Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 337

Chapter 337
"Golden silkworm, listen to me well, after I use my vitality to enter Qin Kexin's body, you can suppress those bugs for me. Human life is at stake. Don't make any mistakes."

Outside the small building, Zhang Kun told the golden silkworm on his shoulder with a serious face. Although he didn't know what the bugs in Qin Kexin's body were, he knew that the golden silkworm had a great restraint effect on these bugs. It was also the breath of the golden silkworm that stopped the rioting bugs, so as long as those bugs didn't take the opportunity to make trouble in Qin Kexin's body, he could use his vitality to guide them out.


But this little thing ignored Zhang Kun at all, and gnawed at the spirit grass with a dull face, as if he couldn't understand Zhang Kun's words.

Zhang Kun was not annoyed, and said slowly: "If you don't cooperate, then you don't even want to eat spirit grass this month."

Since getting this worm, its mouth has basically never stopped, and it only chooses high-grade spiritual grass with sufficient spiritual energy to eat. It eats all the rare spiritual grass in Zhang Kun's collection.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard that Zhang Kun was about to stop feeding, the golden silkworm immediately became anxious and jumped up and down on Zhang Kun's body, showing his loyalty.

Zhang Kun smiled. In fact, he didn't know much about it, but those bugs were like time bombs lurking in Qin Kexin's body. No one knew when it would explode. Try it, he doesn't want anything to happen to this cute little girl at this age.

In the east direction of Qin Kexin's small building, there is also a small building erected, and the scene outside the small building can be clearly seen from here.

At this time, there were two men standing by the window sill, one of them was Qin Hanyang, and the other young man was wearing a white fish dragon suit, which was only worn by people in the palace of the Xiaoshuo Dynasty. He spoke, but there was a bit of a dusty atmosphere.

The two witnessed Zhang Kun entering the small building, and Qin Hanyang asked worriedly: "Zifang, can he really cure Kexin?"

The handsome young man glanced at Qin Hanyang, and said calmly: "Since you are so worried about your daughter, why did you put her in danger back then?"

Qin Hanyang looked stunned for a moment, he didn't know what to say, I'm afraid no one would have guessed that the majestic head of the Qin family was taunted by a young man and couldn't speak, and Qin Hanyang didn't show the slightest bit of anger, which showed that this young man's status was not inferior to he.

"Although I haven't formally met this little junior, but the master values ​​him very much, and even thinks that he can go further on the road of alchemy, so since he dares to mention it, he is naturally somewhat sure. "

The young man seemed a little bit disappointed, and said one more sentence, which was tantamount to giving Qin Hanyang a reassurance, but just as some joy appeared on his face, the young man poured cold water on him again.

"Instead of worrying in vain here, you should think about how to deal with your younger brother. I don't care if he jumps over the wall in a hurry, and with his current strength, no one in your Qin family can stop him, right?"

Qin Hanyang nodded solemnly. In fact, he had arranged many backhands, but when he thought of Qin Yifeng, who was already a complete stranger, he still had no idea.


"Brother Zhang Kun, I heard from my father that you are here to treat my illness today, right?" Qin Kexin lay on the bed, and when he saw Zhang Kun, his face was filled with a smile.

"Yes, Kexin sleeps first, you'll be fine when you wake up, and you can go out to play." Zhang Kun said with a smile on his face when he saw this girl, with a relaxed expression.

Although Qin Kexin didn't like falling asleep like this very much, she obediently agreed, and after she took the sleeping grass, she fell asleep with blurred eyes within a moment.

Zhang Kun waited for her breathing to become steady and even, and his expression suddenly became serious. He was actually under a lot of pressure. If the golden silkworm was not suppressed and those insects rioted again, then Qin Kexin would be really in danger.

He pulled the golden silkworm out of his arms, and then began to look for the bugs in Pin Kexin's body.

Sure enough, the black mist was ready to move again, and Qin Kexin's internal energy was once again polluted. When Zhang Kun's vitality approached the black mist, the group of insects seemed to feel the danger, and the black mist began to surge crazily.

Zhang Kun was about to order the golden silkworm, but the golden silkworm had already sensed something. It raised its head and yelled silently, and strange fluctuations spread, and the insects immediately stopped resisting. They all fell down as if they were dead, revealing the scene inside the black mist.

It was a transparent little insect, similar in appearance to those black beetles, but it was as transparent as crystal, unlike those ferocious black beetles, it gave people a holy feeling, but at this moment it was in the golden silkworm Trembling slightly under the coercion of Zhang Kunzong, he was enveloped by Zhang Kunzong's vitality.

When Zhang Kun wrapped these unresisting insects and moved to the outside world, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and was relieved, but the golden silkworm rushed over quickly, as if the insects were very attractive to it In the blink of an eye, hundreds of small insects were devoured, leaving only the transparent beetle, as if hesitating whether to eat it or not.

But immediately it lay motionless on the ground in a daze, and a strange fragrance began to emanate from its body. Zhang Kun felt refreshed after smelling it, and his cultivation base also increased slightly.

"Are you full of food?" Zhang Kun looked at Jincan suspiciously, and Jincan also looked at him pitifully. Zhang Kun got an affirmative answer from its mental fluctuations.

"Brother Zhang Kun, huh? What is this?" Qin Kexin's voice suddenly came from behind, it seemed that this girl was also affected by the strange fragrance and woke up early.

She saw the dead golden silkworm lying on the edge of the bed at a glance, sniffled, grabbed it curiously, put it in the palm of her hand, and kept poking at its soft body.

"Brother Zhang Kun, this smells so good, can I eat it?" Just as the golden silkworm was lying on the girl's palm enjoying himself, the girl suddenly raised her head and asked innocently, revealing two cute little canine teeth. At first, he looked at her in horror.


Three days later, the Qin family.

"Brother Zhang Kun, hurry up, we've been waiting for a long time." The girl in a light yellow dress stood outside Zhang Kun's room door and knocked on his door.

Zhang Kun inside the room suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the voice, as if a ray of light flashed in the dim room, he showed a helpless smile, stood up and opened the door.

After Qin Kexin got well three days ago, she was like a bird in a cage, longing for the scenery outside, but yesterday Qin Hanyang actually agreed to Qin Kexin's request, which made her very happy, so she came here early in the morning Knock on Zhang Kun's door.

Although Zhang Kun felt that letting Qin Kexin go out was too eye-catching at this time, seeing the girl's bright smile, he couldn't help but forget these dark things in his heart.

The place they are going to today is a bustling commercial street, where people of various religions and high-levels gather, but Zhang Kun is not worried about it, because this street is in the south of the city, and it is on the territory of the Qin family. He is even more worried The most important thing is the interior of the Qin family.

Qin Tian couldn't come because he wanted to study ethnology, but when Zhang Kun saw the lineup of his colleagues, he couldn't help but sigh that the Qin family had a deep family background. There were more than a dozen innate masters, and they looked like the Qin family The elites who have been carefully cultivated have a sense of competence in every gesture. He knows that there must be Qi practitioners in the dark. Since Qin Hanyang dared to let his daughter go out at this time, he must have made sufficient preparations.

When Qin Kexin pulled Zhang Kun out of the side door, he suddenly noticed a group of people standing outside the gate of the Qin family. He still knew one person inside, and it was Ouyang Jing. Why did the Ouyang family choose to visit the Qin family at this time?Zhang Kun stared at Ouyang Jing, but he had a bad premonition in his heart, but he couldn't think of any key points.

And Ouyang Jing seemed to have noticed Zhang Kun's gaze, and turned his head to look at him and Qin Kexin. Although he tried his best to keep calm, Zhang Kun still found the tightly suppressed excitement.

Seeming to have gotten some news, the Ouyang family walked in, and Ouyang Jing suddenly smiled at him, with pleasure and compassion in his smile.

(End of this chapter)

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