Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

"Who are you and why are you here?" A middle-aged man with a mustache on the watchtower frowned and looked at Zhang Kun who walked up the watchtower in white. The believers have been mixed in for a few months, and the suicide attacks they launched made them miserable. Therefore, when they saw Zhang Kun in disguise, they were a little suspicious and wary.

Zhang Kun also understood their worries, so he stopped moving forward, stopped and said, "Everyone, I am here to support you from Wangcheng. I have a way to make your bows and arrows more powerful."

"Stop talking nonsense, our archery team won't let you, a little kid, teach you! Hurry up, don't hinder us from killing the enemy, if you really want to help us, bring the kid next to you to the warehouse to bring bows and arrows! "The middle-aged man with a mustache is the captain of the archery team. When he heard Zhang Kun say this, he shook his head and said.

Zhang Kun was not annoyed, he said flatly: "How many undead have you killed so far?"

The archers paused for a moment when they heard Zhang Kun's words. They had the habit of marking an arrow on the wall of the archery tower once they killed an undead to indicate counting.

"A total of 530 were killed today. What's the matter?" The middle-aged man with a mustache looked at Zhang Kun and asked suspiciously. He was a little impatient, and the undead below were agitated and attacked again. It is, and it is also a question of whether this strong watchtower is still there after tonight.

Zhang Kun smiled and said: "I have a way to kill a hundred of them with one arrow, do you want to try?"

"What? Kill a hundred with one arrow, are you dreaming?" The archers in the archery tower stopped shooting and laughed out loud. Everyone knows that an arrow can only kill one undead, even The piercing arrows can only kill three or five at most and it will be the top!
"A hundred arrows? Are you a good marksman?" Someone laughed.

Zhang Kun shook his head and said, "I'm not a marksman."

"That's it, don't make trouble, interrupt our attack! Your identity is unknown, and I have reason to suspect that you are a Lunaist!" The middle-aged man waved at Zhang Kun impatiently.

But Zhang Kun didn't leave. He looked at Weng Hewen and said, "Xiaowen, can you draw a bow and shoot an arrow?"

"I've learned some in ethnology, but I'm not very accurate." Weng Hewen said submissively.

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you know how to shoot, you don't need to aim!"

"Hey, aren't those boys from the Weng family, why are you with this nagging guy?" Someone on the arrow tower recognized Weng Hewen.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me. You guys know Xiaowen. Give him a bow, and I can make him do it, one hundred arrows with one arrow." Zhang Kun said lightly, and his confident tone made those people shake. What's the point?
"Okay, just give him a bow!" said the middle-aged man with a mustache.

"Ah?" Weng Hewen seemed a little flustered. He tremblingly took the long bow sent by the middle-aged man with a mustache, and looked at Zhang Kun timidly, with some doubts.

"Boy, listen to me clearly. If you talk big and can't do it, I will throw you down to feed the undead!" The middle-aged man with a mustache looked at Zhang Kun and said fiercely.

Zhang Kun didn't bother to pay attention to him, and took out a fiery red elixir between his palms. It seemed that there was a raging flame burning inside the elixir, and it contained extremely terrifying power.

Zhang Kun held the elixir as if holding a ball of flames. Everyone didn't even see that it was a elixir. They thought it was the result of the power in Zhang Kun's body showing outwards. Zhang Kun ignored everyone's suspicious eyes. , stepped forward, and attached the Wildfire Flame Pill to the bow and arrow.

"Choose a direction and shoot casually." Zhang Kun patted Weng Hewen on the shoulder and said calmly.

Weng Hewen was extremely nervous. He knew that if he failed, Zhang Kun would be thrown off the tower by the captain of the archery team. His pressure can be imagined, coupled with the fear and fear of the undead, he pulled away tremblingly. After drawing the bow, before the hand is fully drawn, it loses its strength, and the arrow leaves the string, without much force attached, and falls loosely to the ground.

"Hahahaha!" The archers burst out laughing. This kind of bow and arrow can't kill a hundred undead, it can't even hurt a single undead, and it can't even hurt an ordinary human!

Weng Hewen suddenly cried sadly, his face flushed with anxiety, but Zhang Kun didn't take it seriously, and said to him: "It's okay, you have already done it, the arrow has shot out."

"Just this arrow?" The middle-aged man with a mustache laughed, and suddenly he lay down on the arrow tower and looked down, only to see that the loosely falling arrow was shining with fiery red light, and a fire lotus bloomed in midair, The flames soaring into the sky illuminated a city wall, countless sparks splashed in all directions, and waves of heat swept over!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The Fiery Flame Pill attached to the arrow exploded at this moment, and the endless undead below raised their heads, staring blankly at the night sky that suddenly lit up. The increase was hundreds of times, and violent flames swept in, like a scene of annihilation. Countless undead were melted into muddy water in an instant, and the hard armor on their bodies was burned into ashes without exception!
Undead creatures are very afraid of flames and sunlight. When a flaming pill goes up, the battlefield here will turn into a sea of ​​fire and hell. Hundreds of undead are buried here. There is a vacuum!
The average strength of the dead warriors is sky-level. When this small rocket is shot down, hundreds of undead are instantly evaporated. Everyone is stunned. Their eyes are wide open and they can't believe that this is true.

"Just this arrow." Zhang Kun raised the corner of his mouth, smiled and said to the middle-aged man with a mustache.

The entire archery team was completely stunned. Dozens of them fought together tonight and only killed more than 500 undead. Zhang Kun asked Weng Hewen to shoot an arrow at random, and directly wiped out hundreds of undead?

Where does this put their face? This is completely unknown to them. What is it that makes a loose arrow of a mysterious little guy turn into a world-killing blow?
"What is that? It is comparable to the blow of a powerful Qi Refiner, killing hundreds of undead. What kind of power is this?" The middle-aged man with a mustache lost his eyesight. As the captain of the archery team, he is also a junior Qi Refiner. However, even if he tried his best to pour all his vitality into an arrow, it could only penetrate a dozen or so undead at most, and the power on the arrow would dissipate, and Zhang Kun's hand seemed to have no limit, and the terrible explosion annihilated everything !
"My lord, please come in quickly, please be sure to teach us the blow just now, we are very grateful!" The middle-aged man with a mustache immediately lowered his head and saluted Zhang Kun respectfully.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "That's the purpose of my coming here, but you don't seem to appreciate it!"

"Just now, I was too young to see Mount Tai. Please make amends. We really need your attack just now, even if it is for Haomen County, please." The captain of the archery team wanted to say something, but Zhang Kun waved his hand blocked down.

Zhang Kun looked at Weng Hewen and said, "How about it, isn't it easy to kill undead?"

Weng Hewen was still immersed in the incomparable shock, he thought he had messed up, such a bow and arrow should have no power at all, but what he just witnessed was the power of the arrow he shot, as if it was a blow to destroy the world, Instantly burn hundreds of undead to ashes!
"Yeah!" He nodded heavily and said, "With the help of adults, they are completely vulnerable!"

Zhang Kun smiled, pointed at Weng Hewen and said to the archery team, "I'll give you a mission. You teach him how to shoot arrows, and I'll give you the Blazing Flame Pill, so that you can kill a hundred with one arrow!"

"Yes, yes, sir, we must do our best to teach Xiaowen!" The entire archery team was convinced by Zhang Kun's methods. They nodded repeatedly, full of respect in their hearts, and did not have the slightest doubt about Zhang Kun's decision. .

Zhang Kun handed over the Wildfire Flame Pill he had refined to the archery team, and kept ten of them on hand. Of course, he still carried the Wildfire Flame Pill refined from the thousand-year-old white flame flower with him. His big trump card for saving his life and killing the enemy, he can destroy low-level Qi practitioners with one blow!

"What's the matter? An explosion happened under the watchtower?" After Zhang Kun left, several patrolling soldiers came over and asked suspiciously. Just now, the arrow shot by Weng Hewen had already alarmed the city guards on the tower in Haomen County. I thought the watchtower had collapsed, so I hurried over to check the situation.

As a result, they saw a scene they would never forget. The towering archery tower in the middle turned into a fire-spraying fortress, and several streamers shot out from the archery tower one after another. Different from the arrows shot out by Weng Hewen, they were experienced archers. , The rain of arrows shot is like pillars of fire!
Under the city tower, one after another of bright flame flowers exploded in the dark crowd of undead, bombarding indiscriminately, the entire battlefield was full of flames, and the army of undead rushed over with all their brains, and they all died in the sea of ​​flames!
"Boom boom boom!" The arrows of fire shot out from the arrow tower one after another, and the fire lotus exploded in the wave of undead. The terrifying fire wave cleared away the undead, especially the full-strength blow of the mustache captain with the fiery flame pill. Suddenly, a fire bird seemed to appear among the group of undead, flying towards the distance, burning everything it went!

"Is this a massacre?" The patrolling soldiers were so startled that their jaws dropped. It turned out that the people on the watchtower were only there to assist them in frontal defense. What kind of gunpowder, the firepower was fully fired, and a rain of arrows fell, burning the undead group to ashes!

(End of this chapter)

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