Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 380 The Lord of Dark Veins

Chapter 380 The Lord of Dark Veins
"Don't bother, it's only three things, if you dare to act recklessly, you will be obliterated." Zhang Kun stood motionless on the spot, an invisible wall in front of him blocked the monstrous offensive of the phantom, no matter how powerful the other side attacked It disappeared when it touched the invisible wall, and it could not have any influence on Zhang Kun at all!
The rickety old man was horrified immediately, his bloody eyes turned around, he couldn't help but walk a few steps behind him holding his crutches, after confirming several times that this place was not an illusion or a dream, he cautiously said: "This Little brother, please do me a favor, this old man is the master of dark veins, the Nine Blood Kings of Xilan Kingdom, the owner of the Tower of Raging Waves, after I leave, I can promise you prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. Beauty is up to you to choose!"

After seeing Zhang Kun's calm expression and being unmoved at all, he hesitated for a moment and then said: "Even if the prince of Xilan is deposed, it is not impossible to support you as the prince, as long as you can take me out, I There are also countless treasures that can be given to the little brother."

The Lord of the Dark Vein is a superpower from Xilan, another unified empire on the continent of Zhang Kun. Unlike Gongsun Yangyan, the world-renowned number one alchemist in the empire, the Lord of the Dark Vein has been hiding He is in the dark, but his influence spreads all over the entire empire. It can be said that he, the super alchemist, controls the entire Xilan country, and can even affect the imperial power!

Zhang Kun shook his head and said, "It's not up to me now, everything has to follow the rules."

"Rules?" The Lord of the Dark Vein looked astonished. Could it be that he was involved in some strange thing, like a game bound by rules?
Seeing that the coercion and temptation did not work, the Lord of the Dark Veins glanced at Zhang Kun coldly, but he couldn't see anything special about him. It is estimated that he was also accidentally involved here, and he didn't know how to get out. , So I didn't pay attention to Zhang Kun anymore.

At this time, another place in the Dan Hall, beside Zhang Kun, a white light flashed, and a middle-aged man appeared in the Dan Hall. He was dressed in commoner clothes, and his appearance was ordinary. He might be placed in the crowd. Will be ignored, Zhang Kunduo looked at him a few times and frowned. There was an unspeakable aura about him that made people feel uneasy.

After the middle-aged man appeared, his eyes widened. He couldn't believe what was happening before him. He looked around and finally sat down on the ground. I have a wife and children, please let me out of here!"

Zhang Kun shook his head with a smile. Seeing that the master of dark veins was the strongest among the people present, the man mistook him for the master here, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.And the Lord of the Dark Veins snorted coldly, that person suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and kowtowed deeply!

"The rules are very simple, Luo Quan, you are responsible for teaching these two alchemy techniques. Within seven days, at least one of them must break through to the fifth-level alchemy realm, otherwise it will be wiped out!"

Jing Yu said these words in a very indifferent tone, but the Lord of the Dark Veins suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and an indescribable feeling of shadow enveloped his heart, which made him feel the trembling deep in his soul, and he dared not have any more The slightest bit of disobedience.

"On the other hand, Zhang Kun and Liu Hongming must break through to the fifth-level alchemist within seven days. If they fail, they will be punished." After Jing Yu introduced the rules, two alchemy alchemists with the same simple shape appeared out of thin air. furnace.

Zhang Kun also felt that his spirit was lightened suddenly, and the buffs given to him by the mirror domain were also stripped away at this moment. The life and death assessment of the mirror domain was completely fair and fair. Yao Ding also couldn't use the buffs brought to him by the Mirror Domain, he could only rely on himself.

However, Zhang Kun didn't panic at all. There are still seven days left. What can the master of dark veins in front of him teach him?

"Hey, since that's the case, the old man can only train you two well first." The Lord of the Dark Veins sighed, the black blood shadow on his body gradually faded, his haggard body was exposed, and those few blood shadows A funnel-shaped strange vortex formed in front of him out of thin air!
Looking back, he seemed to have sensed the existence of countless medicinal herbs in the alchemy hall. He waved his hand suddenly, and the drawers of several large medicine cabinets opened one after another. The medicinal herbs seemed to be attracted, and they entered the black vortex one after another. Among them, the vortex seemed to be like a dark cloud containing thunder and lightning. While spinning at a high speed, it made a whimpering sound, and quickly crushed several medicinal plants into powder.

The middle-aged man named Liu Hongming was dumbfounded. He was a down-and-out alchemy disciple. He was nearly half a hundred years old and only half a foot into the threshold of the fifth-level alchemy disciple, but he has been unable to break through. His value will gradually decline, and he can only be eliminated by his family in the end!

Now that he came here inexplicably, seeing such a strange scene, seeing such a terrifying powerhouse as the Lord of the Dark Veins, a voice suddenly came out from the bottom of his heart telling him: Liu Hongming, this is your chance , whether you can stand up depends on this one time, give it a try!
He stared at the high-speed rotating black vortex, only to see that it didn't use flames, but thunder and lightning. Under the crushing of the thick black lightning, the essence of those medicinal materials was gradually refined out, and only used It only took a while for a stick of incense, and Liu Hongming immediately felt very excited. If he can learn this trick, then the efficiency of alchemy will increase several times. It must be able to get out of the famous hall.

On the other hand, Zhang Kun watched the Lord of the Dark Vein concocting alchemy in such a strange way with a sinking face, and he didn't know what he was thinking about in his mind.

"Look at it." The Lord of the Dark Veins smiled triumphantly, raised his right hand and then held it in the air. His hand was originally extremely withered, like a piece of old bark, but at this moment it suddenly turned into a tender white like a girl. The color is astonishing.

Under his dexterous control, the black funnel changed instantly, enveloping the refined essence, and incomparably complicated changes took place in it, and the elixirs seemed to be absorbing the energy in the shape of the black funnel. After a while, Those medicinal materials had already been combined into pills successfully, and a pill exuding a trace of coercion appeared in front of Zhang Kun and the two of them.

"Hmph, the black dragon pill is a piece of cake." The Lord of the Dark Vein narrowed his eyes and said indifferently.He is a majestic alchemist, and he refines a small fifth-level elixir, so he can easily do it, and he will wantonly, like cooking a small delicacy.

"It's amazing, is this alchemy? What did we do before?" Liu Hongming was dumbfounded, and completely surrendered to the alchemy of the Lord of Dark Veins, his eyes were full of fanaticism, The name of the Black Dragon Pill is like a thunderbolt. It is a legend among the fifth-level pills. According to the legend, after taking a Black Dragon Pill, it can temporarily transform the vitality in the body into dragon flames, which can burn everything!
But the price is that the user's meridians will also be burned by the hot and bursting dragon flames, leaving irreversible scars. A person can only use one Black Dragon Pill in a lifetime, and the superb Black Dragon Pill is a miracle. Time erupts with powerful power, and it can also awaken a mortal's dragon blood after the effect is over, doubling his strength. Of course, the success rate is only one in ten thousand, and if he fails, he will die.

"Can you pass on the secret recipe of Black Dragon Pill to us?" Liu Hongming said excitedly. Although he didn't know the Lord of Dark Veins, he could see the mystery and power of this person, and his tone was extremely respectful, almost kneeling.

Satisfied with his adoring eyes, the Lord of the Dark Veins nodded and said, "This time, I'll take advantage of you. Learn it hard for me. If you can't become a fifth-level alchemist, I won't make it easier for you even if I die!"

Liu Hongming's face was already flushed, and he kept nodding his head. That's Black Dragon Pill. Once he can refine such a legendary pill, he will be able to turn around immediately. One Black Dragon Pill can be exchanged for a mansion, etc. After I go out, refine a few coins, change to a luxurious mansion, marry a few wives, send my children to study in the top ethnology, and reach the pinnacle of life within reach!

Zhang Kun frowned and said directly: "Lord of the dark veins, you are not teaching us alchemy, you are just showing off your skills. If you really want us to break through to the fifth level alchemist, you must show sincerity, otherwise It's not just us who died, but you too!"

"In order to show off your skills, the speed of refining pills is not as good as mine, and so many materials are just one pill. Is this the strength of a pill master, but that's it!" Zhang Kun said bluntly, Liu Hongming didn't It’s easy to be fooled if you’ve seen an alchemist concocting alchemy, but Zhang Kun is different. He learned from Gongsun Yangyan, and he has learned the most solid alchemy skills. waste time.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about?" Luo Quan, the Lord of the Dark Veins, was furious immediately. His eyes turned blood-colored, and his withered hands stretched out sharp claws, trying to swallow Zhang Kun alive, but suddenly he thought He said something, shivered, froze in the air, his facial muscles twitched a few times, he gave Zhang Kun a hard look, and said coldly: "Boy, remember it for me, after I go out, I will search all over the continent to find you, peel your skin alive, and drink your blood!"

"If you can do it, try it. I, Zhang Kun, will be waiting for you in Xiaoshuo Empire." Zhang Kun sneered. If he loses, he will die. You can use the power of the mirror field to intimidate the Lord of the Dark Veins to make an oath, and then no matter how powerful he is, he will be under Zhang Kun's control!

"Damn it, I've lived to be 120 years old, and no one dares to talk to me like that!" Luo Quan, the master of the dark veins, exploded immediately, and an extremely unpleasant muddy figure came out from his throat, scaring Liu Hongming. The buttocks sat on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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