Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 455 The Rise of the Undead

Chapter 455 The Rise of the Undead
Woo woo woo.

The urgent sound of the horn pierced the dark night, and sounded over the sky of Poling City. In an instant, the city was brightly lit, the sound of footsteps became one, and all kinds of defense equipment began to operate.

"Zhang Kun, let's go, the tide of undead has started, Elder Yan summoned us to defend the city." Startled by a hasty knock on the door, Zhang Kun woke up from the trance state, and when he opened the door, he saw Ding Yingshang with a hurried expression.

As soon as Ding Yingshang saw Zhang Kun, she didn't care to say anything more, grabbed his hand and ran away. Zhang Kun smiled wryly, but didn't resist. When the two came to the city wall, the other Yaohuangshan disciples were already Here it is.

"It seems that you are all here. Now I will take you to the line of defense that our Yaohuang Mountain is defending." Elder Yan was sent by Yaohuang Mountain to sit in Poling City. He has practiced Qi for many years, and his strength is unfathomable. Can't hold back such a big place.

Before stepping on the city wall, Elder Yan suddenly turned around and said solemnly: "As long as you step on the city wall, you have entered the battlefield. If you want to retreat now, you still have a chance. If you run away after the battle and betray your teammates, then I don’t need anyone else, I will punish you severely! So, those who want to leave now stand up!”

"Fight for the Xiaoshuo Empire, fight for Yaohuang Mountain!" No one flinched, and the disciples of Yaohuang Mountain shouted passionately.

"Very good, then team captains, take your people to the predetermined positions." Elder Yan waved his sleeves and said, and he also climbed up the city wall with everyone, and sat here to prevent the invasion of powerful enemies.

Han Dongxu quickly waved to Zhang Kun and Ding Yingshang: "Come here, it's the first time you go up the city wall, you can retreat a little bit behind."

Zhang Kun understood that his kindness was just a gentle smile, glanced at Qi Zhengyan with a calm face, nodded slightly at him, and went up to the city wall with the members of the team.

"Boom!" A flaming meteor radiating strong light smashed into the formation like a meteor. The explosion swept across the land, and suddenly there was a cloud of gunpowder smoke. Dozens of walking corpses were completely blown to pieces!

"That is the most advanced defensive weapon in the empire. The crystal machine, which was jointly refined by several formation masters, works similarly to the stone throwing machine, except that the ammunition used is specially made, which can cause large-scale damage. !" Han Dongxu explained.

With the continuous operation of the crystal machine, the prelude to the war was instantly unveiled. The city wall was flying with banners and crowds of people. Crawling, the speed is comparable to innate masters, if you don't pay attention, you will be caught by them, cut your throat and bleed!

Broken Soul City suddenly turned into an isolated island in the black ocean, with endless undead in all directions. The undead let out a tooth-piercing howl, mixed with the tremor of the earth, and everyone's brains It was about to explode, it was like a magic sound!
Many timid female disciples couldn't help but took a step back, their faces turned pale with fright, their pretty faces paled, and they spit out acid water.Zhang Kun glanced at Ding Yingshang beside him from the corner of his eyes, but saw that although her pretty face was slightly pale, she was still holding the weapon in her hand tightly, and she was ready to fight, and there was a firm look in her beautiful eyes!

In less than a stick of incense, the undead army that just appeared on the horizon had already arrived at the city, and the Yuanjing machine that roared dozens of times did not reduce their number at all. Like locusts all over the earth, covering the sky and the sun!

Countless barriers set up under the city were shattered, and several fires blazed. They were traps set up by people. They sent a few undead standing together into the air, but it was of no avail. The undead are still counted in tens of millions!

"嗤嗤嗤!" Countless disciples defending the city wall took action, and violently bombarded with vitality of various colors, undead fell in batches, leaning against mountains, and the points and names on the breaking spirit list were constantly shining and changing It's a pity that there are so many undead, and those who fell are far less than those who came up!

"Shua!" Suddenly, an extremely agile living skeleton bounced from the city. It should have been a monster of the Enlightenment period who was good at speed. It had wings with black sharp bony spurs, like a demon. It spread its wings in amazement, shaking In the storm of skeletons falling to the ground, several disciples of Yaohuang Mountain on the city wall were unable to dodge in time and were directly poked to death by bone nails on the ground, blood splashing all over the ground!
"Beast!" A figure in a white robe leaped over the top of the tower, endless lightning flashed on his body, and thousands of thunderbolts rushed towards him.

"Mystery! Ten thousand thunders and heavens prison!" The lingering lightning flashed on Zhang Juzheng's body, and a chic white robe was bathed in the thunder and lightning, stirring up even more terrifying thunder!

The lightning swept away everything, covering the bone-winged living skeleton, causing the bones to be shattered and the body to be shattered. However, its powerful claws still crushed a wall, and a disciple of Yaohuangshan squeezed it together. Became a fan!

"Lei Fa, Thousand Birds!" Zhang Juzheng's face changed wildly, the opponent was too cruel, he could only use the secret technique of pressing the bottom of the box, and thousands of lightning trees like spider webs descended on his head and face, splitting the bone-winged living skeleton off the tower in an instant , Crushed into powder!
The filthy smell in the air was washed away, and there was a fresh smell of rain!The broken spirit list on the stone tablet once again burst into golden light, and Zhang Juzheng's score jumped crazily, directly improving by three places!
Zhang Juzheng, No.40 sixth place, [-] points!
"Wow, if only I could be as brave as Senior Brother Zhang!" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain all showed envious expressions, but they felt depressed for a while when they saw their fellow disciples die in front of them.

In the eyes of those undead, human life has no value at all, and human life is so fragile. Even those who are born or even strong in Qi training are just an ant in front of the tide of undead.

"Focus on it." Zhang Kun said lightly to remind his teammates around him. He pulled out Dongyue from his waist, and the pale yellow vitality in his hand condensed at a high speed, and immediately formed a radiance the size of a millstone. He held a sword in both hands, impressively Cut it down, and a ten-meter-long sword light fell under the city wall!
"Landslide!" After reaching the state of refining the mind, Taoism can follow one's heart, and martial arts are also ever-changing. Zhang Kun comes at will, and the heavy slash with a thousand-ton force is like a wave-cutting knife that splits the sea. The ten dead warriors fell directly!

"Boom!" Seeing this, the other people in the team couldn't be idle anymore. Flames burst out from Han Dongxu's hands, and they were all red. Then he squeezed the void fiercely, and a pillar of fire rose from the ground, engulfing countless undead in it!
Ding Yingshang's soft vitality permeated the air, and there was a faint smell of medicine in the air. She practiced medical alchemy, and her vitality was as pure as milk. The small wound started to heal immediately.

Xue Zhenghao yelled angrily, and a round of bright sun appeared behind his body, and his figure also swelled several times, like a little giant, with the power of a dragon and elephant in his gestures. At the top of the city, an undead climbing up was torn apart alive!
Without saying a word, Qi Zhengyan controlled the flying sword, and countless silvery sword lights burst out from around his body. A living skeleton with a low level of Qi can't help but take a few steps back after touching it!

The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain attacked together, everyone was sweating profusely, and the vitality in their bodies was instantly emptied. They all took out their most powerful attacks, and all of a sudden the undead fell down like harvested wheat, and the end of the broken spirit list began to appear The names of several Yaohuangshan people, but they were quickly overtaken by people from other sects!

The sects of the world are each in charge of an area of ​​the city wall. They are all facing endless undead at the same time. There are frequent screams, and it is hard to tell whether it is human or undead. Bricks and stones, however, record the tragic battle of individual human victims.

During the war, human beings also turned into emotionless machines. At the beginning, they were a little timid and hesitant to kill, but later they were both passionate and fearful. In the end, they were already numb. Supplies, attack again!

But human beings still fell down one after another. In Yaohuang Mountain alone, more than 20 disciples have died so far. If this was normal, it would be a major event that shocked the sect, but Elder Yan's eyes did not waver in the slightest!
"Woooooo!" The horn sounded again, and the undead in the distance gathered a large wave of forces, ready to attack!
"Blazing Flame Pill, get ready!" Zhang Kun said with a serious face when he saw this, and the captain Han Dongxu immediately understood. In the past ten hours, he has not rested for a moment, and has been following the pill given by Zhang Kun. Fang refined the Wild Fire Flame Pill, and he could refine two of them in a quarter of an hour. Now he had more than 300 pills in his hand, and he quickly distributed the pills to everyone in the team.

And Zhang Kun also took out more than 300 explosives here, and after preparing more than 600 explosives, a smile began to show on the corner of his mouth.

A dense fog as black as ink invaded, and endless undead attacked again. This time they were more numerous and stood more densely. It seemed that this was the most ferocious attack tonight!
"It's over, why are there so many, I'm already tired, and I've finished eating the pills, do you have any more here?"

"No more, I finished eating a long time ago. You are fighting fiercely. Dozens of pills are not enough to eat!" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain have all run out of food, not to mention the disciples of other sects, an atmosphere of despair and powerlessness began to pervade. The head of the broken city!

"Boom boom boom!" At this moment, there was a roar in the camp of Yaohuang Mountain, and mushroom clouds rose from the pile of undead, and hundreds of thousands of undead were instantly blown to pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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