Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 305 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 305 The Uninvited Guest

"But don't worry, follow me to do things well. As long as you do your best, I can let you go out and give you a certain amount of freedom after I refine the elixir that can replenish the soul and bridge the body and soul!" Zhang Kun said, he Don't dare to oppress too hastily, otherwise the five monsters would rather blow themselves up than be enslaved by Zhang Kun, but if there is some hope, they will not choose to take risks.

"Yes, master!" The five monsters bowed down in unison.

Zhang Kun said: "Okay, now I need you to do the first thing, learn the art of alchemy, or is there anyone among you who can do alchemy?"

The five monsters all shook their heads. Alchemy is basically exclusive to human monks, and monsters rely on their talents to fight with their bodies, and rarely rely on external forces.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly and said, "It's okay, let's start with the Qi Enhancing Pill."

After all, five standard medicine cauldrons appeared in the alchemy hall, five piles of refining materials, and five monsters looked at each other. Finally, they obediently learned from Zhang Kun. It has brought great obstacles to Zhang Kun's teaching.

But after all, they can control the vitality to remotely control the fire to extract medicines, and refine condensed pills, which is not too much of a problem. With their strength comparable to the peak of the ninth-level qi training, it is no problem to refine some qi-enhancing pills that human children can master. Down!
"Okay, let's start refining. Each person should practice one hundred Qi-increasing pills first." Zhang Kun waved his hand and ordered. Prestige.

Zhang Kun is already a fourth-rank alchemist now. There are essential differences and differences between the fourth-tier alchemy and the first, second, and third-tier alchemy. The medicine can only act on ancient martial arts practitioners who use internal force.

But the fourth level is a qualitative change. After stepping into the fourth level, the elixirs refined can be used by those who practice Qi training. It is said that the fourth-level elixir can also be used by those who are strong in the ninth level of Qi training!
The rank of these pills represents the difficulty of refining, the fourth rank is easy, and the ninth rank is difficult. These pills that can be refined by alchemists are called ordinary-grade pills, and alchemists above alchemists can refine them. The panacea, but it is another realm!

That is the existence that even the legendary Jindan experts flock to, and this is why Gongsun Yangyan's status is so terrifying!
The material exchange between Mirror Domain and the outside world requires energy consumption. The higher the grade of the item, the greater the energy consumption. When it reaches a certain level, Mirror Domain will tell Zhang Kun that it cannot be used unless Zhang Kun pays a certain price for Mirror Domain finds a spiritual object that can replenish energy.

But mere vanilla pills are still nothing to worry about. The little accountant Jingyu didn't bother to argue with Zhang Kun, and only charged him a few points of vitality.

Zhang Kun fell into a deep sleep after leaving the mirror field. He hadn't had such a good night's sleep for a long time.

The sun just broke dawn the next morning, and the dawn light shone on all living beings. Zhang Kun felt light all over when he got up, and went to the martial arts field for a while to train. Aura.

It is not the internal force of ordinary ancient warriors that turns his meridians far away, but the purer vitality. Of course, Zhang Kun can also turn the ordinary kung fu to cultivate internal force, but this is just to deceive people's eyes and ears. After all It's amazing that he has vitality at this stage.

The Kunyu Huazhang practiced by Zhang Kun is an initial exercise bestowed by the mirror field that is very suitable for his own physique. At this moment, the exercise has reached its peak, Kunyu's body is shining, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds are sung from the body !

After coming out of the Yanzi Monument Pagoda, Zhang Kun found that the Supreme Flame Technique he had learned in the Lieyan Dojo had not disappeared and declined, and was still firmly imprinted in the depths of his memory, but it seemed to be sealed and he could not use it power.

With Zhang Kun's current realm and vision, it is completely feasible to make a breakthrough, and with the huge amount of elixir in his inventory, he can push his martial arts cultivation to several steps at any time as long as he wants, but he did not choose to do so.

Because he once saw an ancient book in the mirror field that recorded a monologue of a strong man, the powerful man who suppressed the heavens across the star field said with emotion at the end of his life: "The early stage is really too important. The more you can feel the importance of the foundation after practicing, I warn the people who come after, don't be greedy for a moment of refreshment, the more solid the foundation, the better!"

This sentence was regarded as a classic by Zhang Kun. After he finished his practice, he found that the anxious maid had been waiting beside him for a long time. Zhang Kun asked, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"The envoy of the Zhao family came to deliver congratulatory gifts, and he was waiting outside the door, should you let him in?" the maid said.

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "The Zhao family, after all, is the top family in Changyang, let him come in."

"Master Zhang Kun, on behalf of the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, I am sending you a congratulatory gift. Congratulations on winning the first place in the Changyang Grand Competition and showing your talent. My Patriarch once said that you will definitely be able to step into the realm of Qi training in the future, and your future is limitless!" The envoy from Zhao's family said respectfully in front of Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun sipped his tea and nodded lightly, "Thank you for the kindness of the Patriarch of the Zhao family. If the Zhao family needs any pills, you can bring items of equivalent value to exchange with me."

But Zhang Kun was amused in his heart. He had wiped out the entire team of the Zhao family in the Flame Demon Cave. Zhao Songxi and Zhao Hanyan were all killed by him. I don’t know why the Zhao family knew about it. Will things still be so polite to me?

Zhang Kun naturally understood the Zhao family's intentions. The Zhao family had confronted the Su family and made things difficult for Zhang Kun several times before. Zhang Kun's power was nothing before. Now Zhang Kun is already the biggest genius in Changyang, and he even has Jiuxiangmen. Entry qualifications, future prospects are limitless.

If the Zhao family didn't come to build a good relationship with Zhang Kun at this time, they would not be able to bear Zhang Kun's revenge in the future. Zhang Kun secretly shook his head looking at the middle-grade magic weapon accepted by the maid.

In the next few days, Zhang Kun's mansion was almost bursting, and people came to present congratulatory gifts in an endless stream. Everyone knew that he had won the laurels and was a hot figure in Changyang City. In addition, he also directly joined a With the qualifications of a powerful sect, no one would be stupid at this time, and everyone hurried forward to curry favor with Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun accepted the gift with a smile. The maid who received the gift was almost overwhelmed. The first elder was busy taking over the new mine vein, and the second elder was also busy negotiating several new businesses. He was extremely busy. At the end of the meeting, Zhang Kun sneaked out to play with Su Fangmeng for a few days, and then buried himself in the alchemy room. He had just reached the level of a fourth-level alchemist, and he had to study hard to consolidate his realm.

Among the congratulatory gifts sent by various family forces, the most appetizing to him were several alchemy formulas sent by the Su family, but they didn't know that Zhang Kun had already been promoted to the fourth level of alchemy disciples, and what they sent were several alchemy formulas. Precious third-level elixirs, but low-level elixirs have the uses of low-level elixirs, such as Xueluo Dan, which has always been regarded by Zhang Kun as one of the trump cards for the outbreak!

There are not too many such things as pills. The endless stream of pills is the basis for an alchemist to live and work. Now Zhang Kun has hundreds of types of pills in his hands, covering various aspects, whether it is supplementing internal strength, quality, etc. Dark wounds, auxiliary training, enhancing combat power, and highly poisonous elixirs are all available!
Of course, he didn't relax a bit in his cultivation of vitality. Apart from alchemy every day, he practiced Kunyu Huazhang, and his strength was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye every day!

At this time, the Spring Festival is approaching, and Changyang City is ready to welcome the new year with lanterns and festoons after the competition. Zhang Kun sent a batch of pills to the Su family according to the previous agreement. He promised Su Fangmeng to make alchemy for the Su family, but he never forgot.

Just when he stepped out of the gate of the Su family, a few light shadows crossed the sky, and powerful auras rushed towards Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun frowned, and his spirit quietly communicated. Mirror Domain, the transparent and invisible Chengying Sword behind it is also ready to be unsheathed at any time!
Suddenly several figures surrounded him at a speed that Zhang Kun couldn't react to, with unkind expressions on their faces!
(End of this chapter)

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