Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 499: The Mirror Realm Comes

Chapter 499: The Mirror Realm Comes
"Obviously just hold on for another quarter of an hour, hey!" Chen Xiyue sighed quietly.

Chen Xiyue's beautiful eyes drooped, she felt very sorry for Zhang Kun, Zhang Kun was implicated in this way because of her, she clenched her fists tightly and stared at Zhang Kun, because of the appearance of Huangjimen, she had to temporarily stop the ceremony.

The white rainbow light gradually faded and disappeared into the sky, and the black mist as black as ink once again occupied the sky. The Lord of the Black Moon has returned!
"Okay, let's capture Zhang Kun!" Xu Chixiao's eyes were full of disappointment, "Zhang Kun, it's okay if you turn around earlier, but with your performance now, I think you have really betrayed the empire. Needless to say, Come back with us to stand trial!"

Zhang Kun sighed, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Get lost!"

"What did you say? Do you have the guts to say it again?" Everyone in the Huangji Gate was stunned. The status of the Huangji Gate in the Xiaoshuo Empire is self-evident, that is the real overlord existence!

No one has dared to speak to him like this!
"Do you know who you are talking to? This is the master of Huangji sect. Even the emperor would call out senior in front of him. What are you? You dare to offend Tianwei like this. This alone is enough to sentence you Death penalty!" The elders of Huangjimen angrily reprimanded again and again.

Zhang Kun chuckled lightly and leaped up to the altar. He felt that the visceral meridians in his body were about to explode, and it was extremely painful. He squeezed out the last bit of vitality, climbed onto the altar and stood with Chen Xiyue.

"If you don't repent, take it down for me! If you resist, you will be shot!" Xu Chixiao snorted coldly, and several elders of Huangjimen behind him rose into the air, and all stretched out their hands to catch him.

Zhang Kun's eyes turned cold, he grabbed Chen Xiyue's hand, and gently squeezed her jade-like hand with a feeling of coldness.

"Are you afraid?" Zhang Kun asked with a chuckle.

Several elders shot together, all of them were strong in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and they could crush Zhang Kun and the current Chen Xiyue to pieces with just one blow!
Chen Xiyue shook her head lightly, the light blue tassel earrings on Ruyu's earlobe danced gently with the wind, it was really pretty.

"I'm not afraid, it's just a pity that I won't have the chance to see him again." Chen Xiyue smiled sadly, but didn't back away.

The speed of those elders is so fast, they are already approaching, their vigor is overwhelming and terrifying!
Zhang Kun laughed at this moment, and he couldn't tell that he was exhausted after fighting for more than half an hour.

"That's not necessarily true." Zhang Kun said with a smile, holding the fragment of the bronze mirror in Chen Xiyue's hand, the sharp fragment pierced into his palm, and immediately overflowed with blood!

As if being nourished, the lines on the bronze mirror lit up, absorbing Zhang Kun's blood, and shining brightly.

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

"Mirror Realm is coming!" Zhang Kun shouted, raised his arms high, and the fragments of the bronze mirror in his hand lit up in colorful glazed colors.

"Huh!" The wind stopped, and the elders of the Huangjimen were immediately fixed in place. With the place where Zhang Kun was standing as the center of the circle, thick fog rose, the fairy air was lingering, and the fairy palaces stood upright. Suddenly, mysterious and incomprehensible symbols of all sizes appeared in the sky, surrounded by a galaxy of stars, like a heavenly court!
The scene in the mirror field actually appeared directly in the real world!
The Lord of the Black Moon was originally suppressed on the throne and was unable to move, but at this moment, he felt a burst of relief, and the white light that suppressed him completely receded!
"Hmph, I'd like to see what happened!" The Lord of the Black Moon flicked his sleeves, and once again used the pupils of the Black Moon, the dark light flashed, and the sky once again opened a series of strange blood pupils !
"Reversal of time and space!" The Lord of the Black Moon used his supreme supernatural powers to redisplay the events that happened before. The image is only staged here again!
Immediately, he saw what happened on the abandoned altar.

"Hahaha, God help me, I didn't expect them to fight among themselves!" Black Moon Zhizhi laughed wildly!
Seeing the ecstasy in the eyes of the Lord of the Black Moon here, his body couldn't help trembling, his mouth opened wide, and he couldn't control the excitement in his heart anymore!
"I came to this world only to find the hidden secrets of this world, but at this moment, what I saw was hahaha. I never thought that I, Black Moon, would have such a day. When I get this thing, I will dominate the fairy world just around the corner!" The Lord of the Black Moon laughed wildly, and his laughter could be heard all around the Black Moon Throne.

"Boom!" The speed of the Lord of the Black Moon soared to the extreme, and he shot towards Zhang Kun!

At this moment, the mirror field is in the world.

"This is, what's the situation?" Chen Xiyue was stunned, she looked around blankly, only to see that everything around her had changed, the original dark forest and the abandoned altars had all disappeared at this moment.

It turned into a majestic fairy palace, and the vast space seemed to be beyond the horizon, and all kinds of magical scenes made people dizzy for a while.

Everyone just felt that they had come to the fairyland, entering heaven for a while.Ten thousand beams of golden light roll red neon, and thousands of auspicious qi spray purple mist!

"Where is this?" In the mirror field, only Xu Chixiao, the master of the Huangji sect, still has the ability to speak, and the other elders have been locked in midair.
"This is the mirror domain, and in the mirror domain, I am the master." Zhang Kun said lightly, he has the ability to control everything in the mirror domain, whether it is the original Gongsun Yangyan or the later five spiritual enlightenment period The peak monster, and later Luo Quan, the Great Gu Master of Xilan Kingdom.

The strength is several times stronger than him, but once in the mirror domain, there is no resistance at all. This is the domain dominated by Zhang Kun, and his words are the law and everything.

"Boom boom boom!" Just as Zhang Kun stood proudly in the sky in the mirror field, thick dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a figure of a man walked out of the darkness. This person is the Lord of the Black Moon!

"Not good!" Zhang Kun suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and the hands holding the fragments of the mirror domain trembled a little. trembled.

The surrounding scenes are gradually dissipating, and the immortal energy of the Immortal Palace, Galaxy, and so on have all disappeared.

"Chen Xiyue, how dare you bully me, you are so brave!" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered.

"You are the first person who dared to betray me," the raging black vitality of the Black Moon Lord exploded in the air, and immediately all the forests within a radius of ten miles were uprooted, and landslides and ground cracks!
After the mirror field receded, Xu Chixiao resumed his actions. When he saw the Lord of the Black Moon standing proudly in mid-air, the golden light in his eyes shot up, and he shouted angrily: "Let's fight to the death! Lord of the Black Moon!"

"A mere ants, fight me?" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered and said, "Do you think you are worthy?"

Boom boom boom!The violent explosion made a loud noise, and the shadow energy exploded in an instant, as if the power of heaven descended, the coercion was extremely strong, the elders of the Huangji sect and Zhang Kun felt that they were about to be suffocated, only the master of the Huangji sect able to stand here.

Zhang Kun's face was pale, he had just overdrawn the power of the mirror field and now his body was extremely weak, Chen Xiyue held his hand tightly, Zhang Kun actually felt a warm force being sent into his body.

Looking at Chen Xiyue suspiciously, Zhang Kun closed his eyes.

And in mid-air, the proud Lord of the Black Moon was fighting with Xu Chixiao as if he was playing around. He casually struck out his giant black palm, and the blow that contained the power of a terrifying shadow directly penetrated Xu Chixiao's body and hit the ground. Suddenly a deep pit exploded!
"What?" Xu Chixiao's face changed wildly, the shadowy palm that pierced through cut his spiritual body, it was the real power of golden core, and it was different from the force-lifted one of Deathwing!
"Golden core peak?" Xu Chixiao snorted coldly, he knew that this would be the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered!

"Old buddy, you and I may die here today!" Xu Chixiao stroked the golden mace in his hand, a trace of determination appeared in his eyes, the next moment a pure golden flame burned on his body, and his fighting spirit was at its peak!
The golden mace turned into a divine rainbow, piercing through the endless void. Fiery golden flames erupted around Xu Chixiao's body, and scalding heat waves swept across the sky.
"Hahaha, you are like a maggot!" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered, and casually blasted a black lotus flower upwards, and the dark lotus bloomed instantly, and the petals were like sharp razors, cutting sharply. The golden mace turned into an endless wave of fire!
"Ahem!" Those flames seemed to be connected with Xu Chixiao, and when the flames shattered, he would also be seriously injured.

"The so-called strongest of the Xiaoshuo Empire, is this the only ability?" The Lord of the Black Moon laughed loudly. He has not used his full strength so far!

"Old man, I will kill you even if I try my best today!" Xu Chixiao roared wildly, his voice shaking the sky, and his body was stained with a golden flame of the sun.

"Elders, this is our last moment, burn your blood, and fight with me!" Xu Chixiao shouted, and the elders below shouted loudly, and stepped forward decisively, their bodies turned bright red The colored blood cells chichi burned!

"Boom boom boom!"

Let the golden mace shine in the void, and it instantly rises to a height of thousands of feet. The bloody balls turned into by the elders surround the golden mace, like a magic mace that splits the sky. The mace is sharp and shining Cold light, golden light shining on the world, even people ten miles away can clearly see his brilliance!

"I thought the little Xiaoshuo Empire was just a speck of gravel in my eyes, but I didn't expect it to be interesting!" Facing the monstrous power, the Lord of the Black Moon just sneered, stretched out his hands, and the powerful energy gathered in an instant Coming, he is extremely confident and directly confronts it with bare hands!
(End of this chapter)

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