Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 424 Brother?

Chapter 424 Brother?

"Mr. Zhang, since the Canglan Yaoshui horse chestnut has been given to you, let's leave quickly. We still have a debt to settle with this kid." The big man said bitterly, and the others also looked at him. He looked at Zhang Kun unkindly.

"This..." Zhang Juzheng hesitated suddenly, it was not his nature to refuse to save him, and after all, the reason why Zhang Kun was caught by them was indeed his reason.

"Mr. Zhang, don't hesitate, I really don't pay attention to these people." Zhang Kun glanced at the crowd contemptuously, and said indifferently.

"Don't run if you can, kid!"

"Boy, I'm going to make you kneel down and call grandpa later!"

This group of qi practitioners usually have quite a status in the sect, how could they be looked down upon so much by a small innate descendant, all of them feel so aggrieved that they are about to vomit blood.

"Mr. Zhang, we all know that this kid has nothing to do with you. You won't be an enemy of all of us because of this kid, right?" The big man persuaded, as soon as Zhang Juzheng leaves, let this kid know how powerful he is!
Zhang Juzheng also had a dull expression on his face, he didn't expect Zhang Kun to attract hatred so much, he froze there for a moment and didn't know what to do, but after all he thought of a way to save Zhang Kun.

"Zhang Kun, let me ask you, are you willing to enter my Yaohuang Mountain?" Zhang Juzheng suddenly turned his head and asked gently.

"Mr. Zhang, actually." Zhang Kun didn't expect that Zhang Juzheng wanted to pull him into the sect, but he was destined to refuse.

"Think about it first, don't refuse in a hurry." Zhang Juzheng thought that Zhang Kun was not happy, and hurriedly said: "Although my Yaohuangshan focuses on alchemy, it also attaches great importance to martial arts. My master, Mr. Gongsun, is not only Xiao Shuo The number one alchemist in the empire, and at the same time, his martial arts cultivation has reached the stage of foundation establishment, as long as you are willing to get started, I can recommend you to the master."

"What are you two talking about? Don't talk nonsense to me. Mr. Zhang Juzheng, please get out of the way. We will kill this kid!" The group of qi practitioners all had blood-red eyes, and they wanted to catch Zhang Kun with thousands of knives. cut.

Zhang Juzheng didn't pay attention to him at all, his scorching eyes kept staring at Zhang Kun, but Zhang Kun just stood there blankly!
His mind was firmly occupied by four words, Mr. Gongsun!

"Mr. Zhang, who do you think is your master?" Zhang Kun seemed to be suffocated, staring at Zhang Juzheng firmly, his eyes full of expectation.

"Of course it is the number one alchemist in the Xiaoshuo Empire, Gongsun Yangyan!" Zhang Juzheng said seriously again, for fear that Zhang Kun would not believe it.

And Zhang Kun finally recovered from the shock, he took out a jade pendant from his bosom and said to Zhang Juzheng: "Brother! Do you know this thing?"

"This..." Seeing that jade pendant, Zhang Juzheng was stunned on the spot, and he came back to his senses after a long time: "This is the master's personal jade pendant, why do you have this, do you mean?"

"Could it be..." Zhang Juzheng couldn't believe his eyes, he didn't expect to see his junior here in such a way!

"Little Junior Brother?"

"That's right, this is what the master left for me, brother!" Zhang Kun couldn't help shouting out, so excited that he couldn't restrain his emotions.

Zhang Juzheng took the jade pendant from his waist and compared it with the one in Zhang Kun's hand, and then his eyes lit up, overjoyed!

Zhang Juzheng kept laughing and said: "Okay, okay, master's eyes are right, I recognize you as a junior!"

"Mr. Zhang Juzheng, what are you talking about, get out of the way quickly, our target is that kid!"

"That's right, this kid dares to tease us, I don't care who he is, I will capture him and nail him to a copper pillar for execution!" The Qi practitioners in those sects were a little impatient, shouting that Zhang Juzheng would Hand over Zhang Kun!

Zhang Juzheng's complexion suddenly changed, gloomy like a judge with an iron face!
"I, Yaohuangshan, came here to look for Canglan Yaoshui horse chestnut, just for my little junior brother, who of you just said that you want to touch my junior brother?" Zhang Juzheng's voice seemed to come from the abyss, and every word was typed in Everyone's heart!
"I don't care about it, this kid caused us to be besieged by everyone, and we were in such a mess that we should be killed!" The big man angrily scolded.

"Get out!" Zhang Juzheng's vitality burst out suddenly, and with a flick of his sleeves, there were thunderstorms one after another. The pure sky thunder, as thick as a child's arm, hit the big man's body in an instant, blasting out a stream of blood mist, and waited until the blood mist dissipated Afterwards, it was discovered that a big hole had exploded in his chest, his bones were all broken, and he fell powerlessly!

Everyone present was completely silent, not daring to make a sound, just staring at the big man dead and gone!

"Yaohuang Mountain is extremely defensive from Gongsun Yangyan down, let's run quickly, Zhang Juzheng is angry, you and I can't bear it!" Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and silently backed away slowly.

"Thank you, brother!" Zhang Kun hastily bowed deeply to Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Juzheng laughed loudly and said: "Little brother, why do you have to be like this? My Yaohuang Mountain has always followed this rule. In the Xiaoshuo Empire and its surrounding areas, no one has dared to mess with our Yaohuang Mountain disciples!"

"Junior brother, what's your name? When did the master accept you? We are all wondering why there is suddenly an extra junior brother. Isn't the old master no longer accepting apprentices?"

"Brother, my name is Zhang Kun. As for the apprenticeship, this is a secret between Master and I. Please forgive me if I can't tell you." Zhang Kun scratched the back of his head and said in embarrassment.

He couldn't make it up for a while, even if he made it up, it wouldn't be right with the master, so it's better to be sloppy and fool it. In short, the existence of the mirror domain cannot be exposed.

"Okay, since it's a secret, I won't ask any more." Zhang Juzheng said with a smile: "Little brother, you don't even know how lucky you are. Master specifically asked us to find this Canglan Yaoshui seven leaf for you." Hua, I have never seen Master treat anyone like this before!"

"Even senior brother Zifang has never had one?" Zhang Kun was slightly surprised. Senior brother Zifang is the prince, so Gongsun Yangyan should be particularly fond of it.

Zhang Juzheng shook his head resolutely: "No, the master just gave him a panacea, but he never looked for the magic flower for him like this. You must know that the master came here in person, but because of the urgent message from the Holy The urgent military situation asked him to go back, so he didn't take action himself."

"Do you know Prince Zifang?" Zhang Juzheng asked with a little surprise. Has Zhang Kun had contact with their Yaohuangshan people before?

"Well, we met once, and he saved my life." Zhang Kun nodded.

"Hahaha, it's all fate. Let's not talk about it. Now that the Canglan Yaoshui horse chestnut flower has been obtained, it was originally found for you. I will return it to you now. I didn't expect to have an oolong. It's all my own." People!" Zhang Juzheng laughed, as if he was very happy to see Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun nodded and accepted the jade box. Since he set out to look for the Canglan Yaoshui horse chestnut, he was fully prepared, and naturally he would not only use the Qiankun cage like the hooked-nosed old man of Lanqiezong. To hold the horse chestnut, such a jade box is specially made to ensure the medicinal effect of the horse chestnut. It is worth 10 taels of gold, but it is a small amount of money to Zhang Kun.

"Then let's leave this place first, Junior Brother Zhang Kun, what are your plans, come back to Yaohuang Mountain with me to meet the master, your cultivation has reached the innate level, you must use the Canglan Yaoshui horse chestnut, you can easily Skip the superfluous stage after innate and go directly to the realm of Qi training!" Zhang Juzheng looked at Zhang Kun with burning eyes.

The more he looked at this little junior, the more satisfied he was, his strength was already so terrifying at such a young age, and he dared to snatch the horse chestnut under the noses of dozens of qi trainers, which is impossible for ordinary people to do!

"Well, that's fine, I'm looking for this flower just for a breakthrough in strength, and with the care of my master and senior brother, I'm more confident." Zhang Kun nodded and said.

"Hahaha, junior brother is being modest. With your talent, even if you don't have horse chestnuts, you will definitely be able to enter the realm of Qi training within a few years. You are not yet 20 years old this year, right? A 20-year-old Qi trainer!" Zhang Juzheng was a little envious of Zhang Kun's talent, he was an old man before he entered the Qi training state, but how old is Zhang Kun?
"Senior, I am fifteen this year." Zhang Kun said lightly.

"This..." Zhang Juzheng was speechless, and the two walked out of the dense forest just like that.

In the outside world, everyone has learned that Zhang Juzheng of Yaohuang Mountain has obtained the news of the horse chestnut, and they have chosen to give up. The power of Yaohuang Mountain is too great, and the only Lanqiezong who can compete with it has suffered heavy losses and has withdrawn from the competition. However, the other Qi practitioners could not gather together, and there were still disputes among them. Naturally, they couldn't unite to deal with Yaohuang Mountain.

If we continue to compete for the Canglan Yaoshui Horse Chestnut, many Qi practitioners will fall again. This is the result that everyone in the sect does not want to see. Zhang Kun walked out slowly, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on the two of them!

"It seems that Zhang Juzheng is looking for Aescin this time for his little junior brother. I didn't expect it to be that stinky boy!" Everyone talked a lot, and looked at Zhang Kun with envy and envy.

Just imagine which other sect can fight for the magic medicine for you alone in front of hundreds of Qi trainers, and kill the Quartet, so that the Qi trainers wither and the strong sect fall!
"Master, it's him, he killed Yuyang, and he has repeatedly opposed me, please make the decision for me!" Seeing Zhang Kun appearing, Liu Xicheng's expression changed, and he immediately pulled a middle-aged Qi practitioner beside him Said, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

He left the team in a hurry, but just as he was about to go down the mountain, he happened to meet the team of the Tianhuo Sect. He was very excited, thinking that the opportunity for revenge had come, so he came with his master and brothers, just in time for him to see Zhang Kun This scene that appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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