Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 359 Want to worship me as a teacher?

Chapter 359 Want to worship me as a teacher?
The maids with swords were all out of breath. They were a little desperate. No matter what they did, they just couldn't touch Zhang Kun. Smiling, there is no trace of sweat on his face, and his face is relaxed and comfortable.

"Jiaoyi!" The maids had no choice but to look helplessly at Ren Jiaoyi, whose face was becoming more and more gloomy. In her eyes, she could already perceive Zhang Kun's strength, and it seemed that she was far from being able to defeat her!
But amid the ardent expectations of the sisters, she walked up without saying a word, and the ancient sword in her arms kept whistling, and the girls retreated from the battlefield, giving way to Ren Jiaoyi. Out of position.

Seeing her coming forward, Zhang Kun just smiled. He turned his head and looked at the scenery below the mountain. The morning mist with water vapor caressed the cheeks of everyone. It was light and smooth, which made people feel refreshed. Clouds, straight into the blue sky.Tulle-like clouds slowly flow in the Milky Way.

Looking at such a scene, Zhang Kun couldn't help but said: "The princess invited me to travel, why should we fight and kill, wouldn't it be good to sit down and enjoy the scenery and drink tea?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Ren Jiaoyi moved instantly, and the ancient sword in her arms shot out like a golden light. I don't know what kind of material the simple long sword is made of. When Ren Jiaoyi swung it, there was a crisp sword sound.

"This is the Qingluan Sword, a peerless sharp weapon. I hope you will remember what weapon I used to defeat you!" Ren Jiaoyi said confidently, and the long sword in her hand responded with a phoenix cry.

"Oh?" Zhang Kun slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, took out the Dongyue epee from behind, and said indifferently, "The sword is named Dongyue, a high-grade sharp weapon."

Everyone heard the words, but they didn't dare to underestimate Zhang Kun at all. His various performances just now have changed everyone's perception of his strength. Even Princess Jue was sweating in her heart, and she couldn't judge whether Ren Jiaoyi could defeat Zhang Kun. up.

"Mianyun!" Ren Jiaoyi yelled coquettishly, and made a sword move, and saw hundreds of broken flowers flying out from the sword tip, like ten thousand pear blossoms, falling from the air, covering Zhang Kun all over, making Zhang Kun feel as if Standing in the clouds and being strangled by countless clouds!

This time, Zhang Kun didn't dodge at all. A trace of vitality was transported from his meridians and poured into Dongyue, and the epee instantly lit up with a heavy blue light!Zhang Kun was immersed in the green light all around. The green light seemed light, but in fact it was as heavy as a thousand weights. When he raised his hand slightly, it shook the mountain for a while!
Mianyun's sword energy was blown away by Zhang Kun's Dongyue. Under Ren Jiaoyi's horrified eyes, the Qingluan sword in her hand broke into two pieces with a click and pierced into the soil beside her. It couldn't stop flying backwards, and stopped when it encountered a big tree!
"How is it possible!" When the sword came out, the audience was shocked, and all the girls couldn't help but stretch out their hands to cover their mouths, and they were all dumbfounded.

Looking at Ren Jiaoyi, who was extremely pale and weak, and then looking at her calm face, her eyes showed indifference. Everyone was shocked at this moment. They took a breath and looked at Zhang Kun. As if looking at a monster.

"The moves are gorgeous, but they are fancy but not useful. It is not enough to force out my strength." Zhang Kun commented with a smile.

As soon as Zhang Kun's words came out, everyone in the room gasped and was shocked. Ren Jiaoyi's blow was extremely gorgeous and her technique was superb. Zhang Kun cut it open with a very simple sword!
"Is this your strength?" Princess Jue murmured.

After Zhang Kun broke Ren Jiaoyi's attack with one blow, he turned around lightly, waved his hands and prepared to leave, but at this moment he heard a low shout from behind, and he suddenly felt like a light on his back!
"Array!" Ren Jiaoyi wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said while supporting her body with a sword. Dozens of sword-wielding girls rushed to her and stood in their own positions. With Ren Jiaoyi as the center, a sword formation was quickly formed. It can be seen that their cooperation has been carried out many times, and it is smooth and smooth!

"Luoying Feihuazhen!" Dozens of women shouted in unison, and the clear voice shook the high clouds on the mountain top.

A sword array was formed, with Ren Jiaoyi as the core, dozens of maids, and dozens of swords surrounding the Qingluan Sword in the center. The light and shadow were then bridged together, intact as before!
The sword energy splashed vertically and horizontally, and the Qingluan sword absorbed dozens of sword lights and let out a clear howl. The fallen leaves and flowers all over the mountain were instantly stirred up, spinning and flying in mid-air, surrounding the Qingluan sword as if for it Provide strength!

In an instant, the grade of that peerless sharp weapon approached infinitely close to that of a low-grade magic weapon!
"Using the power of the heavens, can you use the power comparable to the peak of the innate?" Zhang Kunruo strolled in the courtyard, not caring at all, he bowed his head, stood on the top of the mountain, ignoring the front, with the appearance of an extraterrestrial expert!

He, Ren Jiaoyi, let the Luoyingfei foil sword absorb the power, and the internal energy in the body of the sword-wielding maids was all exhausted, and there was a green and pure energy flowing in the surrounding dense forests, flowers and plants, and they were all frantically moving towards Qingluan at this moment. Sword rushes!
The fallen leaves and flowers around are trembling and flying with the wind, and the morning dew on the grass is also shaken and flying, circling the sky, and the water, sword and flowers are fighting in the sky, turning into a magic!
"It's still too late for you to beg for mercy, otherwise this sword will kill you, and I won't be able to explain to the princess!" Ren Jiaoyi's eyes were covered with green light, she raised her hand and stabbed out with the sword, and the Qingluan sword turned into a sword. Like a blue bird, it rushed towards Zhang Kun!

The air was twisted by this sword, and the huge wind pressure made the world seem to be still. Such a powerful sword seemed to be able to cut down even a congenital master, let alone a mere Zhang Kun?

"Stop!" Princess Jue panicked, and hurriedly shouted to stop. She was worried that she would not be able to withstand such a powerful sword energy, but the sword was already out of its sheath. How could it be said to stop?

"It's a pity, it's not enough." Zhang Kun shook his head, and said lightly, neither happy nor sad, his supernatural and refined temperament is like a fairy!

I saw Zhang Kun raised his right hand lightly, and an invisible sword light suddenly appeared in his hand. The sword light seemed to be vague, specious, unreal but extremely powerful. Zhang Kun just held the sword , move forward lightly, and the whole blue sword light was cut off by him, the world froze for it, and the mountains, rivers, plants and trees also lost their colors at this moment!

Zhang Kun did not use the power of the stars. It was not his overpowering power that defeated the Qingluan Sword, but his skill. As a result, with a light touch, it hit the weakest part of Qingluan Sword.

The rocky ground that Zhang Kun and the others stepped on was smashed into several pieces, and the surrounding vegetation seemed to have been cut off in the middle!
Because the Qingluan Sword is formed by strengthening the formation, and it has been broken into two pieces before, Zhang Kun seized a wonderful opportunity to hit his most powerful attack on the weakest link of the opponent, In an instant, all the attacks of the Qingluan Sword were resolved!
Cheng Ying passed by in a flash, turned into a phantom and entered Zhang Kun's body, as if it had never appeared before. Zhang Kun walked up step by step, only to see that Ren Jiaoyi, who was in charge of the sword formation opposite him, had passed out. Kun didn't use Dongyue, but Chengying. The Qingluan sword was as fragile as an iron needle in front of Chengying. The fight just now had been completely destroyed by Zhang Kun!
Princess Jue stood aside blankly, as if her body was frozen. It was a top-notch sharp weapon, and only Qi practitioners could do it if it could be crushed completely. Could it be that Zhang Kun really possessed vitality, and was it? Qi trainer?
And his talent is too terrifying. If martial arts cultivation can be piled up with pills, fighting skills and swordsmanship realm really need hard work and hard work. How can it be achieved without decades of hard work? Such an exquisite sword technique?
Zhang Kun walked up step by step, but none of the sword-wielding women around dared to stop them. They had exhausted their internal strength and had no power to resist at all. They all showed worried expressions, and kept calling out: "Don't kill Sister Ren!"

Zhang Kun came to Ren Jiaoyi's side, and with a wave of his hand, a small jade bottle appeared in his palm, uncorked the bottle, and Zhang Kun poured out several blue pills, which were Fuling Qingdan.

He crushed the Poria cocos green pill with his two fingers, turned the pill into a fine powder, and poured it into Ren Jiaoyi's body with his vitality.

"Don't worry, she just suffered backlash from the destruction of her saber, and her spirit was traumatized, leading to a coma. After she wakes up, give her a Concentration Pill and she will be back to normal." Zhang Kun said lightly, and then stood up. Get up and leave.

He glanced at Princess Jue lightly, neither joy nor sadness in his eyes, but it seemed to have a warning.

"Wait a minute!" Princess Jue suddenly reached out and pulled Zhang Kun's sleeve.

Zhang Kun was puzzled, and asked aloud: "What else is the princess doing?"

"Wait a minute, I have a request!" Princess Jue gritted her teeth and said to Zhang Kun with all her strength.

Princess Jue Fangdang is young, but at the age of fifteen or sixteen, her skin is more beautiful than snow, she is extremely beautiful, her face is so beautiful, she cannot be stared at, even Zhang Kun dare not look at her more, at this moment she bowed her head and begged , Zhang Kun couldn't help but stop.

"I implore Mr. Zhang Kun to accept me as an apprentice and teach me how to cultivate vitality." Princess Jue swallowed her words, blushed, lowered her head and said softly in a mosquito-like voice.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being amused, he waved his hands helplessly and asked, "You've been making trouble for a long time, and you just want to worship me as your teacher?"

"Yes, I implore Mr. Zhang Kun not to refuse." Princess Jue blushed, her big eyes blinked, she took a deep breath, and her tone became firm.

(End of this chapter)

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