Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 357

Chapter 357
"Such a precious medicine should be refined into a elixir, but with my current state, I still can't control such a material!" Zhang Kun is very self-aware. Putting such blood ginseng into the hands of his master Gongsun Yangyan A furnace of panacea, if put in his hands, it would be useless for refining.

Zhang Kun struggled for a moment, and thought in his heart: "Let's break through now, the threat of the shadow of the lunar eclipse is approaching, if you can improve your strength, you will have more confidence."

As he said that, he took a deep breath, adjusted his body to the best state, aimed at the rising sun, and swallowed the huge blood ginseng into his belly.

Zhang Kun is an alchemist, so he naturally knows how to take medicine to achieve the best effect. He also took out several auxiliary pills from the storage ring, as well as a piece of fetal blood of a monster in the spiritual enlightenment period. A gift from the big family.

After making complete preparations, Zhang Kun sat down cross-legged, mobilized the power in the meridians, and performed the supreme exercises recorded in the Kunyu Huazhang. Several golden lights appeared and disappeared in his body, and the treasures were solemn. It seems that there are Sanskrit chants coming out!
The blood ginseng entered the body and turned into a powerful and vast aura. At this time, Zhang Kun's vitality was already waiting around. Under his guidance, the vitality turned into a hungry wolf, which pounced on it and ate it inch by inch. The power of blood ginseng!
At this time, Zhang Kun took a few pills, which were all made of natural herbs. They were mild in nature and neutralized the pulling back and forth of several forces in Zhang Kun's body, but still appeared on his forehead. A few wisps of sweat.

Zhang Kun's body was already a bit bloody, he frowned, the power of blood ginseng was a little violent, obviously he didn't want to be absorbed by Zhang Kun so easily, silently reciting the formula of Kunyu Huazhang, the vitality in Zhang Kun's body With a trace of holiness, the originally wild power of blood ginseng became docile, and was tamed by Zhang Kun little by little.

"It's halfway there!" Zhang Kun controls the medicinal power of the blood ginseng with incomparable precision, and only an alchemist like him can be so keenly aware of the usage of the blood ginseng. What a waste!
At this time, Zhang Kun unscrewed the jade bottle that kept the fetal blood of monsters in the enlightenment period, and drops of stinky blood flowed out and fell on Zhang Kun's hands. Spread it evenly on the major acupuncture points of your body, and then continue to concentrate and absorb the power of blood ginseng!
The beast's blood penetrated into Zhang Kun's body little by little from the skin. Now he has made a small achievement and cultivated a Kunyu physique. It is constructed of two kinds of jade objects, but it is still a flesh and blood body. How domineering, as soon as it entered Zhang Kun's body, it turned into a few strands of beast-soul-like energy and blood, and rampaged between Zhang Kun's flesh and blood!
"Coagulation!" Zhang Kun let out a loud cry, as if the power of blood ginseng and the fetal blood of monster beasts were resonating, Zhang Kun's body suddenly glowed with blood, shooting out of the body for several feet, and fell down with his loud cry. All the blood and light were taken back!
Zhang Kun took a long breath, smiled and said, "It's done!"

At that moment, he used the secret method to absorb the remaining blood ginseng power in one breath, he stood up, his eyes were microscopic, leading the sun, he stretched his body, and there was a burst of popping beans.

"Early stage of the heavenly class!" Zhang Kun broke through several barriers in one fell swoop and directly reached the early stage of the heavenly class. The 14-year-old early stage of the heavenly class is so enchanting, it is really scary!
In the early morning of the second day, Zhang Kun arrived as scheduled. Today, he took off his large alchemist's robe, put on the costume of a warrior, put on a hood, and put on a long sword. He looked like a young swordsman.

The inner city of Wojia is located at the top of the central axis of the royal city, and its architectural style is in line with the grandeur and grandeur of the royal palace. However, after seeing the alchemy hall and the Taoist hall in the mirror domain, Zhang Kun has no idea about buildings of this level. A hint of wonder.

At this time, the gate of the inner city opened slowly, and a group of people came out from the inner city. Zhang Kun took a closer look and saw that they were all beautiful women, but all of them had long swords on their waists, and they were full of heroism. It's Princess Jue.

"You came very early." Seeing Zhang Kun, Princess Jue smiled but said something indifferent.

Zhang Kun tilted his head slightly and said: "This is not an appointment with the princess. I was so excited that I didn't sleep well all night, so I simply got up and waited for you."

"Slick tongue." Princess Jue glanced lightly, as if she dismissed Zhang Kun's answer, but her pretty face was reddish. There will be countless suitors, and they are all top young talents. They will not hold their identities like Zhang Kun.

Therefore, Princess Jue felt a little fresh after seeing Zhang Kun. She raised her beautiful hair, and her satin-like black hair fluttered in the wind. She ordered: "Then let's go."

Those maids with swords shouted in unison: "Yes, princess!"

The whole team moved instantly. A group of women in white clothes and ribbons walked very beautifully on the road, while Zhang Kun followed silently. He could tell that the Lord Jue must be a martial artist, not only that he was a lunatic. , Even the maids under his command also practice swords and martial arts, and all of them are of extraordinary strength.

Those maids range from thirteen to fourteen years old to 20 years old, the weakest is the peak of Xuan level, the strongest even has a 20-year-old Tian level, this is an amazing genius in Changyang City, but she is just a maid That's all.

Of course, martial arts cultivation does not mean combat power. The skills cultivated, the weapons used in martial arts, and the moves will greatly affect the strength in battle. Just like Zhang Kun, the energy required for cultivation is several times or even dozens of times that of others. , even if the realm is the first point, you can beat the opponent by leaps and bounds.

"Sisters, where are we going today?" Zhang Kun put away his mature and experienced character, and asked in a childish tone suitable for his age.

The maid who was questioned by Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently, but didn't speak, and continued walking as if she didn't hear what Zhang Kun said.

Zhang Kun scratched his head. Ever since he gained a foothold in Wangcheng, no one in Wangcheng would ignore his existence like this. Today, however, he was ignored by a maid.

Zhang Kun had no choice but to step forward, and asked another maid with a sword, but this one was the same, ignoring Zhang Kun directly.

"Hey, this is not good, ask me out, bring so many beautiful sisters, but don't tell me where to go, if you take me to the deep mountains and wild forests, it will be called "everyday is not working, and the earth and the earth should not work, it will be taken away." What can I do about my innocence?" Zhang Kun had no choice but to move closer to Princess Jue, and said boldly.

"Disrespectful!" At this moment, the 20-year-old heavenly maid couldn't stand it anymore. She stepped forward and was about to hold Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun glanced at her and said, "It's not your turn yet!" Come teach me what etiquette is!"

The celestial maid was about to explode, and the long sword at her waist was drawn halfway, but Princess Jue raised her hand to signal to back down.

The name of the celestial maid is Ren Jiaoyi, and she is one of the most beautiful maids among a group of beautiful maids. Coupled with her extraordinary talent, she is a celestial powerhouse at the age of 20, so although she is only a maid under Princess Jue because of her family background , but in fact she and Princess Jue are more like friends, she often comes out to handle affairs on behalf of Princess Jue, even if the young masters of the four major families meet her, they have to treat each other with courtesy!
But today, this nameless kid who didn't know where he came from actually contradicted her like this, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth, her face turned red and white, and she gave Zhang Kun a hard look, but she was hindered by Princess Jue's attitude. Existed but did not dare to say anything, and could only return to the team in a huff.

Zhang Kun didn't bother to look at her again, and smiled at Princess Jue, waiting for him to answer his question.

"You first came to Wojia King City, and you only stayed in the city. I took you out for a walk today. Instead of thanking me well, you even teased my maids and annoyed my friends. Be careful that I really put you Throw it into the mountains." Princess Jue said angrily.

"Then what then?" Zhang Kun asked back, with a hint of expectation in his tone.

The wise Princess Jue of course realized what Zhang Kun was talking about. She blushed pretty and glared at Zhang Kun.

It's the first time she's seen Zhang Kun as a rascal. He obviously looked like a gentleman at the banquet in the prefect's mansion yesterday!
But suddenly thinking of the two stunning girls behind him, Princess Jue suddenly understood, and she cursed secretly in her heart: "Sure enough, men don't have good things."

"Let's go to Munan Mountain." Princess Jue said indifferently.

Zhang Kun was puzzled and asked, "What are you doing there?"

"You'll know when you get there. Before that, just shut up and follow me!" Princess Jue seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and said a little louder.

Zhang Kun was bored, so he had to follow her silently. The reason why he cared about the destination of this trip was probably because of his own safety. After all, Princess Jue is the daughter of King Wojia. Telling his father his secret, it is not convenient to do it in the city. After she lures herself away, King Wojia can send people to surround him and press him about the origin of this special technique!
Zhang Kun's eyes were fixed. If Lin Taishou and Wo Jiawang knew that they were Gongsun Yangyan's apprentices, they would naturally not do this, and their special skills could be a good cover, but if they really Regardless of the relationship at this level, Zhang Kun seems to have nothing to do if he directly lays his hands on Zhang Kun.

However, if they think so, they are wrong, Zhang Kun's confidence was never given by Gongsun Yangyan!

Soon Zhang Kun and others saw a hazy distant mountain, which seemed to be covered with a layer of veil. horizon.

(End of this chapter)

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