Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 324 Shocked Xu Heyu

Chapter 324 Shocked Xu Heyu
Xu Heyu and Zhong Weilun are both known as the twin prides of Wangcheng. They are less than 20 years old and their strength is close to the heavenly level. , Zhong Weilun died in the hands of Zhang Kun, while Xu Heyu met Zhang Kun in the Sandalwood Palace and invited Zhang Kun to a place of inheritance.

And a few months passed by, Zhang Kun had already come out of the Flame Demon Cave, and Xu Heyu had also come out of the land of inheritance and returned home, and his strength had even broken through to the heavenly level!
Moreover, Xu Heyu's specific age is 16 years old, and after this year, he will only be 17 years old. A 17-year-old sky-level warrior almost broke the record of geniuses in Wojia Wangcheng. You must know that the two sky-level warriors under Zhong Lianyun The thugs are already in their 40s and [-]s!

It took only half of Xu Heyu's age to complete the achievements of others in half his life, and the children of masters like Xu Heyu are only a part of the realm, and their fighting strength is far beyond the surface!

Xu Heyu returned to the Xu family with a heavenly cultivation base and the inheritance of treasures obtained in the land of inheritance. The Xu family immediately burst into joy, drums and music rang together, beaming with joy. Xu Heyu was surrounded by everyone. The elders nodded in appreciation to him frequently.

"Brother Yu, when you come back this time, you will be the leader of the younger generation in Wojia City!" A Xu family disciple next to Xu Heyu said while holding a wine bottle.

Xu Heyu shook his head modestly and said, "I just had some adventures and rely on my talent, that's all, it's not a big achievement."

"Where, I think that among the four young masters in Wangcheng, Brother Yu is the only one who is the most coquettish!" The Xu family disciple shook his glass and pointed to Jiang Shan, "Qin family Qin Tian's aptitude is mediocre, he only has a little talent in business. Although Zhong Weijie and Zhong Weilun from the Zhong family are outstanding people, they are too narrow-minded to become a great weapon, and Ouyang Jing from the Ouyang family is even more of a fool, relying on the power of the family!"

"Brother Yu, you are the only one who has reached the pinnacle of the young generation by virtue of your strength. You are a true genius!" The Xu family child was full of praise for Xu Heyu.

"Where, where, I went this time and traveled to many counties and counties under the entire Wojia King Domain. I stayed in many places for a few days and saw many young talents in the local area. Some of them are not inferior to my Wangcheng children , it’s just a lack of cultivation resources!” Xu Heyu said lightly.

The man was about to speak, when Xu Heyu said again: "Especially when I came to Changyang County, I was received by the local Marquis and was recommended by him to meet a young Dantu. Don't underestimate Han Chi them."

"An alchemist, is it worthy of your attention? They are just alchemy tools kept in captivity by a family like us. Give them some small money and let them work hard for us!" Xu Hanchi chuckled, lifted the wine bottle and poured it into the cup I drank all the wine in one gulp.

"But what if I say that he is a 14-year-old third-level alchemy disciple, or even a fourth-level alchemist?" Xu Heyu said with his eyes fixed.

"A 14-year-old third-level alchemist? A third-level alchemist can refine innate-level pills. From a hierarchical point of view, he is still above you, Brother Yu?" Xu Hanchi was stunned and said, "How is that possible?"

At the age of 67, Xu Heyu has reached the heavenly level and is already a peerless genius, but this young alchemist is only 14 years old and is a third-level alchemist, which is equivalent to the innate level. How could such a terrifying talent appear in a small county? What about the children?

"Nothing is impossible. I saw it with my own eyes. He took out a pill worth millions of gold at the auction, and the Marquis of Qin County in Changyang also regarded him as a guest. I don't think he is that simple. Maybe he got What kind of treasure, or what kind of powerful teacher did you learn from!" Xu Heyu said seriously.

"Unless he started practicing alchemy in his mother's womb, how could he have reached the third level of alchemy at such a young age?" Xu Hanchi still can't do it. There are alchemists in Xu's family, but they usually only reach the third level at the age of three or forty. Dantu's, 40 years old?Even the entry into alchemy has not been reached!

"That's probably going to disappoint you. I heard that he has only been in contact with alchemy for a year!" Xu Heyu said.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible. If that's the case, wouldn't he be the person who has advanced the alchemy the fastest in the Xiaoshuo Empire for hundreds of years? What's his name?" Xu Hanchi's eyes widened, The mouth is wide open, the brows are also wrinkled, and even the hair is shaking!
Xu Heyu nodded, patted Xu Hanchi on the shoulder and said: "Hanchi, you have to know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. His name is Zhang Kun. A genius like him is rare. Our Xu family should recruit him and give him a guest." The status of enshrinement, profit from him."

Xu Hanchi was stunned, opened his mouth, and couldn't speak for a long time. After a while, he shook his head and said: "Our Xu family's Keqing is not so young, and I still can't imagine a 14-year-old Third-level alchemist."

Xu Heyu smiled, and looked at the Xu family, which was decorated with lanterns and festoons today. It was a family banquet set up to welcome him back to celebrate his great strength, but at the moment his mind was not on these things. He should be happy, because just as As Xu Hanchi said, he is already the most talented person in Wojia King City, but his light is somewhat dim in front of Zhang Kun.

"Fortunately, Zhang Kun is still staying in that county city. The resources there are not as good as those in the royal city. I have also obtained the best skills from the place of inheritance. It will take me a few years to enter the innate realm before the age of 20. This way, we can catch up with Zhang Kun!" Xu Heyu thought to himself.

At this moment, one of Xu Heyu's subordinates hurried in, walked to Xu Heyu's side and whispered something to him, Xu Heyu's expression changed drastically!

Xu Heyu's face suddenly turned pale, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then returned to normal. He nodded at his subordinates and said, "Okay, I understand, you can go down."

His subordinates bowed to leave, Xu Hanchi then asked: "Brother Yu, what shocked you so much?"

Xu Heyu bit his lips and said, "Zhang Kun has come to Wangcheng, and he even opened a stall in Wuzhefang City, exchanging pills for items. There are so many people queuing up to watch, half a day is equivalent to a month's sales of a medicine store!"

"It's the Zhang Kun you mentioned?" Xu Hanchi couldn't believe it. They had just discussed him, and Zhang Kun came to Wangcheng to make such a big commotion.

"And what's even more frightening is that Zhang Kun took out several fourth-level pills, including the rare and precious Tongyuan Pill and Ningshen Pill, and he even cured a little girl from the Qin family with Fuling Qingdan! "Xu Heyu's voice trembled a little when they spoke.

As the majestic double pride of Wang Cheng and the genius child of the Xu family, he actually felt a little powerless at this moment!
"Doesn't that mean that he has reached the level of a fourth-level alchemist!" Xu Hanchi took a breath, lost his mind, and petrified on the spot like a clay sculpture or wood carving!
The fourth-level alchemy disciples are no longer low-level alchemists. They can refine precious pills for Qi practitioners, and their status suddenly rises. Be respectful too.

Because the fourth-level alchemy disciples have a very wide network of contacts, Qi practitioners all ask for them. If they need them to make alchemy, they will often owe a lot of favors. The favors of Qi practitioners are very useful. Qi practitioners Once they make a move, the affairs of the ancient martial arts world can be settled easily!

Xu Heyu sighed lightly and said, "Hanchi, you can go and meet him with me tomorrow."

Xu Hanchi nodded numbly. For this reason, he had to pay attention to this 14-year-old fourth-level alchemist. Xu Heyu nodded. The bustling scene in front of him suddenly became boring. He waved his hand and declined. Thanks to the kindness of his friends and elders, he hid in the room alone and began to practice.

Not only them, but also the senior members of the Xu family have just received the news that there is an extra genius alchemist in the city of Wojia, exchanging items wantonly in Wuzhefang City, and the daughter of the Xia family has already entered into a marriage contract with the Qin family. The matter of courting Zhang Kun has caused a sensation in the whole city, but the Qin family has not reacted at all!

They also didn't care about celebrating Xu Heyu, and quickly held an emergency family meeting to discuss Zhang Kun's matter!

(End of this chapter)

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