Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 432 The Effect of Reshaping the Soul

Chapter 432 The Effect of Reshaping the Soul
Xuanchengnan Cidan, which has never been successfully refined by anyone for 10,000+ years, was finally successfully refined with the efforts of Zhang Kun and Yuan Hao. They spent a full month researching materials, and the final refining , it took a full week!
Elder Yuan Hao was so excited that he couldn't speak at this moment. He was in tears, and a gratified smile appeared on his wrinkled face. His long-cherished wish for many years finally came true.

Even though he is the Supreme Elder, there are still disciples who gossip about him, saying that he is a lunatic, does not do business properly, does not teach disciples and does not make other medicines, and only focuses on Xuancheng Nanci Pill, he is not having a good time these days.

But now all of this is over, Xuan Chengnan Cidan has been successfully refined, all the previous efforts are worthwhile.

"Thanks to Zhang Kun, you finally chose this fresh oyster grass, which perfectly fits the efficacy of the elixir." Elder Yuan Hao was very pleased, and already regarded Zhang Kun as his own.

"Elder Yuan Hao, what is the effect of this Xuanchengnan Cidan that is worthy of your effort to refine it?" Zhang Kun wondered for a month, and refrained from asking. Now that Xuanchengnan Cidan is freshly released, he really wants to Knowing what magic power it possesses fascinates Yuan Hao so much.

Elder Yuan Hao reached out his hand to take out Xuancheng Nanci Dan, which was still glowing with splendor, and said earnestly: "Master Nanci was the number one alchemist in the world back then. His realm is beyond what we can imagine. This is named after him." Pills have only one effect."

"Reshape the soul!"

Elder Yuan Hao said these four words word by word, and Zhang Kun seemed to be struck by lightning. After being taught by Jing Yu, he fully knew what the most important thing for a warrior monk is, and that is the soul!
The body of a Qi practitioner can be destroyed, but the soul still exists, but the Qi practitioners in this world have not found a way to preserve the soul. If the soul is not properly kept after it leaves the body, it will be wiped out in the blink of an eye. And the Xuan Chengnan in front of him Ci Dan turned out to be a panacea that could reshape the soul.

"That's right, if your body dies and your dao disappears, as long as half of your soul is attached to Xuan Chengnan's Cidan, you can find a new body to seize and resurrect again." Elder Yuan Hao looked into Xuanchengnan's Cidan's eyes His eyes are full of fanaticism, that is the life of a Qi trainer!
"Then if I refine a lot of Xuancheng Nanci Pills, and each one is attached with a soul, wouldn't it mean that no one can really kill me?" Zhang Kun asked curiously.

Yuan Hao chuckled and said: "You have not yet become a Qi trainer, and you don't know how difficult it is to divide your spirit and soul. No one in the general Qi training state can do it, and even if half of your spirit is missing, it will be a great blow to your spirit. It will take a long time to repair it, not to mention that every elixir of yours is entrusted with the soul."

"Elder Yuan Hao, I think it may have more than this function. Judging from its composition, taking this pill internally can also greatly strengthen the soul, even for Qi practitioners at the foundation level. .” Zhang Kun said after thinking for a while.

Yuan Hao glanced at Zhang Kun indifferently and said: "That's true, but it would be too violent to do so. Compared with the infinite possibilities brought by the extra life of the immortal soul, the strengthening of the soul is insignificant."

"However, boy, I see that your talent is very high, your perception is far superior to ordinary people, and your spiritual power is as pure as mine. Although the amount is far from enough, it is already amazing. What do you practice? Is it a spiritual method?" Yuan Hao couldn't help being curious about Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun nodded, shook his head again, smiled noncommittal.

His spirit was tempered through countless alchemy and visualization of the river map attached to the Kunyu Huazhang. As for the formal spiritual method, he had never practiced it.

Seeing that Zhang Kun didn't answer, Yuan Hao didn't ask any more questions. He brought the Xuanchengnan Cidan to Zhang Kun and said, "You have contributed a lot to refining this time, so I will give this Xuanchengnan Cidan to Zhang Kun." You, you can't divide your soul now, then take this medicine, it will be of great benefit to your future cultivation!"

Zhang Kun was stunned. He was terrified and hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "The junior is terrified. The value of this panacea is too high. The junior can't afford it. Elder Yuan Hao originally said that the reward is the Ascension Pill, and that junior is enough." Already!"

"Hahaha, I told you to hold it and you take it. Anyway, we have already cracked the mystery of this pill. Next, I can refine as much as I want. It just takes some time," Elder Yuan Hao laughed. Said: "What is a mere week to my generation of cultivators?"

"Then thank Elder Yuan Hao!" Zhang Kun was not pedantic, took the elixir with both hands, and then deeply paid respects to Elder Xie Yuan Hao.

Zhang Kun put Xuanchengnan Cidan in his pocket and secretly calculated: "Canglan Yaoshui horse chestnut can cast my spirit body, and this Xuanchengnan Cidan can condense my soul. With these two gods, After I step into the realm of Qi training, I will be reborn like a carp climbing the Dragon Gate, which is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary Qi practitioners!"

"Zhang Kun, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you. The prescription of Xuancheng Nanci Pill has been rewritten by the two of us. I want to announce it in the sect so that other people can also refine this pill!" Yuan Yuan At this moment, Hao's eyes were like torches, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​stars in the depths of his eyes.

"Here, Elder Yuan Hao is kind!" Zhang Kun couldn't help admiring Yuan Hao's virtuous integrity. Pill recipes are the capital for an alchemist to live and work. Rare pill recipes are worth tens of millions, not to mention Xuan Chengnan who can reshape the soul Ci Dan, that is simply a priceless treasure.

Someone like Qin Liangjie would even be willing to exchange his position as a prince for the alchemy formula, but Elder Yuan Hao was willing to announce it in the sect for free.

You must know that the elders and disciples in the sect all regard him as a joke, belittle his ability, and say that he is only in vain, because he does not know how to refine other elixirs, so he uses the excuse of delving into ancient elixir recipes to avoid the world!
"With the help of this pill, the strength of my Yaohuang Mountain can be raised to another level." Elder Yuan Hao muttered to himself.

At this moment, Zhang Kun has been completely overwhelmed by Elder Yuan Hao's Gao Yi. He gave the elixir that he painstakingly refined over the years to himself, and the revised elixir formula was published casually, just for the sake of the prosperity of Yaohuangshan, so selfless People who are worthy of Zhang Kun's admiration.

"It's just that I'm old, and my lifespan is running out. I can't see the moment when Yaohuang Mountain dominates the world!" Elder Yuan Hao suddenly shook his head and let out a long sigh.

"This junior must work hard to cultivate and win glory for Yaohuang Mountain!" Zhang Kun said quickly.

He had already made up his mind that if he could refine a pill that would increase his lifespan in the future, he would definitely send one to Elder Yuan Hao in return for the gift of the pill today.

"Okay, you can go. It's a pity that you have already been accepted as an apprentice by Gongsun Yangyan, otherwise I would like to teach you everything I have learned in my life." Yuan Hao looked at Zhang Kun with some regret, and said quietly: " You already know Danfang, go tell your master, just say that you completed it by yourself, anyway, the truth is the same, I am old, and my brain is not working."

"This is all thanks to Elder Yuan Hao." Zhang Kun said sincerely, but found that Yuan Hao had already sat down cross-legged and fell asleep. In fact, he hadn't closed his eyes for a month. When Zhang Kun was resting, he was still trying to make alchemy .

"Disciple leave." Zhang Kun said softly, and crept away from Bihu Peak. The huge tortoise also nodded at Zhang Kun, and then with a bang, it crawled back to the mountain again. Bihu Peak Only the towering yellow tree remained on the top.

"Wow, what happened to Bihu Peak, I saw such a thick spiritual cloud gathered on it!"

"This power is too terrifying. Could it be that someone has broken through to the realm of Qi training and aroused the power of heaven and earth?"

"But Yuan Hao, that old man with a bad temper, is the only one in Bihu Peak. How many years has he been practicing Qi!" Everyone was discussing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the long-lasting clouds, they all froze.

At this moment, Zhang Kun was walking slowly from the mountain, and there was still a strong scent of almonds and traces of violent spiritual power fluctuations on his body, and everyone turned their attention to him.

"It's this kid who made a breakthrough. He seems to be in his teens!" Countless people around looked at Zhang Kun dumbfounded, unable to believe it.

"Impossible, he has a very strong spiritual energy, but it shouldn't come from himself, it should be something else, it should be a panacea!" The senior brother who was in the Qi training state immediately denied it, but this still shocked them very much.

They looked at each other, their eyes widened, and they were all dumbfounded. Could it be that Xuan Chengnan Cidan was really refined for them?
Zhang Kun swept across their faces lightly, not bothering to talk nonsense with them, and walked directly down the mountain to the valley where Gongsun Yangyan was.

"Disciple Zhang Kun, please see Master." Zhang Kun stood outside the door and said,
"Come in, what's the matter?" Gongsun Yangyan's steady voice sounded, and the door of his residence opened automatically without wind.

"Master, this is the elixir formula of Xuanchengnan Cidan. Elder Yuan Hao and I have modified it together, and we have been able to successfully refine the elixir," Zhang Kun said, taking out the Xuanchengnan Cidan from his bosom. Handed it to Gongsun Yangyan.

"Hiss!" Gongsun Yangyan was immediately refreshed, looked at the pill formula and then at the pill, his brows were full of surprises, he exchanged the two things to Zhang Kun and praised again and again:

"Good! Good!"

"Elder Yuan Hao means that the prescription of Xuan Chengnan Cidan can be disclosed in the sect." Zhang Kun conveyed the thoughts of Elder Yuan Hao.

Gongsun Yangyan fell silent for a moment, sighed softly and said: "Yuan Hao is still so selfless, well, let him do as he wishes, you have made a great contribution to the sect this time!"

Zhang Kun shook his head lightly and said, "It's all thanks to Elder Yuan Hao."

"Hahaha, I know his temperament. Since he asked you to come, he wants me to put all the contributions on your head. It's not bad. In this way, if I use the divine cauldron for you, no one will dare to say anything. No more words!"

Zhang Kun hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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