Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 428 The Task of the Supreme Elder

Chapter 428 The Task of the Supreme Elder
"Master, I have made up my mind. When I make some contribution from Yaohuang Mountain, you are using the divine cauldron to make alchemy for me. I will use my strength to gain their respect." Zhang Kun said firmly, he knew If he wanted to gain a firm foothold in Yaohuang Mountain, he absolutely couldn't rely on Gongsun Yangyan.

"In this case, then you go." Gongsun Yangyan looked directly into Zhang Kun's eyes, and an invisible coercion descended on him. He nodded and agreed only after he was sure that Zhang Kun was telling the truth.

Gongsun Yangyan looked at Zhang Kun's disappearing figure with a look of relief in his eyes.

"He has just arrived, and he will definitely be excluded a lot. Are you really not going to help him deal with it?" A voice sounded from behind him, and the old man who had led Zhang Kun just now walked out of the shadows.

"If you can't handle such a small matter, what qualifications do you have to be my disciple?" Gongsun Yangyan's expression was very indifferent, as if he had regained the posture of the number one alchemist in the empire, and immediately he paused for a moment, then became murderous He said calmly: "I don't care about the fights between the juniors, but if there is any old guy who dares to attack him unruly, then don't blame me for chopping off that dishonest paw so that they can have a long memory."

The old man had no choice but to smile bitterly. Gongsun Yangyan treated the first few disciples with a magnification, and basically ignored them. It can be said that Gongsun Yangyan has nothing to do with their achievements today. Only this Zhang Kun, Gongsun Yangyan seems to value it very much, even going all out to offend other sects, but also to give him a good environment for growth. Is it true that he only values ​​his talent?The old man shook his head suspiciously, took a step back, disappeared into the darkness, only Gongsun Yangyan was still watching the distance quietly.

When Zhang Kun came to the Mission Hall located on Taiji Peak, countless disciples came and went. There was a large water curtain in the middle of the Mission Hall, reflecting the missions issued by those disciples and elders.

Zhang Kun also saw the task he took. This task can be regarded as a daily task in the task hall. Even for beginners, it is not difficult, as long as you hand in the prescribed elixir within ten days, you will be rewarded Naturally, it cannot be called rich.

However, the task given to him by the senior brother with a face in Chinese characters was a little different. Although the types of pills refined were the same, the quantity was ten times that of others!
"It seems that someone really thinks I'm easy to bully."

Zhang Kun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. It seems that he was deliberately targeting him. As long as he didn't finish it, then they could see his jokes. He was originally a disciple of Gongsun Yangyan. Being controversial, it would be difficult for him to gain a foothold in Yaohuang Mountain if he was branded as incompetent.

"Senior Brother Ma Lei, he seems to have discovered that the task you gave him is not normal. Do you think we have gone too far in doing this? After all, Zhang Kun is also a disciple of Master Gongsun. If he files a complaint, we will not hesitate It's gone." At a window in the hall, two disciples were whispering and looking at Zhang Kun from time to time.

"What are you afraid of? He took on the task himself, and who can blame him if he can't finish it." The disciple with a square face said casually. Seeing this junior, he was still worried, and comforted him: "Don't worry, he doesn't dare to sue others. Otherwise, even if we are punished, he will definitely leave an impression of cowardice and incompetence in Master Gongsun's heart."

"Brother, he has seen us, he is coming!" the disciple suddenly exclaimed.

Ma Lei was also taken aback, and hurriedly sat down in front of the window, seemingly reassured, but in fact he was also a little scared. Could it be that Zhang Kun is really fighting for his own future and not wanting to mess with them?

Ma Lei was still thinking wildly, but Zhang Kun walked straight in front of him. Ma Lei was in a hurry, forced a smile, and asked, "Junior Brother Zhang Kun, what's the matter?"

"Brother, I want to ask about the mission I took." Zhang Kun said calmly, taking a full view of Ma Lei's expression.

"Oh? Is there any difficulty for the younger brother? Although this task is the most basic task, it is normal for the younger brother to be unable to complete it for the first time."

Zhang Kun interrupted Ma Lei's rambling, and said with a bright smile: "Brother, you may have misunderstood something. I'm here to submit the task."

"What are you talking about! Hiss." Mare's smile froze, he stood up abruptly, and shouted regardless of his image.

There was a muffled sound, and Ma Lei's expression suddenly became very strange. He looked like he wanted to cry but couldn't cry. He squatted on the ground and held his knees tightly. When he stood up just now, he bumped into the edge of the table.

Originally, with his physique as a cultivator, this would naturally not be the case, but the problem is that this table is not made of ordinary stone. It was originally made of golden iron stone to prevent damage. Qi training is also very difficult to destroy, let alone Mare.

Zhang Kun looked at Ma Lei squatting with a painful expression on his face, and secretly smiled in his heart, but he said with concern: "Are you all right? Why are you so careless?"

"No, I'm fine." Ma Lei gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words, but the expression on his face became even more ferocious.

"Brother, I'm asking you if you didn't break the table. These stones were carried by the Qi training elders with great pains. If you break it, it will be bad." Zhang Kun said seriously, and carefully Touched the table.


There was such a big commotion here just now, the eyes of the entire mission hall were attracted, and everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Kun. Someone recognized Zhang Kun, and the onlookers heard his words and sent out There was a burst of laughter.

"Hehe." Ma Lei laughed unconsciously, but he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Brother, can you give me the reward for the task? I want three copies." Zhang Kun took out a pile of jade bottles from the storage ring and spread them all over the entire table. Although they were all low-level pills, they The visual effect is amazing.

An exclamation erupted from the crowd, and the disciples felt unreal when they looked at this Linlang pill bottle, but soon someone discovered the abnormality in it.

"Hey, where did he get so many basic pills? I remember that he only got started for three days."

"Don't scare me, I remember that the task of getting started was completed in ten days, and judging by the amount of pills, it is more than ten times the amount of that task."

"Could it be possible that he finished practicing for a hundred days in three days? Impossible, even those elders can't do it."

"Is this the gap between mortals and geniuses? This alchemy speed is simply unheard of." Someone shouted in despair.

Ma Lei saw the commotion getting louder and louder, and his face darkened. He had checked the elixir just now, and there was indeed nothing wrong with it. Moreover, no matter how harsh the elder was, he might not be able to find any faults. Perfect!

"Hehe, Junior Brother Zhang Kun didn't expect you to store so many pills. Although the task is not prohibited, the purpose of this task is to train new disciples, so it will have no effect. Be careful next time." Lei's thoughts changed, and he said to Zhang Kun earnestly.

"Hehe." Zhang Kun sneered. He didn't believe that Ma Lei wouldn't be able to see the time to make the pill, but he knew that he couldn't explain it clearly to a person who was determined to suppress him.

"So that's the case, I just said, how can someone make alchemy so quickly."

"Scared me. It turned out that he wanted to sensationalize the public. This Zhang Kun is really scheming."

Although this explanation can be said to be far-fetched, many people did not believe that Zhang Kun could refine so many elixirs. The dark emotions in their hearts made them accept this reason for granted, while some people saw some clues and were watching with cold eyes.

Whoa whoa whoa!
There was a sudden change in the water curtain in the main hall, and everyone looked over. The tasks on the water curtain disappeared, and there were waves of ripples, and some blurred images flashed by.

Some new disciples looked at the excited expressions of these brothers in doubt, not knowing what happened, the brother next to him explained: "This is the elder who is going to issue a task, so he will project on this water screen, too. The rewards for the tasks issued by the elders are very generous, and some of them are relatively simple, such as assisting in refining medicine, and can also improve your alchemy level."

At this time, the picture on the water curtain gradually became clear, and an old face appeared on the water curtain. At the same time, Zhang Kun heard a few slight groans. the old man.

"I need a medicine boy to help me refine a kind of elixir. The elixir is required to be above level six, and I will be rewarded with an ascending spirit elixir." The majestic old man looked around and said coldly.

Zhang Kun watched silently, and when he heard that the reward was actually a Shengling Pill, he was secretly stunned. This Shengling Pill is no less important to Xiantian disciples than Tongyuan Zhengqi Pill. Its role is to increase breakthroughs The probability of Qi training, although the efficacy of the medicine is not comparable to that of Canglan Yaoshui Horse Chestnut, but it is still extremely precious, and every auction will set off a storm.

But what surprised Zhang Kun even more was that these disciples were indifferent, as if it had become commonplace. The new disciple asked puzzledly. He raised his voice and said, "Things are good, but you have to get them."

After hearing this, Zhang Kun also had some guesses in his heart. This elixir should be extremely difficult to practice, and it seems that the Supreme Elder has released this task more than once.

When the old man saw the silent hall, no one stood up and was willing to take up his task, he couldn't help but shook his head, and said with a bit of anger: "Is this my Yaohuangshan disciple? I am really disappointed!"

(End of this chapter)

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