Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 382 How Do You Compare With Me?

Chapter 382 How Do You Compare With Me?
On the other side, Liu Hongming operated step by step, but his eyes kept looking towards Zhang Kun, his face gradually changed from contempt to horror. Why is Zhang Kun so proficient?He didn't go through any practice at all, and he didn't get any pointers from Luo Quan afterwards. According to him, he should be very unfamiliar and make mistakes repeatedly!

Because he was like this the first time he refined the Black Dragon Pill, he was completely at a loss, and after repeated failures, he changed the clumsy refining process a little bit, but Zhang Kun was refining it for the first time, but it was like flowing water, starting from scratch. In the end, there is no place to be picky!

"It's over, this kid might have come into contact with Black Dragon Pill before, it's not fair!" Liu Hongming suddenly had this idea in his mind, he gritted his teeth angrily, and a trace of sternness flashed in his eyes.

He added a flavor of medicinal material to his alchemy furnace again, and then controlled the fire to burn it. Suddenly he patted the alchemy furnace, and a tongue of fire splashed on Zhang Kun's body impartially!

"Ah, I'm really sorry, it's my fault, I accidentally made a flame!" Liu Hongming exclaimed pretending to be extremely sorry!

"Hmph, boy, let me see what you do now!" However, Liu Hongming sneered in his heart, Zhang Kun's refining was at a very critical point, and even if he couldn't kill Zhang Kun, it would definitely cause serious damage to him. Sexual damage will affect the refining of the pill, so his refining will fail, and as long as he plays normally in the future, he will be able to refine the Black Dragon Pill, this time he won!
However, the tongue of flame was extremely hot, and it had no effect when it fell on Zhang Kun. Liu Hongming stared out his eyes, his body staggered, and he almost fell headfirst into the alchemy furnace.

"That kid is intact, how is it possible?" Liu Hongming was about to go crazy, it was obviously extremely hot and hot, even a Qi practitioner would not dare to follow through, that kid was only in his teens, could it be that he Is it because Qi practitioners fail?

Zhang Kun took a deep look at Liu Hongming, and the corner of his mouth curled up. His body was comparable to an ordinary low-grade magic weapon. How could Liu Hongming's ordinary fire burn it?

Zhang Kun's refining speed is very fast, and the prototype of the Black Dragon Pill has been constructed. Even Luo Quan suddenly opened his eyes and watched Zhang Kun's refining with great interest. He seemed to see something from Zhang Kun. shadow.

However, what Zhang Kun did next was jaw-dropping. Luo Quanteng stood up from the rattan chair, because he clearly saw that Zhang Kun controlled the flames and burned through the Black Dragon Pill that he had worked so hard to refine. It turned into a few pools of black water and ceased to exist!

"What is he doing? Is he crazy? Could it be that he is looking for his own death!" Luo Quan, the master of the dark veins, shook his head heavily, feeling that Zhang Kun had given up, and turned the elixir into a puddle of pus. This is the most rudimentary mistake that should not be made in the alchemy world. Even beginner alchemists rarely make such poor operations.

Liu Hongming's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief. Zhang Kun's actions are really puzzling, and people don't know what he wants to do?
But next, Zhang Kun had a calm and calm face. Seeing that the pills that turned into black water did not panic at all, it seemed that all of this was under his control.

Liu Hongming showed a look of gloating on his face, "Hahaha, Zhang Kun, you are finished now, and you turned the pill into water, so how can you compare with me?"

The complacent look on his face was beyond words, he was so excited that his subordinates were so slow that they almost broke his own elixir. Liu Hongming quickly stabilized his mind and added some ingredients from his hand.

He was just a little bit close to successfully refining the elixir. A dragon-shaped soul was contained in the black elixir. The dragon soul exuded a domineering light, which looked extremely powerful!
Luo Quan didn't expect that Zhang Kun would do this. He thought that Zhang Kun was deliberately trying to fight against him. If Zhang Kun failed, Luo Quan's fate would also be death.

Fortunately, Liu Hongming here is working steadily and step by step in alchemy, and he is about to succeed.This is undoubtedly good news for Luo Quan. He no longer looked at Zhang Kun's seemingly frantic operations, but put all his remaining energy on Liu Hongming's side. At this time, Liu Hongming frowned. Frowning, not knowing what to do next, Luo Quan quickly reminded Liu Hongming to avoid a wrong operation.

Zhang Kun has long seen Luo Quan's biased behavior in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and continued to operate the black water in his hand meticulously. He didn't regroup the elixir for One is to use vitality to cast several weird spells in succession.

Strange symbols and obscure runes appeared in the black water. Zhang Kun flipped his hands quickly, and the pool of black water rolled up as if boiling, with bubbles like magma.

Luo Quan's eyes widened. He seemed to have seen the scene in Zhang Kun's alchemy furnace. The black water rose up and turned into mist, forming complex spiral structures one after another. Next, under Zhang Kun's operation, Those spiral structures started to be decomposed and reconstructed. In less than a while, Zhang Kun actually reversed those spiral structures, forming reverse spirals one by one!
"What kind of operation is this?" Luo Quan was taken aback. He could see that what Zhang Kun had done was to redisrupt the structure of the elixir and completely reverse it. Can the elixir that has been trained be called the Black Dragon Pill?
He has been refining pills all his life, and this is the first time he has seen someone refining pills like this. He quickly shook his head and regained his arrogance as the master of dark veins. If there is any way of refining pills that he has never seen before, Then it must be non-existent and untenable. All that Zhang Kun has done is completely in vain. Although it is novel, it is meaningless at all!

Luo Quan shook his head and no longer put Zhang Kun in his heart. On the other hand, Liu Hongming's progress was very smooth. With Luo Quan's guidance, his refining process went smoothly. Although there were a few small flaws, Luo Quan was by his side. He can still refine the Black Dragon Pill by pointing at him!

The moment the Black Dragon Pill was released, the entire room was glowing with black light, and there was a sound of dragon chant, and the ancient dragon chant echoed in the entire hall!
Liu Hongming's face was full of excitement. He finally refined the Black Dragon Pill, which was beyond his expectation. With such a pill, he finally saved his life and could Get rid of the mediocre fate and go to the pinnacle of life!
Luo Quan also let out a long sigh of relief. The seven days of teaching were not in vain. He finally taught Liu Hongming successfully. If he succeeds personally, his life has been saved.

The eyes of both of them showed excitement and relief. At least they don't have to die. As for Zhang Kun over there, let him fend for himself, and he chooses what he does.

There was a look of contempt in their eyes for a guy who wanted to die. It was not the first time they had seen him, but a guy who wanted to die at such a critical moment was so stupid that it made people want to laugh.

Liu Hongming clasped his hands in front of his chest, looked at Zhang Kun provocatively, saw that Zhang Kun was still refining, and said contemptuously: "Didn't you always question the strength of Master Luo Quan? You also said that he refined The efficiency is very low, the speed is very slow, look at you, you are so slow, I have already finished training, and you are still refining here, what face do you have to accuse us, Master Luo Quan?"

"It's so sad. You should know the result of losing in the end. It's just a word of death. I can't help but want to see your expression before you die. Zhang Kun, go die!"

"We are the winners, you failed!" Luo Quan and Liu Hongming said with a smile, Luo Quan's eyes showed a hint of pleasure of revenge, just now Zhang Kun contradicted him like this, now that Zhang Kun is about to die, he is naturally happy, And when he got out of this strange place, he immediately got up and went to the Xiaoshuo Empire to find out this place, and then took it as his own. In this way, all the exotic flowers, rare herbs, and precious medicines here belong to him alone. people!
Zhang Kun, however, didn't bother to pay attention to the two people who spoke wild words and continued to move their hands. At this moment, his spirit was highly concentrated in one place, and he used all his strength. The pill essence seems to be doing some meticulous work. He uses the spirit as a carving knife, as if carving on the spiral structure. Those strange symbols are the content of his carving!

After a long time, after a long time, Zhang Kun finally raised his head, and his eyes burst into light, as if the practitioners who had been retreating for a long time had suddenly broken through and came out, with a heroic aura!
I saw that the complex structures in his alchemy furnace were like a net, they were quickly put away, and once again condensed into a projectile body, the alchemy furnace seemed to have been tidied up, and it was no longer a puddle of water. There was a mark, the pill was successfully refined, but it didn't make a dragon chant like Liu Hongming did, it just floated faintly.

From one of Zhang Kun's alchemy furnaces, a white elixir rose slowly and was caught by Zhang Kun.

"Hahaha, it's so ridiculous. What we asked you to refine was the Black Dragon Pill, but you refined a white pill. It must have failed. Now we have won!"

(End of this chapter)

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