Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 341 Breakthrough?Practice the power of Qi!

Chapter 341 Breakthrough?Practice the power of Qi!
The high priest was also surprised to see Zhang Kun's confident appearance. Could it be that there are other masters of the Qin family hiding nearby?
He used his spiritual sense to explore this space again and again and found nothing unusual, so he was relieved. After all, the Qin family is not easy to bully. If he is really ambushed, it will be enough for him to eat a pot.

"Pretentious, you guys go and snatch the little princess of the Qin family, I will come and train this kid myself." The high priest waved his hand and said with a sinister smile.


A drop of blood appeared in the palm of Zhang Kun, drawing complicated and obscure patterns in the void, the space in front of him slowly split apart, revealing a dark crack, and at the same time, a tyrannical coercion swept the entire space .

"This breath..." the high priest hesitated, and suddenly his face changed drastically, with a hint of fear in his shock, "How is it possible that you tamed a Naga king snake?"


As soon as the high priest finished speaking, a huge claw stretched out from the crack. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, a huge giant snake came out slowly, holding a pair of double knives and a pair of sharp blades. The terrifying snake stood upside down, spitting out one after another snake letter, as if it could devour everything, it roared, as if announcing its own arrival!
"Old man, take a closer look!" Zhang Kun continuously flew out a few drops of blood essence and melted into the crack, and bursts of tyrannical aura suddenly burst out alternately.

Birds and beasts revealed their figures from the cracks, and the terrifying aura permeating their bodies alone made people feel frightened.

"Swallowing Demon Swamp Frog, Blue-eyed Golden Eagle, Blood Moon Demon Lion..." The high priest was almost stunned, and he read the names of these monsters. Although they have different shapes, there is no doubt that they are all equivalent to humans Monster beasts in the Qi refining realm, and judging by the aura they exude, I am afraid that I am not an opponent if I just pick one out.

The high priest scolded his mother secretly in his heart, what the hell is going on, how could a boy who is less than innate tame so many overlord-level monsters for his use.

However, this also means that his plan failed this time. I am afraid that the organization will be hunted down in the empire next time. He did not expect to expose his plan for the first time, and it failed like this.

The high priest was filled with resentment. Before letting these believers block him so that he could retreat, he did not give up on his spiritual sense, but suddenly he was stunned, and his expression became very strange.

"Are these spirits?" the high priest said hesitantly. After careful observation, he found that although each of these monsters was mighty, they had a sense of illusion. The combat power of monsters with physical bodies is not at the same level at all.

Zhang Kun was not afraid, and even if he was discovered, he would not be disappointed. He knew that the high priest would not be so kind. There is momentum in the air, and the strength is probably only at the peak of the innate, but it will not damage their souls, so it can be resisted at this time.

Zhang Kun naturally felt distressed a few times. It is not easy to refine such a pill. He spent a lot of money to refine it successfully, and the raw materials of these pills are scarce. He also asked the Qin family to search for them. Made a few pairs!

"Zhang Kun, Zhang Kun, I didn't expect you to have so many tricks, I was almost deceived by you, but even so, you still can't escape my palm!" After the high priest confirmed the truth of these monsters, With no more fear in his heart, he laughed wildly.

More than a dozen men in black surrounded the masters of the Qin family, and the monster summoned by Zhang Kun roared not to be outdone, and the roar shook the heavens and the earth.

"Oh? Are you planning to fight alone with me? Don't you think I will show mercy?" The high priest was stunned when he saw that Zhang Kun sent all the monsters and spirits to help the master of the Qin family.

"I have beheaded several of your subordinates, and you still have the face to speak nonsense here?" Zhang Kun said with a smile. He couldn't keep his soul anymore. If he faced off against other men in black who were at the Qi refining level, he might be able to stop him for a while with his innate supernatural powers. That's why he made this seemingly crazy move.

"You sharp-tongued guy, let me see how capable you are, but how can you fight me with your innate realm?" In one round, so many subordinates died, he was actually bleeding from his heart, and it was all because of the young man in front of him.

"Is the Qi training state amazing?" Zhang Kun said lightly, the power of the stars all over his body suddenly became violent, washing his meridians over and over again, the huge pressure and pain made Zhang Kun spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you crazy? Do you think you can forcibly break through the Qi training realm? The gap between warriors and monks is beyond your imagination." The high priest said involuntarily when he saw Zhang Kun's crazy behavior.

"Hehe, an alchemist is not something you can imagine." Zhang Kun endured the pain, showing a disdainful smile, and a magical red elixir appeared in his hand.An upgraded version of Xueluo Pill, Shura Yuxue Pill, which was once listed as a banned drug among the fourth-level pills!Such a elixir was refined by Zhang Kun and used on himself. Everyone felt that Zhang Kun was crazy!

Zhang Kun swallowed it in one gulp, and the already violent atmosphere became more intense. A wave of tyrannical star power raged around him. His clothes were instantly shattered, and the meridians under the exposed skin were clearly visible.

"Pfft!" Another mouthful of blood spewed out, Zhang Kun felt a little weak, his aura fluctuated, and finally stabilized.

There was a faint voice, and the meridians on Zhang Kun's body that were about to erupt slowly dimmed, and the violent breath disappeared instantly, and a strange wave permeated his body, and it seemed that there was no movement between raising his hand. Heaven and earth resonate with it.

Zhang Kun felt a wonderful connection between himself and the heaven and earth, and he could clearly perceive the vitality between the heaven and the earth, as if he could use it for himself with a wave of his hand.

At this moment, he stepped into the ranks of the Qi training state. Zhang Kun knew that the price of this behavior of forcibly resonating with the heaven and the earth to enter the Qi training state was absolutely high, and he would be beaten back after the power of the stars disappeared. The original shape, but now, he is a real Qi trainer, and he has truly stepped into the ranks of cultivation!
"I didn't expect you to succeed." The high priest's eyes were full of admiration. I didn't expect that someone could forcefully break into the Qi training state. This is something unheard of for thousands of years. After all, once entering the Qi training, Since then, there has been an essential difference from ordinary people. Zhang Kun's move is tantamount to going against the sky, forcibly establishing a connection with heaven and earth. The most terrifying thing is that he has succeeded.

"It's not true, it's going against the sky!" Several Qi practitioners of the Qin family stared wide-eyed and fell into a daze, as if they had witnessed a miracle just now, and couldn't help but exclaim in admiration!
"Come on, old man, let me see what's different about you after so many years in the Qi training realm." Zhang Kun's body was shining with countless stars, which seemed to form a gorgeous armor to protect his body , At the same time, his body also exudes a star halo, and the treasure looks solemn, and there are Sanskrit voices singing from it!

This is also the magical effect of Qi training realm on the vitality of heaven and earth. As expected, if you don’t enter it, you don’t know its mystery at all, Zhang Kun secretly sighed. In addition, his understanding of the power of stars has also been raised to a new level in the battles again and again. Now that the two forces have merged into one, Zhang Kun has the illusion that he can tear apart the planet!

The high priest frowned, his whole body became more gloomy and cold, his lips moved quickly, one after another incomprehensible spells flew towards the black moon, the black moon above his head was undergoing some terrifying changes .

The black, which is deeper than ink, is surging, as if you can see dirty unknown creatures beating and biting each other, making each other's bodies shattered, roaring in the endless darkness, and finally one creature wins After winning, he gradually manifested on the black moon.

It was a dark and slender figure with two horns on its head, covered in pitch-black armor, and a broken cloak formed by black mist behind it

Slowly fluttering, a look of relief flashed in those eyes with strange purple awns.

"Zhang Kun, I might as well tell you that this is one of the thousands of incarnations of the Lord of the Black Moon we believe in. You should feel honored to die under the hands of the Lord of the Gods!" The high priest's face was a little pale, but his expression was very excited , shouted like a madman.

The high priest also wanted to make a quick decision, and if it dragged on, who knew if Zhang Kun would make any more troubles, so he directly summoned the incarnation of the black moon.

This is also the reason why he can become the high priest, because the high priest must dedicate everything to the Lord of the Black Moon in exchange for the power of the Lord of the Black Moon. The strongest combat power is to summon the incarnation of the black moon, and his own real strength is only in the early stage of Qi training, so the high priest called out the incarnation of the black moon at the beginning for the sake of caution.

The strength of the people in the Shadow of the Eclipse organization should not be underestimated. Zhang Kun once beheaded two innate masters on the top of the Black Mist Mountain. Their power came from that round of monster purple moon. The rank in the shadow of the lunar eclipse is the deacon, and as a high-ranking high priest, the power he controls is the black moon like paint and ink!
As soon as the black moon came out, it crushed everything, and everything around was plunged into darkness, as if hell reappeared in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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