Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 307

Chapter 307
Surrounded by everyone from the Qin family, Zhang Kun walked out of Changyang City. Qin Shan threw his right hand, and a small flying shuttle in his hand rose against the wind, and it was several feet in size in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Kun followed the crowd onto the shuttle. Qin Shan stood in front of the shuttle and pinched a formula with both hands. The speed continued to increase, and a violent wind blew head-on.

Just when Zhang Kun was trying to circulate his vitality to isolate the wind, a protective film suddenly and slowly rose up around the shuttle, isolating the wind from the outside. After Zhang Kun withdrew his vitality, Qin Shan turned his head, with a half-smile He glanced at Zhang Kun.

Along the way, the members of the Qin family were silent, and Zhang Kun didn't bother himself. He sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes and focused.

He agreed to take the risk to go to Qin's house this time, although he still wanted to find out the truth, the most important reason was because of Jing Yu.When he entered the mirror domain last time, he learned from the mirror domain owner that the mirror domain needs to collect more space energy to unlock more space.

So Jingyu gave Zhang Kun a task to find new fragments of the bronze mirror. The mission also reminded that there were fluctuations in the fragments of the bronze mirror to the west of Changyang City, and the Wojia King City was also located in the extreme west of the Xiaoshuo Dynasty.

The Xiaoshuo Dynasty had a vast territory, and the Wojia King City was the closest to Changyang City, but it was still tens of thousands of miles away. Even by shuttle, it would take a week's journey.

In the past few days, everyone in the Qin family was practicing silently. On the fifth day, Fei Shuo entered a barren plain. Those masters of the Qin family's Qi refining realm all opened their eyes, and their spiritual consciousness enveloped Fei Shuo all the time. His expression was stern, as if he was guarding against something.

"This plain is called Arakawa, and it is the shortest road to the king's city. Otherwise, you would have to cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Most merchants would choose this road. Therefore, there are a lot of robbers here, who specialize in robbing passing warriors. Seeing Zhang Kun and the others stand up, Qin Shan took the initiative to explain.

"Then Wangcheng didn't send troops to suppress the bandits?" A clan elder asked suspiciously.

"How could it not be? Once this group of desolate bandits robbed a batch of materials that the city lord needed for cultivation, the city lord was furious and entangled nearly a hundred Qi refiners and five hundred innate masters from various families to crusade, but In the end, the entire Arakawa was turned upside down, but there was not even a trace of the bandits, but after this incident, the bandits also restrained a lot, so the city lord also turned a blind eye."

Qin Shan glanced at the barren and vast plain, and said proudly: "But you don't have to worry, with our current strength, we won't be afraid even if these bandits come..."

Qin Shan suddenly kept silent, turned around suddenly and cast his eyes on the barren horizon, and the other members of the Qin family seemed to have sensed something, and looked in this direction one after another.

As the shuttle approached, more than a dozen black dots appeared on the horizon, and gradually became larger. They turned out to be more than a dozen masked people.They sat cross-legged on a huge rock, and when they saw Zhang Kun and others approaching, they all stood up.

"Get ready for the battle." Qin Shan ordered with a stern expression, it was too late to run at this time, and besides, there were twelve qi refiners on their side, so they might not be afraid of them.

As the flying shuttle approached, those sixteen people also jumped into the air one after another, Qin Shan couldn't help but change his face, these people were all Qi refiners!
Could it be that this group of desolate bandits knew the strength of their group and gathered all the Qi refiners?Qin Shan couldn't help thinking this way.

This group of masked desolate bandits has risen to the same position as Fei Shuo. Qin Shan stepped out and was also suspended in mid-air. The elders of the Qin family in Wangcheng came here just to carry out a mission, and they didn’t bring any belongings with them, can you give the old man a nudge and let us go there?”

"The Qin family, one of the four great families?" A tall and thin middle-aged man walked out of the barren bandits and asked in a muffled voice.

"Exactly." Qin Shan replied loudly, seeing the hesitation of the desolate bandits, he was also secretly happy, and said hastily: "As long as you don't stop, the Qin family will be rewarded generously afterwards."

"Great report?" There was a playful look in the bandit's eyes, and he suddenly laughed sharply, and the bandit behind him also let out a burst of wild laughter.

The leader of the desolate bandit withdrew his smile, waved his hand at the back, and said coldly, "Let us search to find out if we have any property with us."

The wild bandits approached Fei Shuo step by step, Qin Shan's face also turned cold, he didn't expect this group of wild bandits to be so ignorant, he snorted coldly and said: "Are you determined to fight our Qin family?"

The tall wild bandit said with a half smile: "Brothers, let us see the strength of the four big families, the Qin family."

Qin Shan saw that things were not going well, so he put away the flying shuttle. Dozens of qi refiners were confronting each other in the midair. Feeling the danger, they all ran frantically towards the periphery.

I saw the leader of the desolate bandits pinched a Dao Jue, and a dark blue lightning bolt the size of a bowl fell from the sky, striking towards the Qin family members with tremendous force.

"Small tricks." Qin Shan said disdainfully, with a wave of his sleeve, the same cyan streamer flew out, collided with the lightning and made a loud noise, bursting out with astonishing light, a wave of air rolled away, and the pitiful crooked trees nearby The neck tree was uprooted directly.

Taking advantage of the aftermath of the explosion, the members of the Qin family, led by Qin Shan, collided with the bandits. Both groups were Qi trainers. It's not like these desolate bandits can compare, and they were evenly matched for a while.

The four of Zhang Kun, who were under strict supervision, were ignored for a while, and the four looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

In the end, Zhang Kun spoke, and said to the second elder who came with him: "Second elder, I think you three should also help the Qin family, otherwise those robbers will definitely not let go when the Qin family loses." Those who have passed us, I think they are not here for money, they seem to want to keep us all here."

"Okay, Zhang Kun boy, anyway, the patriarch also explained, the old man and the others will listen to you once." The second elder touched his head and said without hesitation. After putting Zhang Kun on the ground, he took the other two People rushed into the battle group.

With the addition of the three members of the Su family, the number of masters on both sides became the same, and the pressure on the Qin family, which was slightly inferior, was immediately relieved, and the situation was brought back.

Zhang Kun on the ground watched the rare scuffle in mid-air. Both sides were fighting to the death in this kind of battle where you die or live. Various miraculous moves emerged one after another, and colorful spiritual powers collided constantly in mid-air Explosion, it is not clear which side has the upper hand.

This level of battle is not something that Zhang Kun can intervene in. When he was free, he began to concentrate on observing their fighting methods. Some touches seem to understand something.

At this time, Qin Shan, who was facing the tall and thin wild bandit, seemed to want to get rid of his entanglement as soon as possible and go to support others. He saw him activating the magic formula, and countless flames flickered in the air, and arrows shot in the flames. Condensed out, with a red light all over the sky, it shot straight towards the bandits.

The desolate bandit's face remained unchanged, and he also pinched a spell. Suddenly there was a faint thunder in the sky, and countless small golden lightning bolts struck down, blending and melting into a thick golden electric dragon in the air.

Under the control of the desolate bandits, the electric flood dragon was surrounded by golden electric lights, opened its mouth and let out a silent roar, and rushed straight towards the fire arrows that filled the sky. Each occupies half of the sky.

Every time the fire arrow hit the Dian Jiao's body, it dimmed the light on its body a bit, and the fire arrows that were avoided by the Dian Jiao fell from the sky like fire from the sky, smashing bottomless holes on the ground.

This astonishing momentum caused others to lose their minds for a short time, and subconsciously stayed away from the two of them, fearing that they would be affected. Zhang Kun looked at this astonishing scene with fascination in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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