Zhang Kun, but as the head of the family, he dragged the family members into a disadvantageous situation. Is such a person worthy of being called the head of the family?
However, the savage beasts can't control that much. They opened their bloody mouths and swooped towards humans, wanting to eat them all as food. Practice is also beneficial!

"Ah!" There was a scream, and a mysterious warrior was almost swallowed by the wild beast. Fortunately, the shield in his hand saved his life, but the shield made of fine steel was directly chewed by the wild beast. Broken!

Several strong men rushed forward and set up shields in an attempt to resist the impact of the wild beasts, but they were knocked to the ground by the wild beasts instead. Their strength is too strong, and only warriors who have reached the earth level have room to fight against them .

Seeing this, Zhang Kun just frowned. In the secret realm, he relied on his strength at the beginning of the Xuan level to fight against the three savage beasts. Now his strength and eight savage beasts combined are not enough for him to fight, but he still took the shot. Clap your hands and say: "Three masters, let's do it now!"

Seeing Zhang Kun like this, everyone cast puzzled and mocking eyes. This is the [-] mountains outside Changyang City, which is inaccessible. If you want to defeat the eight wild beasts, even the Su family or the Zhao family team can't do it. !

Where will there be any master passing by, who just happens to have the strength and time and is willing to rescue you?
"Do you really think you are the alchemist Zhang who responds to everyone?" Immediately, someone said contemptuously. How many times stronger than him can be driven by just one elixir?
"What are you pretending to do? You'd better run, you only have the strength of Xuan level, and no one will save you if you run too late!" Another person sneered, they had already turned to prepare to escape!
Zhang Kun smiled but did not answer. Suddenly, three radio-like figures appeared and rushed directly into the group of wild beasts. Lights lit up one after another, and a roar burst out. Those huge wild beasts But it was thrown away like a broken toy!
"Boom, boom, boom!" Han Ran's fists hit one after another, and a burst of wind was generated out of thin air, hitting the beast's body like a sharp blade, the huge beast's body fell down, and the other beast roared and charged He came up and opened his mouth wide to face Han Ran's head, wanting to bite his head off, but saw Han Ran throw a punch casually, and a huge hole suddenly appeared on the beast, bleeding profusely. He died suddenly in a short while!
Yu Sen's side was even simpler, with a cold light radiating from his hands, and flying knives flew out, leaving traces like horse training, and the flying knives that pierced through the air ruthlessly pierced into the body of the wild beast. They cut through their arteries with incomparable precision, and the blood began to spurt out from the mouths of blood!

Deng Binbai wandered between the two of them. Whenever a wild beast was knocked out by Han Ran, he stepped forward to make up the knife. A steel knife in his hand seemed to be a sharp weapon for harvesting life. In a matter of minutes, the eight majestic and majestic beasts all fell down, their corpses were scattered all over the field, and none of them survived!
"Gulu!" Everyone watched this scene with their eyes helplessly, their eyeballs were almost on the ground, they swallowed hard, and they were all speechless, they could only stare blankly at those savages. Beasts down!

"This!" Someone said tremblingly: "You must be an innate master!"

"It's not much worse than that Qi trainer!" Someone exclaimed, although the innate powerhouse doesn't have so many supernatural powers, but judging from the shocking scenes they saw up close, the innate master is already almost God!
The three innate powerhouses finished their work. To them, this was just an appetizer, just a little warm-up exercise. They returned to Zhang Kun with great ease, and respectfully shouted: "Patriarch!"

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said, "There's no need to be too polite, I need to trouble the three of you to chase after the guy who attracted the wild beast."

"Yes!" The three of them bowed their hands respectfully and took the order, and rushed into the dense forest, and soon disappeared, leaving only the envious expressions of the two teams of the Zhang family and the Ou family!

(End of this chapter)

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