Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 411 Is he a guest minister?

Chapter 411 Is he a guest minister?

He didn't need Cheng Yuxi to open his mouth to understand it. That Zhang Kun was probably a so-called genius that Cheng Yuxi knew in the original Wangcheng, but what was that kind of person? Compared with him, he was nothing. The muddy farewell, in the imperial city where family background is the most important, whoever associates with such lowly commoners will have his family traditions questioned!
"Brother Xi Cheng, have you noticed the amber ring on his right hand?" Cheng Yuxi continued without giving up.

"Huh? So what, I'm afraid it wasn't stolen, and the ring is nothing special. On the day you and I get married, I will name a craftsman to create a ring of fairy gold for you." Liu Xicheng said, but his heart was full. I'm a little dissatisfied with Cheng Yuxi. As the fiancé of his Liu family, he cares about the ring in a man's hand. As the daughter of King Geng, is she so greedy for money?

"No, that should be the Ring of Kingship held by each of the nine princes of the Xiaoshuo Empire. I saw exactly the same one at my father's place!" Cheng Yuxi hesitated and said.

"Hahaha, Cheng Yuxi, you are about to kill me from laughing, the ring of kingship? What an important and precious thing that is. Once this ring comes out and waits for a prince to come in person, you actually say that he is in the hands of an unknown boy. I think you are Crazy, let's stop here today, whether you are suitable to be my bride, I will re-evaluate you, Jinyou, send her back for me, I'm tired!" Liu Xicheng was so angry It's crooked, the sooner Cheng Yuxi is in front of him, the more boring, with such a stupid woman, he might as well go to Tan Palace to find a famous actress Huanai Chunxiao!

"Yes!" Cheng Yuxi lowered his head, a little aggrieved, and trembling in his heart: "Is it my fault?"

Walking to the end of Luozi Street, and then entering Zhudie Lane, the signboard of the Alchemy Association is clearly visible. The big characters of dragon, flying and dancing phoenix outline the impressive spirit of the association. , There are eighteen stories high.

"Yu'an Pavilion?" The Alchemist Association in Kaiyang City is different from other cities. It has its own name, just like a big hall. The owner of this place must be a powerful person, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to buy it in the hinterland of the imperial city. Such a luxurious palace.

Looking up at such a luxurious building, Zhang Kun took a deep breath and stepped into Yu'an Pavilion.

"I want to see your president." Zhang Kun came up and walked to the front desk, and said directly to the maid in charge of reception. In this imperial city, all the maids in charge of reception have good looks, beautiful faces, and are dressed in a cheongsam. Protruding forward and backward, and long white legs attract the attention of men.

The maid showed a professional smile at Zhang Kun and said, "I'm sorry for this guest. Our president is not here. What's the matter with you? Please leave your name and contact information. We will contact you when the president comes back." How are you?"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and nodded immediately. Just as he was about to take the pen and paper handed over by the reception maid and start writing his name, he was suddenly pushed by a person behind him and almost fell into the maid's arms.

"Ah!" The maid suddenly turned pale with shock, her big innocent eyes were full of shock, a blush appeared on her face, she looked mature and lovely.

"I said boy, at your age, let alone want to meet the president, you are not qualified even to enter the Alchemist Association, get out as soon as possible, don't waste my time, sir! Look like a poor ghost!" Zhang Kun A burly man behind him said.

The man's arms are as thick as the average person's thighs, and he is full of strength. His burly figure is twice as tall as that of Zhang Kun. In front of him, Zhang Kun is like a child. Zhang Kun glanced at him and knew that his strength was not enough. It's just a first-timer.

"Miss Ling Yi, I don't know if you are free at night. I can invite you to Shuiche Pavilion to drink and enjoy the moon. Let's talk about the philosophy of life together, and then talk about the philosophy of life. I guarantee that you will spend an unforgettable night. .”

Your burly man actually passed Zhang Kun directly and started chatting with the maid who received him. The maid was slightly taken aback, and looked at Zhang Kun apologetically, and finally talked to the burly man.

Zhang Kun frowned, he was sought after by everyone in Wangcheng, but in Kaiyang City, no one knew him, even a mere innate shrimp dared to touch him.

"I'm sorry, you'd better understand what you're doing, so that you won't die without knowing it." Zhang Kun stood with his hands behind his back, walked up to the burly man and said calmly.

"Ah?" The burly man was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly: "Hahaha, boy, are you crazy, everyone, come and see, there is a little beggar here who said I would die!"

"Hahaha, who dares to break ground on Brother Hu's head, I'm afraid it's Shi Lezhi!"

"Interesting, the Alchemist Association hasn't had any troubles for a long time, and today is a good show!"

"Brother Hu, what nonsense are you talking about? You're just a poor boy. Just beat him to death. Although there are laws in the imperial city, this kind of boy who has no background will die if he dies!" Everyone burst into laughter. Xiang Zhang Kun could not hide the disdain in his heart.

How could this kid have the confidence to speak insultingly to Brother Hu.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, knowing that he had offended the local snake here. He glanced at the badge on Brother Hu's chest. It was the badge issued by the Alchemist Association to the sixth-level alchemist, which represented that this person had at least five alchemy skills. The strength of the sixth-level elixir.

This kind of badge is a proof of the alchemist's strength. There is a unified system throughout the empire. Dantu's badge is blue with pine waves as the background pattern, and a star is embroidered on it every time he upgrades. Brother Hu There are six stars in the drawing on the chest, but on Zhang Kun's side, there are nothing.

Naturally, everyone can judge the strength of the two at a glance, not to mention Zhang Kun's desolate and poor appearance, which is even more contemptuous.

"Oh? It turns out that there are not many restrictions on killing people in the imperial city!" Zhang Kun showed a suddenly realized expression, looked at Brother Hu playfully, and took out something from his arms.

"Huh? Does this kid also have a star rating? Judging by his age, one star is not bad." Everyone cast their eyes on Zhang Kun's hands.

"You say, if I kill him in this capacity, will there be any punishment?" Zhang Kundan smiled, and took out a delicate medal from his arms. After the medal appeared, it actually emitted a light Halo, the texture of red gold, coupled with a little starburst, looks extremely luxurious, no matter how you look at it, it is several times more precious than the medal on Brother Hu's chest!
"Guest Honor Medal?" Sharp-eyed passers-by immediately recognized it. This medal is not a representative of strength, but a representative of status. Only those who have made outstanding contributions to the Alchemy Association can have it. Otherwise, even if you become an alchemist The teacher may not necessarily award you the Guest Medal.

For example, the old Dan Tu of Dong Hancheng in Changyang City is old, but the level of Dan Tu is very high, but it does not attract the attention of the association. On the contrary, Zhang Kun, since he was 14 years old, even if he Only the third and fourth ranks of Dantu are still awarded the Medal of Guest.

"Why does he have the Guest Medal? Could it be that he is very powerful, but generally speaking, when entering the Alchemist Association, he will wear his own medal of the same rank!" Everyone was puzzled and a little surprised. Zhang Kun was only 15 years old. Where did you get the Guest Medal? You must know that almost everyone here has never received this honor!
"Hmph, even if you are a guest, you are just an outsider in the Alchemy Association. If something happens, the Alchemy Association will still favor internal members rather than external guests!" Someone immediately pointed out this point and looked at Brother Hu and Zhang Kun.

Brother Hu also realized from the slight stunned moment just now, yes, Ke Qing is just a status and honor, you got lucky and dug up a secret recipe of elixir left over from the ground, the Alchemist Association will also Because of your outstanding contribution, you are awarded the guest badge.

This kind of thing doesn't mean anything at all, and everyone suddenly realized that Zhang Kun belonged to this category, and there was a little more sneer in their eyes.

"Boy, if you want to pretend to be aggressive, you have to rely on your strength. Don't think that you can change anything with a guest medal. I will keep you from going out of this door with one sentence, and you will have no place in the imperial city!"

"And I'm afraid this medal is not yours. When your father gave it to you, he didn't remember to tell you to run away with his tail between his legs when he saw your grandpa tiger?" The tiger brother laughed and walked step by step When he came up, a killing intent suddenly appeared!
"Looking for death!" Zhang Kun's eyes turned cold, he put away the medal, cut down with his right hand suddenly, and shot out a blast of wind. With Zhang Kun's current strength and this body, he can rival a beginner Qi practitioner in every gesture!

And that brother Hu is just a beginner. Before he could react, he still walked towards Zhang Kun with a murderous look. However, before he took two steps, he suddenly felt his spirit tense up, and an unprecedented sense of crisis surged into his heart. , The heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something, and it was suffocated instantly.

In an instant, the wind that Zhang Kun casually shot cut through his body, and the inner armor on his body did not have any defensive effect at all, and was directly cut by the wind!

"What?" Brother Hu was horrified, his eyes widened, he felt an incomparably violent vitality penetrate into his body, trying to tear his body apart completely!

"Ah!" With a flick of his fingers, Brother Hu, who was holding the chance to win Zhang Kun, fell to the ground directly. His shoulder and right arm were cut off. The incision was so neat that even the bones were cut from it Cut it open!
Moreover, Zhang Kun's fingers were extremely precise, and he hacked from the middle of Brother Hu's Dan Tu medal, directly smashing the medal into pieces!

Everyone who had been watching the play stood up one after another, with horror written in their eyes, they repeatedly said in shock: "This? This kid has extraordinary finger strength, Brother Hu is a natural master, and he has an arm cut off just like that!"

(End of this chapter)

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