Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 550

Chapter 550
The hearts of all the people below were all extremely tense, and they raised their sore necks to watch the shocking battle in midair. One side was the old emperor who created an immortal dynasty and was a mortal fairy, while the other side was the tyrannical Kong was born, defeated the demon envoy, and made the golden-armored general Nie Xian bow his head and kneel down. As the descendant, Zhang Kun!

Who can win is always a mystery, but everyone understands that this battle is particularly critical. Whoever wins will stand at the pinnacle of this planet and be invincible in this world!
"Even the descendants can't defeat the mortal immortals!" Nie Xian clenched his fists and said confidently, "There is only a subtle difference between the mortal immortals and the heavenly immortals, there is no qualitative difference, and the descendants will be subject to the rules of this world." The focus of care, with a strong suppression!"

Hearing what Nie Xian said, the monks of the Xuanyuan Dynasty let go of their worries. At this moment, they were all flying in the air, watching the two fight from a distance, but no one thought of intervening to help the old emperor. Because that is not a level of power at all, whether it is Zhang Kun or the old emperor, a little bit of breath can crush their group of Mahayana and fusion monks into pieces!
In the sky, Zhang Kun lightly tapped the old emperor's world-destroying light ball with his baby-like white fingers, and time seemed to stand still at this moment!
"You don't even know how powerful the real power is." Zhang Kun said lightly. With the power of the mirror field, he never put these so-called invincibles in his eyes. In his heart, only the power of the mirror field is The most powerful thing, he has never seen any creature that can surpass the power of the mirror field!
"Mirror domain power!" Zhang Kun moved his lips lightly, and the old emperor's calm pupils shrank suddenly. For countless years, he had seen many enemies and experienced many bloody battles, but the one who won in the end People will always be him, the mortal immortal is already an invincible existence in this star, the real lord of the star!
However, at this moment, he felt a little guilty. When facing Zhang Kun, he felt a little unsure, and his always strong Dao Xin was a little shaken. This is really a big taboo for the invincible, but The old emperor couldn't control his feeling of fear.

Because in front of his eyes, he saw a truly awesome existence!
Behind Zhang Kun, a phantom in a green shirt suddenly appeared, standing proudly in the void, behind him was an endless sea of ​​stars and clouds, and countless star worlds were listed on it. Like the Heavenly Lord, with a wave of his hand, all the heavens and myriad realms were instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and all of them were wiped out. Every word he uttered was like a rule, and nothing could change his will!

"Impossible, this is fake!" After thousands of years of practice, the old emperor thought that his state of mind was complete and perfect, and he could make Mount Tai collapse in front of him without changing his face, but this time he really felt the pain in his heart. As if being pinched by someone, there is no possibility of struggling at all!
I saw the phantom behind Zhang Kun making a move. Like Zhang Kun, he pointed out gently, right in the middle of the huge ball of light. The originally stable and perfectly structured light ball disappeared in an instant. Compared with the man in the blue shirt, the so-called mortal immortal is just a joke, not even an ant. In an instant, the ball of light was forced, and the shattered energy overflowing in midair evaporated the void!
Fortunately, this battle was fought in the sky, otherwise, the magnificent Xuanyuan Imperial City would have been shattered and destroyed at this moment, and tens of millions of people would have been unable to escape this catastrophe!
Even if it is like this now, everyone below feels as if they have been hung by a hurricane. The buildings and houses are toppled, as if they have encountered a catastrophe.

"Descent, why did you come to Xuanyuan Fourteen?" asked the old emperor.

"Using a body technique, subduing your Xuanyuan Dynasty is just on the way!" Zhang Kun told the truth, but the old emperor's complexion was not at all good. The Xuanyuan Dynasty, which he cherished for thousands of years and carefully guarded, was in Zhang Kun's eyes. But it's not that important, not even comparable to a body technique.

But the arrogance of the old emperor made him unable to ask what kind of agility it was.

Zhang Kun and the old emperor faced each other in emptiness, looked at each other but didn't speak, but there was an invisible duel between them!
After a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth and said: "You have already lost!"

The others didn't understand what happened. They saw that the old emperor's face turned pale, and a trace of blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth. look like.

The old emperor looked at the phantom of the invincible man in green shirt behind Zhang Kun with lingering fear, and said with difficulty: "I lost, but I didn't lose to you."

Zhang Kun nodded slightly, noncommittal, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he turned his head to look at Luo Baiwei, who had been protecting him all the time, and said lightly: "This girl is chosen by the upper realm, and Xuanyuan Dynasty will have her as the successor! "

"Ah? Me?" Luo Baiwei opened her eyes wide, and her beautiful eyes were full of confusion. She stared blankly at Zhang Kun, feeling very complicated in her heart.

The old emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, but before he could speak, he heard a mournful cry from mid-air.

"Senior Holy Ancestor, don't do it. My Xuanyuan Dynasty has ruled the world for thousands of years. The position of co-lord of the world has never changed hands. Today, I will hand over my power to others?"

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a golden light and a five-clawed dragon robe staring at the old emperor, his face was full of sadness. This person must be His Majesty the Holy Emperor of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. All the officials were sad. When they saw the old emperor's defeat, they couldn't believe it at first, and then fell into grief collectively!
Is the ancestor's foundation, the ten thousand years of the country, going to be handed over to the so-called chosen person at this moment?
"Senior Holy Ancestor, even if you are defeated, we are willing to bet on all the strongmen of the Xuanyuan Dynasty to fight the descendant!" His Majesty the Holy Emperor clenched his fists, but he did not dare to look at Zhang Kun, so he could only die Staring at the old emperor.

Zhang Kun looked at the old emperor indifferently, waiting for his decision. If he dared to refuse, he would use the power of the mirror domain to force them to make a soul oath, support Luo Baiwei, and regard Zhang Kun as the master!
Zhang Kun's time is running out. He rushed from Kongshi Temple to the imperial capital in a quarter of an hour, and went through a big battle. At this moment, he only has the last 3 minutes. No matter what, he has to complete his plan!
The old emperor closed his eyes, Zhang Kun noticed for the first time the dry skin on his face, which was full of wrinkles.

"Forget it, since it is the will of the upper realm, I must obey it." The old emperor said these words lightly, it was unbelievable!

"No!" The Holy Emperor wailed, and was about to command his soldiers to rush towards Zhang Kun, when he heard the old emperor angrily shout: "Shut up!"

The scolding resounded throughout the entire Xuanyuan Imperial Capital, tens of thousands of people stared blankly at what happened in mid-air, and all fell into a daze, tens of thousands of people were completely silent, and the whole audience was dead silent!
The Holy Emperor, who once worshiped him, was angrily reprimanded to shut up, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of resisting. He lowered his head, not daring to disobey the old emperor's intention!At the same time, Zhang Kun's cold eyes also swept there, and all civil and military officials in the court were frightened!
Zhang Kun looked at all this with satisfaction, walked slowly to the old emperor, and said lightly: "Since you obey the will, you must not go back on your word, or you will fall into hell forever, are you willing to swear?"

The old emperor still had an arrogance on his face. He looked at Zhang Kun and said, "Yes, but please remember, Lord Adventist, I surrender to the adult behind you, not you!"

Zhang Kun smiled slightly. If he knew that the old master of the Mirror Domain had long since fallen, and Zhang Kun was the only one in charge of the Mirror Domain now, what kind of expression would the old Emperor have.

"Very good, very good. Remember what you said today. I will come again in the future. If I find anything wrong, I don't mind using the entire Xuanyuan Dynasty as a funeral!" Zhang Kun said indifferently, and the old emperor couldn't help feeling I felt a chill down my spine!
"Old emperor, you are proud, I appreciate you very much, but you must know that the decision you made was very stupid. You cut yourself off and stayed to become the guardian of this world? Why don't you dare to enter the fairy world, and the people of the heavens and myriad domains Tianjiao fights for supremacy, wouldn't it be better for you to be the overlord and send descendants to guard this star?" Zhang Kun said with a chuckle.

Although it is a personal choice, Zhang Kun is only willing to choose the most challenging path. Now that he knows that there is a boundless sky outside, he will soar into the sky instead of breaking his wings and becoming a prince on the ground. That's just self-pity!
The old emperor's figure flickered, his face turned pale slightly, he trembled a bit, and said coldly: "I don't need to worry about this, Mr. Adventist."

"Too powerful, is this the real strong?"

"I thought the old emperor was already at the peak, but now there is another descendant who is stronger than him!"

Countless monks in mid-air looked at this scene in a daze. Zhang Kun was too arrogant and domineering. He came from the west and landed directly on the imperial capital. With just one finger, he overwhelmed the old emperor. Concession, let His Majesty the Holy Emperor shut up and dare not speak, countless monks can only be envious and shocked!
"Master Zhang Kun..." Although Luo Baiwei looks big-chested and brainless, she is also a girl with a delicate mind. She bit her lip and came to Zhang Kun. She didn't ask why she was chosen to inherit the Xuanyuan Dynasty, just like a little girl. Ask like that: "Are you leaving, will you come back?"

Zhang Kun looked at the girl in front of him who refused to be close to him time and time again, with such a gesture at this moment, and couldn't help laughing. Is there any girl in the world who wouldn't be tempted by this?
"I know what you want to ask, I just want to see your expression at the moment." Zhang Kun smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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