Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 314 Martial Artist Square City

Chapter 314 Martial Artist Square City

Qin Kexin's small face was distorted in pain, and his temples were already wet with sweat. Qin Hanyang felt distressed, grabbed Zhang Kun's arm and said, "Zhang Kun, what's going on?"

"That cloud of black mist is polluting her internal energy." Zhang Kun looked stern, and wanted to purify the strands of black impurities, but those black impurities seemed to be alive, and when they saw Zhang Kun's vitality, they rushed forward. Zhang Kun gradually felt that his own vitality was slowly being dyed black, and finally cut off contact directly.

Seeing that Zhang Kun had nothing to do, Qin Hanyang stood up and asked Zhang Kun to take care of Qin Kexin, and then disappeared in place to call the alchemist in the family.

Zhang Kun watched Qin Kexin's small hands firmly grasping his arm, the place where it touched was slippery, his palms were covered with sweat, and he looked more and more painful.Zhang Kun didn't care too much, and directly circulated his vitality and broke into her body again.

At this time, her body was not only covered with black silk threads, it looked a little scary.

After Zhang Kun's vitality penetrated, the black thread wound up, and the vitality was slowly eroded, but at a much slower speed.

A strange ray of internal force shuttled quickly through Qin Kexin's meridians, as if looking for something, suddenly Zhang Kun stopped, and at a place very close to the dantian, the internal force was already filthy, exuding a strange aura.

And the black mist in the middle was constantly twisting and rolling, and a large number of black threads came out of it, as if they were living things.

Zhang Kun tried to get closer, but unexpectedly, the black mist suddenly mutated, continuously expanded and expanded, and finally exploded directly, and countless black threads invisible to the naked eye swarmed towards Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun sighed, watching the strands of vitality being surrounded, and was about to withdraw his consciousness, when he suddenly noticed strange fluctuations emanating from his body, this group of surging black silk threads seemed to have touched a cat's mouse, It frantically began to shrink, and in a moment it turned back into a cloud of black mist, and all the black lines in the meridians disappeared. The fluctuation gradually dissipated, and it seemed that there was still a feeling of reluctance.

Qin Kexin's expression also calmed down, and he hurriedly let go of Zhang Kun with his wet little hands, looked at him a little shyly, and couldn't help but chuckle when he saw his dazed look.

"Miss Kexin, do you feel better?" Zhang Kun came back to his senses, saw Qin Kexin's smiling face, and knew that she should be fine for the time being.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt at all, thank you brother doctor." Qin Kexin touched his face and said with certainty.


The door was opened suddenly, and a group of people rushed in hastily. Qin Hanyang froze when he saw the two talking and laughing.

"Chief Qin, Miss Kexin is fine, let's go out and talk." Zhang Kun passed by Qin Hanyang and walked straight out. Qin Hanyang looked at Zhang Kun's back, explained to those people, and followed .

Under the crabapple tree outside, Zhang Kun looked at Qin Hanyang's hesitant expression, and said bluntly: "Patriarch Qin, I already have some clues about Miss Kexin's illness, but..."

Zhang Kun stopped suddenly, looked at Qin Hanyang with a smile in his eyes, Qin Hanyang looked at the young man in front of him, and knew that he wanted to ask himself for a promise, and naturally he couldn't hide what happened in the small building last night.

"I know what you are worried about, but then you can do it with confidence, my Qin family will naturally not treat you badly, and no one can touch you if I am in the Qin family." Qin Hanyang said the last few words firmly, revealing Undoubtedly, this middle-aged man who has always been gentle has also begun to show his iron-blooded side when it comes to his daughter's life.


After Zhang Kun got Qin Hanyang's promise, he was afraid that he would ask about the treatment method, so he slipped away on the grounds that he needed to go back to check the pharmacopoeia.

After returning to the small building, a crystal clear and round golden pill appeared in Zhang Kun's hand. He just checked everything in the storage ring, and finally only the Dan butterfly egg rewarded by the mirror field was left.

Since he got the egg, it has been silent, and he can't find any information about it in the classics, and he doesn't know the conditions for hatching. In the end, he can only think that it is a rare zerg, thrown in the Storage ring hit.

But now it seems that it has something to do with Qin Kexin's illness, but he doesn't have any clue now, and the information on the mirror area is also lacking, so he can only try it slowly.

In the next few days, Zhang Kun went to find Qin Kexin, but no matter what method he used, even if he tried to use the method last time to contact the cloud of black mist with internal force, the egg still did not respond, as if General dead.

In the end, he had nothing to do, but fortunately, after the last eruption of the black mist, there is no change now, so Qin Kexin's body is also getting better day by day.

"Brother Zhang Kun, today is the opening day of Dongcheng Wuzhefang City, let's go and have a look?" Qin Tian rushed in just after Zhang Kun had finished diagnosing Qin Kexin.

Zhang Kun glanced at Qin Tian helplessly. This kid came to him from time to time these days, and Qin Tian was quite gracious to outsiders. Once he got to know him well, he would find that he was actually a chatterbox.

"Brother, I want to go too!" Qin Kexin shouted excitedly, as if remembering something happy.

"Wu Zha Fang City?"

Zhang Kun looked over suspiciously, Qin Tian saw that Zhang Kun was interested, and explained excitedly: "This is founded by Ouyang's family in Dongcheng. The market is open on two days every month. Warriors in the entire Wangcheng have trading needs." Most of them will go there, and many genius spirit treasures will appear."

After Qin Tian finished speaking, he turned to Qin Kexin and said seriously: "Kexin is recuperating at home, and I will take you there when you recover."

Qin Kexin was a little discouraged, but still nodded obediently, seeing that Zhang Kun seemed to be hesitating, he shook his hand and said coquettishly: "Brother Zhang Kun, you should go too, there is my favorite preserved fruit, you can bring it back for Kexin OK?"

After getting along these few days, this girl is inexplicably close to Zhang Kun, which makes Qin Tian very strange. His younger sister has always been very sensible, and he has never seen her act like a baby to anyone.

"Then go and have a look." Zhang Kun pondered. He was originally interested in this market, and wanted to see if he could find some rare medicinal materials needed for alchemy, and he couldn't bear to refuse this girl's offer. Request, he nodded in agreement.

The Ouyang family, as one of the four major families in the Wojia King City, has a huge influence in the King City, and the trading market held by the Ouyang family in the East City will attract countless warriors every time they come to Zhang.

When Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun arrived, the whole market was already full of people, and the trading areas were full of people, and the stalls were full of Lingbao rare plants, and the scene was very prosperous.

"Let's go to the elixir area first." Zhang Kun squeezed into the crowd and walked towards the area where medicinal materials were sold.

Qin Tian hurriedly followed. Neither of them came out this time with an entourage, which made Qin Tian, ​​who had been grounded since he ran away from home in the mall, very excited.

"Haha, isn't this Young Master Qin?" A voice sounded from a booth not far away.

"Ouyang Jing."

Qin Tian's expression suddenly turned cold. Zhang Kun followed his gaze. On the second floor of the nearby attic, a young man was lying on the grand teacher's chair, looking at Qin Tian downstairs with a playful expression. Beautiful maid.

"I heard that Young Master Qin was grounded by his family. They felt it was a pity when they talked with Shitou a few days ago. Why don't we find a time to get together?" Ouyang Jing picked up a grape from the fruit plate in the maid's hand and put it on the table. In the entrance, he looked at Qin Tian with a smile.

"We're not that familiar." Qin Tian still replied coldly.

Ouyang Jing didn't care, and still smiled and said: "It's hurtful for you to say that. I heard that Qin Kexin is going to die soon? It's really sad. I plan to go and see her. It's a pity that she died like this. what."

"You don't need to worry about my family."

Qin Tian clenched his fist suddenly, and finally let it go in a slump. He didn't even say hello to Zhang Kun, and left directly. Zhang Kun didn't care much, and silently raised his head to look at Ouyang Jing.

Ouyang Jing looked at the backs of the two, and suddenly hugged the maid beside him to flirt, which made the girl coquettish, and then let go with a big laugh, but the smile in her eyes was a little cold.

(End of this chapter)

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