Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 378 The role of medicinal herbs

Chapter 378 The role of medicinal herbs

"Hey, who is that kid over there, he is scolding two masters who are born after?"

"That's right, and Master Han Ran is still following him, respectfully!"

"It looks very young, is it a child of a big family?" Many people noticed the situation here and talked a lot. The county magistrate hadn't arrived yet, and the county government was arguing non-stop.

The appearance of Zhang Kun only made them change the topic a little bit, and soon they began to discuss how to deal with the tide of undead.

"Let's withdraw, Haomen won't last long. We lost one-tenth of our troops last night. Our strength has been weakened. By then, the casualty rate will rise in a straight line!" An old man said solemnly. The local status of Haomen is very important, and many people nodded when they said this.

"No, we have to stick to this place, not to mention that both Changyang and Wangcheng have ordered us to defend for another week, and the reinforcements sent by Wangcheng are at least innate experts who can make up for our losses!" On the other side, the same The younger-looking person shook his head and said that he is the head of a big local family.

His words also won the approval of many people. After all, if they can keep this place, they don't want to leave their hometown, let alone going out of the city is more dangerous.

"The undead only act at night. During the day they will hibernate and burrow into the ground. Now that it is snowing, who knows if they will suddenly appear. There may be several undead hidden in a seemingly safe place!" The young man said, immediately extinguishing the thoughts of those who wanted to escape.

The old man shook his head and said: "If you keep on guarding, you will die later. Cui Dong has been destroyed. Is the Haomen stronger than Cui Dong? It's better to break through and still have a glimmer of hope!"

"Oh, then are you going to ignore the order of the king city? We can't hold on, and Changyang can't prepare well. When the undead army breaks through Changyang, it will be different or die?" There was a lot of noise and opinions, and I couldn't make up my mind for a while.

Zhang Kun made a few points out of it. First of all, the army of undead does not attack the city day and night. They cannot appear during the day. Only when the moon appears, can the undead gain power!
And it's not that they have no fighting power during the day, they are just dormant underground, if they are alarmed, they will be attacked!
"I think the group of people from Wangcheng can't be counted on at all. They are here to make military achievements. If our Haomen is in danger, they will definitely be the first to run away. After all, it is not their hometown. If they say they give up, they will give up!" Someone murmured that they seemed to be very dissatisfied with the Wangcheng dispatch team, and the fact is the same. After those people came to Haomen, they were entertained by the county magistrate Haosheng. They hadn't been to the battlefield yet, and they were still eating and drinking in the tavern. !
Zhang Kun frowned and stood up and said, "But if you don't have us, you won't be able to defend Haomen!"

"Huh?" At this moment, everyone's eyes were all focused on Zhang Kun in unison. They all frowned, and their faces were quite unhappy. They were all very curious about this young man who could make Han Ran respectful, but what Zhang Kun said just now Those words made everyone angry!
"Where did you come from, little baby, we are discussing important matters, and you have no place to interrupt!" The old man snorted at Zhang Kun. He has a high reputation in the local area. Zhang Kun said this because he looked down on the people of Haomen County. up.

"That's right, before you even grow hairy, you're just blowing up your words here. Who are your parents, and they let you come here to speak wild words!"

"Just because you can help us guard Haomen, it's a ridiculous joke!"

"Ignorant boy, leave him alone, let's continue." Everyone shook their heads and looked at Zhang Kun with disdain.

Han Ran, Deng Binbai, Yu Sen and others also changed their expressions slightly, and pulled Zhang Kun's clothes.

Zhang Kun said, neither happy nor sad: "Did I say something wrong? The enemy is now, and you are still arguing here, and you are still questioning the reinforcements sent by Wangcheng."

"Has the city defense been strengthened, has the enemy's type been analyzed, has the food supply been distributed in place, and the strategy against the enemy is not discussed, here is an endless debate on whether to defend or flee. I came here to hear some specific things from you. Didn't expect you to deal with the tide of undead like this?" Zhang Kun said righteously.

Along the way, he found that Haomen County seemed to be playing around, and instead of cheering up, he felt a little slack.Sure enough, when they came to the county government, they found that they were still in disarray!
"This!" Everyone was suddenly speechless by Zhang Kun's words, and they were ashamed. They really didn't do what Zhang Kun said. A kind of escape, without the belief of victory, just eating and waiting to die!
"Then what do you say?"

Looking at the embarrassing expressions on everyone's faces, Zhang Kun said coldly: "Defend, of course we must defend, and we cannot passively defend. We must attack and destroy enough undead!"

"What are you talking about? That's impossible. The undead army is so powerful that we can't compete with them without city defense!"

"Yes, there are too many undead, and they are very powerful. There are also those corrupted beasts. The creatures they kill will stand up again and become one of them. Our people must not die outside, otherwise they will be killed. They assimilate!" Immediately, boundless voices of opposition flooded in, and many people accused Zhang Kun of not understanding it at all, and just accused them there.

Zhang Kun listened to them quietly before saying: "I will do what you can't do. You just need to do your own thing well!"

"Tsk tsk, what an arrogant boy, tell me, what are your thoughts?" Suddenly, a man with a heavy face came out from behind the county office. He stood with his hands behind his back and looked directly at Zhang Kun.

Everyone shouted: "Master County Magistrate!"

Zhang Kun looked at him without the slightest timidity and said calmly: "Going out of the city to face the battle is indeed dangerous. In order to reduce the number of enemies as much as possible, we must attract the undead to attack Haomen, and reduce the pressure on other surrounding counties and Changyang!"

"Whimsical, why does Haomen want to play such a role?" Suddenly someone questioned, and there were voices of approval behind him.

"Because only we can do it, in other words, only where I am can do it." Zhang Kun said lightly, speaking with great confidence, as if he could bear everything!
The county magistrate of Haomen raised his eyebrows, showing a little more interest in the boy, and motioned for him to continue talking.

"I can use the elixir to attract the undead to attack the city, and then use the elixir to teach them a lesson. With the support of my elixir, the pressure on Haomen's defenders will be greatly reduced." Zhang Kun said calmly.

"Drugs?" Everyone was stunned. In their eyes, pills are used to assist in cultivation and to heal injuries. How come there are so many wonderful uses in this young man's mouth?

"Bragging, you plan to use pills to kill those undead creatures, why don't you urinate to kill them?" Many people laughed, and everyone in the county office laughed.

The magistrate of Haomen's face changed slightly after hearing the word elixir, and he asked, "You said elixir, are you?"

"I am Zhang Kun!" Zhang Kun said lightly.

"Zhang Kun? Zhang Kun, the genius alchemist in Wangcheng, I heard that he led a trend!"

"Even the prefect and the prince respect him, and the heads of the four major families greet him with smiles!"

"Oh my god, that boy is actually Zhang Kun?" Everyone was dumbfounded, no wonder he dared to say such big words, it turned out that he was the legendary Zhang Kun, everyone gasped and looked at Zhang Kun changed.

But many people still sneered: "So what if it's Zhang Kun, this is a war against the army of the undead, and it's not something that an alchemist can influence the land. Could it be that those pills like sugar pills can't kill the undead?"

"And I don't think Zhang Kun is as powerful as the rumors say. He is just talented, and I don't think his strength is very good."

Zhang Kun didn't bother to pay attention to those noisy people, and continued: "My elixir can make the undead appear during the day, we carefully arrange traps, and then use more to fight less!"

Zhang Kun put forward too many novel things all at once, and the focus of everyone's debate was on him, no longer discussing whether to fight or flee. If what Zhang Kun said was true, then maybe they could really survive. Get over it.

"Who knows if what he said is true? If we fail, our loss will be even more serious!" Someone muttered in a low voice. After all, no one has seen these effects of pills before, and Zhang Kun's strength is deeply affected. Suspect!
Zhang Kun said indifferently: "You will know if it is a mule or a horse coming out for a walk."

There was a moment of silence among the county government, and everyone was thinking about whether to trust Zhang Kun.

"I think it's okay." The middle-aged county magistrate nodded first. He couldn't explain why, but he had an intuition that told him to believe in Zhang Kun, this young man would definitely create miracles!
"I think it's okay too!" At this time, a few white-clothed Qi refiners walked in from outside the door, each of them looked like a bone fairy, and the leader was wearing the robes of the Qin family. The support troops who came had been resting in the tavern before, but now their representatives, the Qi refiners, were long overdue.

The Wangcheng dispatch team is naturally headed by the Qin family, and the Qin family was ordered by Qin Hanyang to support Zhang Kun and ensure his safety. If necessary, they would not hesitate to sacrifice Haomen!

They naturally support Zhang Kun's plan, as long as Zhang Kun doesn't put his own life in it.

"It's not too late, alchemist Zhang Kun, please hurry up and refine the elixir, we will continue to strengthen the city defense." The middle-aged county magistrate said.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "I have one more request. I need a captured undead."

(End of this chapter)

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