Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

This is an extremely ancient and unorthodox elixir. He only caught a glimpse of it in an ancient book in the Jingyu Pill Hall, but unfortunately there were only intermittent records of the refining method of Wuji Pill, but there was a The video of the senior refining the Wuji Pill!
"So lucky? I have watched the video before when I was bored, and I have memorized a few key points!" Zhang Kun murmured in his heart, not all the pills in the ancient books have images left by their predecessors, Jingyu It was already incomplete, and many places were incomplete, and some places stopped abruptly after writing. Fortunately, Xu Heyu came to the door and gave this pill recipe, so Zhang Kun was able to understand the complete recipe for refining Wuji pill.

Seeing that Zhang Kun looked at the bamboo slips with a dignified expression, Xu Hanchi felt very fortunate. If Zhang Kun really cracked the refining method of Wuji Pill at a glance, he would have to accept it, but if it is like this, he can still do it. Treat Zhang Kun as a normal person and find a psychological balance for yourself!
However, Zhang Kun looked at Zhu Jianjian and returned it to Xu Heyu, saying, "Don't worry, brother Heyu, I will refine it for you."

After finishing speaking, he went to the medicine cabinet and rummaged through the cabinet for a while. When he came back, he had several kinds of colorful fruits and flowers in his hand. Zhang Kun looked at Xu Heyu and said, "There is a white brocade ice rhinoceros in the prescription. I don’t have a unicorn here, so Brother Yu should have some with me, right?”

"Here you are." Xu Heyu stretched out his hand, and a rhinoceros horn like ice and white jade appeared in front of him. The Baijin Bingyan rhinoceros is a powerful monster in the enlightenment period. Naturally, it was not Xu Heyu who killed it himself, but Xu Heyu. The inventory in the family's treasury was worth millions of gold, and the Xu family naturally did not hesitate to invest in refining medicine for Xu Heyu.

Zhang Kun nodded while holding the Baijin Bingyan Rhinoceros' horn as if it was in a medicine cauldron. Xu Hanchi couldn't help but said, "Alchemist Zhang, this Baijin Bingyan Rhinoceros is too hard and hard to destroy. I'm afraid you can directly refine the medicine like this." Can’t be smelted, why don’t you find someone to grind it into horn powder first?”

Zhang Kun smiled noncommittally, and his hands flew a few times as if he was playing a pipa casually. Suddenly, a flame burst out from the broken medicine cauldron. As soon as the fire came out, the temperature in the entire alchemy room rose a little bit. Suddenly, there was a feeling of palpitation in the hearts of the brothers. If the flame fell on them, it would surely take their lives instantly!

"You'd better stand far away, this time alchemy, the flames may splash out and hurt you." Zhang Kun reminded, only to see that the indestructible Baijin Bingyan Rhinoceros Horn that Xu Hanchi said was already in the flames of the sky It turned into a puddle of white liquid!

"Hiss, this is not Fanhuo at all!" The brothers of the Xu family gasped in surprise, even Xu Heyu was also surprised, his complexion turned gray in an instant, he had been to many places He has experienced it, but he has never encountered such a terrifying flame anywhere. He believes that once he is entangled in this flame, he must have no chance of surviving!

"Can Zhang Kun control such a flame?" The Xu family brothers looked at each other in blank dismay. They have received the best and top-notch cultivation knowledge education since they were young. They naturally understand that the stronger the power, the higher the realm to control it, otherwise they will lose control and bite themselves back. !

And the power of Tianzhu Remnant Flame is obviously beyond the control of Zhang Kun, a small fourth-level alchemy disciple. There must be some mystery in it. Ding, they just looked at the quaint medicine cauldron, thinking that it must be a powerful magic weapon to release such powerful flames.

Zhang Kun ignored the shocked expressions of the two, and moved his hands together. At this moment, most of his mental power was concentrated in the medicine cauldron.The brothers of the Xu family were right. It is not so easy to master the embers and residual flames. Even with the assistance of the tattered medicine cauldron, Zhang Kun could barely use it, but that was before!
Ever since Zhang Kun acquired the Supreme Flame Technique in the Raging Flame Dojo, he has a set of ultimate methods for using flames in his memory. Although he can't use it at will like in the Raging Flame Dojo, he found that he used to be unruly and unruly. The embers and residual flames, in his hands at this moment, are like a docile and obedient pet, handy and easy to use!
Then Zhang Kun stared fixedly at the white liquid formed from the rhinoceros horn of Baijin Bingyan, but his hands were not idle at all. He didn't even look at it, and just picked out a few plants from the pile of medicinal materials by the feeling of weighing them in his hands. Throwing it into the fire, an oily fruit entered the fire, and the medicine cauldron seemed to explode immediately, and several clusters of flames rose and jumped out, and almost fell on Xu Heyu's body!

Xu Heyu backed away again and again in fright, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his heart sank as if tied to a stone. The first level can only be refined into basic pills, and the ability to refine medicines is not too strong, but seeing them today completely destroyed all Xu Heyu's ideas!
Zhang Kun is too strong, too monstrous, and his alchemy ability far exceeds that of any alchemist he has ever seen. He has never seen these grand alchemy scenes in the hands of other alchemists. Their alchemy seems to be racking their brains to piece together pills , and Zhang Kun swayed freely, as if he was completing a work of art!

Amidst the unstoppable admiration of the Xu family brothers and Xia Huier's delighted and admiring eyes, Zhang Kun completed the refinement of the materials smoothly. At this moment, the scene of the senior refining the elixir flooded into his mind In his heart, the biggest obstacle in refining the Promise Pill was instantly swept away by Zhang Kun, and the details that needed to be paid attention to in countless alchemy were all clearly understood by Zhang Kun at this moment!

Refining elixir is a very refined process. Unless there is a crushing state advantage, otherwise refining elixir must be done step by step. When and what to do is very important and fixed, and it can even be calculated in seconds. Every second in the refining process of several hours or even days needs to be firmly controlled by the alchemist!

This is not something that ordinary people can do, at least it needs to use extremely strong mental strength, concentrate on alchemy, and it also needs perseverance and perseverance, to be able to endure boring and boring!

This is not necessary for Zhang Kun to refine Zengqi Pill, which is a low-level elixir. After his skill is greatly increased, refining Zengqi Pill is like pinching sugar pills, but this Wuji Pill is a fifth-level elixir. With Zhang Kun's current state It takes some time to refine.

This time, the refining process lasted for three full hours, directly from noon to evening. The two brothers of the Xu family stared at Zhang Kun's refining cauldron in the alchemy room the whole time, and the flames kept jumping out, as if frying oil. Like a pot, it makes a sizzling sound, and every time it rises in the flame, you can see a gray light rising from the medicine cauldron and merge into the medicine pill!
The Xu family brothers couldn't believe that Zhang Kun was able to complete the entire alchemy process meticulously, controlling every detail. If it was the two of them, they would probably be in a hurry if they couldn't hold on for a minute, and would be swallowed by the flames instead. !

In the end, Zhang Kun concentrated his energy and kept his energy to the best state. He slapped the medicine cauldron suddenly, and in the surrounding world, strands of spiritual energy gathered and poured into the elixir at the last moment. That one was like a stubborn stone. The embryo of the elixir released colorful brilliance in an instant, and after less than a while, the elixir finally stabilized. Zhang Kun stretched out his hand to grab it, and there was a chaotic Promise Pill in his hand.

"My God, he actually refined it. The elders in the family once said that it is impossible to refine Wuji Dan without the level of a fifth-level alchemist!" Xu Heyu watched this scene intently. I was stunned.

Not only can Zhang Kun practice level four pills, but he can even practice Wuji pills that have reached the threshold of level five?Although it took a lot of time to refine it, in the end he really refined the Wuji Pill.

The Xu family brothers were so shocked that they couldn't keep their mouths shut. The two of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and then thanked Zhang Kun repeatedly.

Zhang Kun nodded lightly. He said that this so-called fifth-level pill was difficult to refine in his current state, but with the assistance of the medicine cauldron and flames, he could still refine it. The condition is excellent, which created such a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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