Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 511

Chapter 511 Nine Palaces Bagua Bead

"Master Zhang Kun, that's why we named it Seven Stars Pavilion. These seven stars represent seven strange things, and it's most precious to call them Seven Stars!" Xiaoyi introduced, standing beside Zhang Kun, straight Her beautiful legs are white and moving, and the faint light from the treasure in the star chart complements each other.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly. He had been visiting the secret building for a while, and it was indeed an eye-opener. He had seen all kinds of puppets and all kinds of devices, but he hadn't said anything about it yet. In a word.

"I need a top-quality defensive magic weapon. At least it will allow me to resist the attacks of the foundation-building powerhouse and the peak powerhouse. It would be even better if I can defend against the Jindan's attack!" Zhang Kun said lightly.

Xiaoyi tilted her head as if she was thinking, and suddenly she clapped her hands in surprise and said: "Yes, you, it is one of the seven stars, and its creator happens to be here, you can meet him!"

Zhang Kun nodded slightly and said, "Let me see it first."

Xiaoyi hummed lightly, and saw that the small bracelet she was wearing lit up, and a corresponding star suddenly burned, and a small bead floated in front of Zhang Kun.

"What is this?" Zhang Kun asked.

"This is the Jiugong Bagua bead." Xiaoyi explained patiently: "There is the power of Jiugong Bagua attached to it, which can attack nine times and defend eight times. level, very much in line with your request."

"It's really good." Zhang Kun nodded involuntarily. Although he only needs defense, it would be better if he had this additional attack effect. As for the price?He doesn't care.

"It's just that the price is a little expensive. It needs [-] spirit stones." Xiaoyi was also taken aback when she saw the number displayed on her bracelet. It was a total of [-] spirit stones, but it was really a sky-high price. These treasures can be displayed here, dare to pay such a price, it is almost not intended to be bought by others, and it means more to be displayed.

When Zhang Kun heard this number, his face didn't change at all. Just when he was about to speak, an old voice came over: "Xiaoyi, who is going to buy this Jiugong Bagua bead?"

I saw an old man on crutches coming down from the second floor of Mizang Building. He trembled as if he might fall down at any time. The maid Xiaoyi hurried forward to help him.

"Master Wei, it's Master Zhang Kun." Xiaoyi said sweetly, holding his arm.

Master Wei is a reclusive super craftsman. His status in the crafts world is comparable to that of Gongsun Yangyan, but he is a little more low-key. The leading position in the refining world.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Kun bowed humbly and said, "Junior Zhang Kun, I have met senior."

"Zhang Kun? Who is that? Why hasn't this old man heard of it?" Master Wei frowned when he heard the name.

"Master Wei Zhang Kun is..." Xiaoyi was about to explain, but Zhang Kun said, "He is a disciple of Huangshan who is prescribing medicine."

"Fart, none of the disciples of Yaohuangshan is a high-level alchemist, and everyone wears the rank medal of the alchemist union. Why don't you have anything?" Master Wei glanced at Zhang Kun's attire and his empty chest , suddenly pulled his face down.

"This Jiugong Bagua bead was refined by the old man. I will not sell it to unknown people, especially you who lie and don't make drafts!" Master Wei snorted coldly, and said to Xiaoyi: "Xiaoyi, Don't bother with that liar, help me back, I won't sell this bead to him!"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and Xiao Yi became anxious when she saw this, and pulled the corner of Master La Wei's clothes, but he gave him a hard look, and the girl didn't know what to do for a while.

"This..." Xiaoyi was in a dilemma.

Zhang Kun said, "Senior, I can afford these eight thousand spirit stones, will you sell them too?"

"A disciple of Yaohuang Mountain who doesn't even have alchemy or other ranks? You dare to say that you have eight thousand spirit stones. If you can take out eight spirit stones, it's considered good. Pooh!" Master Wei sneered and shook his head contemptuously before leaving.

At this moment, Zhang Kun suddenly became highly alert. He felt that the air around him seemed to freeze and became extremely solemn. The vitality in his body suddenly surged, and he was always in the best condition. If he encountered danger, he would shoot , However, the palpitating feeling at the next moment disappeared without a trace.

"Master Wei, please stay!" Suddenly a mature and deep voice came from outside the secret storehouse. Master Wei's old body paused obviously when he heard the voice, turned around slowly, and arched towards the door. He cupped his hands and said, "Pavilion Master."

Zhang Kun's expression changed slightly, and he looked towards the door, only to see a gentle and refined man walking towards him slowly.

Zhang Kun's pupils shrank involuntarily. This person must be the owner of Seven Star Pavilion, Yu Yefeng's father, Yu Mingyi!

Yu Mingyi is elegant and elegant, wearing a simple and elegant gray robe, but Zhang Kun can tell that the material of this dress is extraordinary, it can withstand the attack of Qi training environment without damage, and the jade ring on his waist, the bracelet and ring in his hands They are all of great value, worthy of being the owner of the Seven Stars Pavilion, he is full of jewels, and does not look vulgar, but looks like a gentleman.

"Master Wei, are you leaving just like that?" Yu Mingyi said with a half-smile.

"My lord, this kid has no money at first glance, and he is lying to me. I suggest you immediately throw him out of the Seven Star Pavilion. I want to know how he got the qualification to enter the secret building!" Master Wei Still sneering, although Pavilion Master Yu appeared here, what's the matter, he wouldn't want to speak for that kid, would he?
Zhang Kun looked flat and did not speak. He was still not sure about Yu Mingyi's attitude. He beheaded his own son with a single sword, so he wouldn't want to settle accounts with him here, would he?

"Master Wei, this is your fault. You stayed in this secret building all day without hearing about world affairs, but you almost missed a distinguished guest!" Yu Mingyi said with a smile.

"My dear guest, what do you mean by Pavilion Master Yu? Could it be that you are talking about this boy?" Master Wei paused and looked at Zhang Kun in puzzlement.

Zhang Kun took a deep look at Yu Mingyi and said, "Senior Yu praised the junior, I'm just an ordinary disciple of Yaohuang Mountain."

"Hmph!" Master Wei snorted coldly, thinking that Zhang Kun was still lying, and taunted him repeatedly.

Yu Mingyi came over, held Master Wei's body and said: "Master Wei, you guessed correctly, it is him, his name is Zhang Kun, Gongsun Yangyan's direct disciple, and he will also be his successor!"

"What?" Master Wei was stunned immediately, the heir of Gongsun Yangyan, what joke are you talking about?His body trembled suddenly, but luckily Yu Mingyi supported him, otherwise he might have to sit down on the ground!

"Gongsun Yangyan has no wife and no children, but there are quite a few apprentices under his sect. Among other things, Zhang Juzheng and Prince Zifang are the best of the younger generation. Even if he wants to choose an heir, he should choose among them. Why? Maybe it's his turn!" Master Wei had a look of disbelief.

Yu Mingyi frowned slightly and said, "Master Wei won't even believe what the Pavilion Master said?"

Master Wei looked suspiciously at Zhang Kun, then at Yu Mingyi and said, "Here, Pavilion Master, I still can't believe it, but since the Pavilion Master said it, my old Wei can only believe it!"

Zhang Kun looked at Master Wei indifferently and asked, "Then, senior, can I buy this Nine Palaces Bagua Bead?"

"This..." Master Wei hesitated a bit, before he was so resolute and unwilling to sell to Zhang Kun, but now that Yu Mingyi showed up to support Zhang Kun, it seems that his bead had to be sold!
"It doesn't matter to me. I'm just a craftsman. I'm going back upstairs. Whether you sell it or not is a matter for your Qixing Pavilion!" Master Wei broke away from Yu Mingyi's hand and went upstairs talking to himself. After walking, Xiaoyi hurriedly rushed to support him when he saw this.

After Master Wei left, Yu Mingyi turned around to look at Zhang Kun with a smile and said, "Little friend Zhang Kun, what happened just now has caused you trouble, this Master Wei only knows about refining weapons, he doesn't know that the world is changing. Come forth!"

"Thank you, Master Yu Pavilion, for helping me out." Zhang Kun cupped his hands humbly. Since Yu Mingyi didn't mention the matter of Yu Yefeng, he also pretended to be confused.

"Little friend Zhang Kun is my old friend of Qixing Pavilion. If you like this orb, I can sell it to you for [-]% off, how about it?" Yu Yefeng stroked his long beard and laughed.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being slightly surprised, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Does the pavilion master have something to ask for?"

"No, hahaha, little friend Zhang Kun is worrying too much, do you think I can't get what I want in Qixing Pavilion?" Yu Mingyi glanced at Zhang Kun lightly, but Zhang Kun felt a little uncomfortable, as if Something complicated was read from his eyes.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly and said: "Then the younger generation will be disrespectful." As he spoke, he swiped his right hand, and a pile of [-] crystal clear spirit stones floated in front of him.

Pavilion Master Yu raised a hand, and the treasure ring between his fingers glowed with a faint light, and he put the spirit stones in, a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

"Pavilion Master Yu, I have something else I want to ask you about." Zhang Kun took the Jiugong Bagua Bead, checked it and put it away, and said immediately.

"You just say it's okay, my Qixing Pavilion not only has the world's treasures, but also countless information, as long as you want to inquire, there is no information that we can't provide!" Yu Mingyi smiled lightly, with an absolute sense in his words confidence.

"I'm looking for a material called the Holy Spirit Moon Essence, where can I find it?" Zhang Kun asked.

"Holy Spirit Moon Essence, this is a very rare and precious material, which can only be used to make spirit weapons of the Golden Core level, and it only needs to be mixed with a little bit to improve the quality of the refined magic weapon by several levels, That's why it's extremely rare, and besides, this item is not produced in the entire Xiaoshuo Empire!" Yu Mingyi's words revealed a bit of pity.

(End of this chapter)

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