Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 354 Princess Jue

Chapter 354 Princess Jue

Zhang Kun was caught by her sudden questioning, he paused slightly, frowned and said, "Master Jue, I am an alchemist."

"You have vitality in your body, you are a Qi trainer!" Princess Jue said in a low voice, she was looking forward to her appearance, but there was a hint of cunning deep in her beautiful eyes, which was keenly captured by Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun was slightly shocked in his heart. Princess Jue did not penetrate her internal energy into her body, and Zhang Kun did not reveal a trace of vitality. How did she see that the energy flowing in her body was more pure than that of ordinary Qi practitioners? vitality?
"How can I be a Qi trainer? I'm only 14 years old this year." Zhang Kun replied calmly with a smile. The fact is also the same. He is indeed not a Qi trainer, but because of Kun Yu Huazhang's special directly cultivated vitality That's all.

Princess Jue's pretty face was as pale as smoke, but at this moment she stared at Zhang Kun and said: "I have been gifted since I was a child. I can see through a person's strength without any detection means. My father failed to discover it, but You can't hide it from me."

It is very impolite to test a person's strength without other people's consent. Naturally, King Wojia would not make such a price drop at a banquet, and Princess Jue's ability is a bit strange, and Zhang Kun didn't notice it at all. , she knew that she had vitality!

Zhang Kun smiled helplessly. He didn't expect such a talent to exist in this world. Didn't he almost run naked in front of her?Fortunately, she is an eye-catching girl, otherwise Zhang Kun would feel that he has suffered a big loss.

"Master Jue was joking, if I were a Qi practitioner, would I still stay in this royal city with my talent?" Zhang Kun asked casually.

If a 14-year-old boy becomes a qi practitioner, then it cannot be explained by a single innate skill. Either he has practiced some forbidden technique that cuts off his cultivation path and forcibly improves his strength, or that old monster has reincarnated into him!

Princess Jue was immediately stopped by the question. After all, she was just a girl. She couldn't help but say it because she was too surprised. Now that she thinks about it carefully, she feels that something is wrong. First of all, Zhang Kun's aura is far inferior to Lian's. The majesty and strength of a Qi fighter is only at the level of the ancient martial arts, and the vitality in his body is not as transparent as those Qi practitioners, but rather muddy.

"Could it be that the exercises he practiced are quite complicated, and several exercises were mixed together, which finally led to this situation?" Princess Jue blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhang Kun curiously.

She rolled her dark eyes, leaned forward and leaned closer to Zhang Kun's ear, and Youlan said softly, "If I tell my father your secret, will he send someone to arrest you and force you back?" tell the secret?"

Zhang Kun stared at her slightly and said: "Your father is already at the peak of Foundation Establishment, what can he get from me, a little earth-level warrior?"

"You are guilty." Princess Jue's lips were bright, and his teeth were bright, with a smug flash of pride in his eyes.

Zhang Kun had no choice but to ask, "What do you want me to do, princess?"

"Alchemist Zhang is indeed a smart person, we can indeed cooperate." The corner of Princess Jue's mouth drew a beautiful arc and said: "What is your strength?"

Zhang Kun responded flatly: "You will know if you try it yourself?"

"Okay, wait for me at the gate of the inner city tomorrow morning, don't be late." Princess Jue said as if she had planned for a long time, and after she finished speaking, she straightened her body and returned to a cold temperament, like an unapproachable frosty beauty.

Looking at Princess Jue's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Zhang Kun sneered in his heart. It would be fine if Princess Jue just cooperated, but if she dared to really threaten him, Zhang Kun would not mind destroying the flower so that the flower of the royal city would wither.

Zhang Kun agreed to Princess Jue, and his mentality was just to play with her. Zhang Kun is still very free to practice and practice in the rolling world, not to mention using his current method to quietly erase a person's existence And will not leave any handle!
Even if King Wojia found out, so what, he still has the big weapon of realm in his hand, and there is really no one in the whole king city who can threaten Zhang Kun's life.

The banquet finally came to an end amidst the excitement. In the originally bustling Taishou Mansion, the elders of the family faded away like the tide. It was still daytime when the banquet started, but it was already late at night, and the moon was in full swing. The distant mountains and the near mountains seemed to be covered with a layer of hazy tulle. In the dimly lit eunuch's mansion, Zhang Kun stayed behind. He asked Hua Mubai and others to go back first, and only brought Su Fangmeng by his side. A maid from behind guided them into a quiet room.

There are already many people in the quiet room. King Wojia is sitting in the first seat, while Taishou Lin and Princess Jue are sitting on both sides. Princess Jue winked mischievously at Zhang Kun when he saw Zhang Kun coming in. , looks very cute and playful.

And Zhang Kun took Xia Hui'er and Su Fangmeng to sit down behind, and King Wojia here took the lead and said: "I came this time to discuss a countermeasure with Prefect Lin, but I didn't Thinking of meeting you, Zhang Kun, and you happen to be from Changyang County."

"Back to the lord, I am indeed from Changyang County." Zhang Kun said, he frowned and thought for a while, Changyang County is a small closed city in the territory of King Wojia, so it should not be affected by the city of King Wojia. Pay attention, is it because.
"That girl was sent by the Marquis of Qin to pass on the news. Tell us, what does the Marquis of Qin want to tell us?" Taishou Lin looked at Su Fangmeng and said.

"Reporting to the prefect, my Changyang City almost encountered disaster a few days ago. A group of people who practiced evil arts and believed in cults designed a set of interlocking plots against our Changyang clans. Fortunately, with the help of a mysterious strong man , They didn't succeed, but they still had a great impact on us!" Su Fangmeng said.

Zhang Kun nodded solemnly at the side, but he hadn't seen Su Fangmeng for several weeks, she was still so sweet and charming, like a fairy falling into the mortal world, her frown and smile touched his nerves, in terms of beauty, Su Fangmeng Meng can be evenly divided with the flower of Wangcheng and Princess Jue.

Princess Jue couldn't help but look at her a few more times, but didn't speak.Then Su Fangmeng told the prefect and King Wojia what the shadow of the lunar eclipse did in Changyang, and then Zhang Kun also added a few words about what the shadow of the lunar eclipse did in the Flame Demon Cave. He concealed the fact that he was the Changyang Sword Immortal.

"Changyang Sword Immortal? A strange but very young top swordsman?" Lin Guanyu and King Wojia shook their heads at the first glance. If such a strong man existed in the royal fiefdom, they should have noticed it a long time ago, but they They didn't have the slightest impression of such a master at all.

"Is this what the lord and the prefect want to discuss with me?" Zhang Kun had already guessed a bit, so he asked directly.

After the shadow of the lunar eclipse committed crimes in Changyang, Qin Liangjie sent someone to contact Wangcheng, but because Changyang City was isolated by the [-] mountains, and there were many desolate bandits in the nearest [-] mountains, the news is now It was passed by Su Fangmeng and the others.

And the families in Wangcheng, such as the Zhong family who lost Zhong Weilun, also sent people to Changyang, but this trip was far away, and the people they sent have not returned yet. Zhang Kun came to Wangcheng with the help of the Qi trainers of the Qin family. Shuttle, and the ordinary transmission of news, the detection of incidents can only be done quickly or even rely on the feet of warriors.

"That's right, that's exactly what happened." King Wojia nodded, "A few days ago, the prefect's mansion caught a person secretly practicing evil skills. After interrogation, he claimed that he made a big sacrifice in Changyang and destroyed the whole world. The secret realm, and he also said that Wangcheng would be the next target, and then he died in a sudden black fire." Princess Jue said.

"We thought something serious happened to Changyang. This king originally wanted to discuss with Taishou Lin how to deal with it. Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun, you are from Changyang. Fortunately, Changyang is safe and sound, but I don't know where the young swordsman is now? "Wojia King frowned and said.

Zhang Kun secretly laughed in his heart, because the young swordsman that King Wojia was talking about was actually sitting opposite him at this moment!If they knew about this matter, they would definitely be shocked, so surprised that there is no need to add it!

"It's a pity, it's a pity, such a genius is not inferior to alchemist Zhang Kun!" Eunuch Lin said repeatedly.

Zhang Kun smiled noncommittally and said, "It's really a pity. I heard that he had already fallen in the Flame Demon Cave in order to stop the shadow of the lunar eclipse."

Everyone sighed for a while, only Princess Jue glanced at Zhang Kun a few times, and his eyes were full of splendor.

Zhang Kun tapped his knuckles on the table and thought carefully: "Judging from the tricks of the shadow of the lunar eclipse against our Changyang City, they will not fight us head-on, but use some other means to weaken our strength!"

"Girl, you said that in Changyang City, the shadow of the lunar eclipse borrowed the treasure of Changyang?" King Wojia suddenly said as if he had thought of something.

Su Fangmeng nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, they activated the Tianxuan Cup with the Changyang Supreme Treasure."

"No, Meng'er, the cup of Tianxuan is activated by the innate flint, and it will take a long time to absorb the skyfire in the flint." Zhang Kun said, both the innate flint and the cup of Tianxuan are in his hands now, After inspection by the mirror field, there was no trace of activation by other artifacts on the Tianxuan Cup.

Prefect Lin said: "Then what is the Changyang treasure used for?"

"Not good!" A trace of horror appeared on King Wojia's face instantly, and everyone was also startled. King Wojia nodded slightly and said: "The treasure of Changyang, the corona of spiritual injection, itself has no destructive power, but it has Many other functions."

"Open formations, inject spiritual power, open closed secret realms, improve quality when casting magic weapons, etc." King Wojia continued: "The corona of spiritual injection is actually a communicator that can arouse the power of the Sun and Golden Crow to transform It is a majestic vitality, but it is difficult for the human body to use, but those formations and items that require a lot of vitality to activate are the best objects to use for the Infusion Corona!"

(End of this chapter)

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