Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 552

Chapter 552
Zhang Kun convulsed in pain. Even though he had received the spirit injection from the fairy lake in the Mirror Realm, Xinghuo exercised his body and opened up countless secrets in the human body. There are many places that have not been opened up, and at this moment, the shadow has passed away twice, and those extremely small meridians are being cultivated.

Those meridians were extremely fragile, and under the guidance of the exercises, Zhang Kun felt that his body was about to convulse, as the vigor of a broken embankment was poured into it!

Wei Xibu said: "Zhang Kun, you must persevere and hold back the pain. This Shadow Die Twice should be a practice from the hell world. They practice in extreme pursuit of efficiency, and they don't take into account the pain and pain of the practitioners at all. no!"

When Zhang Kun heard what he said, he gritted his teeth suddenly, his heart beat, and he stepped up his strength again. Suddenly, the screams of the teenagers in the Taoist hall resounded again and again!
Outside Raging City, hundreds of miles away on the sea, there is a huge island, which is the largest island near Raging City. With its geographical advantages, this place has become a paradise for pirates and speculators!

A series of palace buildings built on Menglu Island along the mountain spread all the way to the top of the mountain, where there was a magnificent palace, and in the depths of the palace, a man was sitting.

His cold eyes swept across the kneeling people below, and he snorted coldly: "Now, who can tell me who killed my soul slave?"

"My lord, we have found out that it was done by a man named Zhang Kun." A man below raised his head and reported respectfully.

"Zhang Kun? Who is it? What's his background?" The island master Menglu repeated the name repeatedly, but judging from his many years of experience in the vicinity of Raging Wave City, he didn't even know who Zhang Kun was.

"My lord, this subordinate didn't find out much information about him, but we locked his residence. In a remote corner of Yiyang District, he has a mansion. Someone said that he was seen there a few days ago. In and out."

The island master Menglu sneered and said, "Hmph, those who dare to touch me are really short-sighted. Although the soul slave is useless, he has precious materials on him, and his sister is exactly what I need. His things were robbed halfway by this Zhang Kun!"

"Island owner, you see, we don't know where Zhang Kun is coming from, so we should send someone to ask him for it and reveal our identities, and I think he will surrender!" The subordinate suggested, this Zhang Kun is a bit mysterious Keep a low profile, except for killing Fuer's brother, he was targeted because of the connection between Soul slave and the island master of Menglu, and there is not much other news about him.

Of course, that was before. These days Zhang Kun was named an honorary elder, and Ge Ranhui, who stepped on the Liu family to take over Ge Ranhui, has long been a man of the hour in Raging Waves City. Isn't it easy to find out about him?

It's just that Meng Ludao is not in the city of Raging Waves after all, and the subordinates have inquired about it once before but found nothing, so they rushed back to report to the island owner.

"Hmph, what are you talking about? Is there someone in Raging City who doesn't know the name of our Menglu Island?" The owner of Menglu Island snorted coldly and said, "I think it's this kid Zhang Kun who knew our identity and didn't return it on purpose. The island lord's treasure, he is tired of living!"

"This island owner, be careful to sail the ship for thousands of years. If it doesn't work, let's go to Zhang Kun to buy it back. That Fuer is just a girl, not worth a lot of money. Your precious material must be bought by Zhang Kun. I don’t know you either.” Before the subordinates finished speaking, they were roughly interrupted by the island master Menglu.

"Hmph, it's not your turn to teach me how to do things, the island lord," the island lord Menglu scolded angrily, "Okay, since you're so worried, then the island lord will go there himself!"

The island master Menglu was a little annoyed. It seemed that he hadn't made a move for too long, causing the world to forget him. Even his subordinates began to doubt his ability!
The island master of Menglu let out a little breath, and suddenly everyone in the hall exclaimed!
"It turns out that the island owner has broken through to the Golden Core level!" Everyone was shocked. Whether there is a strong Golden Core in charge determines whether a power is qualified to become the top power in Xilan Kingdom!
Unexpectedly, the owner of Menglu Island has already been promoted to Jindan, no wonder he doesn't pay attention to an unknown Zhang Kun, because his strength is enough to be confident!

"So that's the case, that's why this subordinate is worrying too much!" The worried subordinate immediately bowed his head and stopped talking. Jindan is not the only one in Xilan, but it also represents absolute strength. Even His Majesty the Emperor Here we come, we have to weigh some points!

This is the weight of Jindan in Xilan Country. Whether a power has Jindan is completely two levels. The owner of Menglu Island has already entered Jindan, which means that the power of Menglu Island will expand. As for Zhang Kun , I'm afraid it's the victim of Liwei, the island master of Menglu, right?
All members of Mengludao think so, they can't wait to see the tentacles of Mengludao go deep into Raging Waves City and occupy a place!

Legend has it that the owner of Menglu Island used to be a member of a big force in Raging Waves City, but he was kicked out for some reason and was not allowed to enter Raging Waves City again. Golden Core powerhouse, it's time to announce his return to Raging Waves City!

The owner of Menglu Island was extremely confident, and with only two entourages, he marched aggressively towards Raging Waves City. After entering the city, he rushed directly to Yiyang District without saying a word, and arrived in front of Zhang Kun's mansion.

At this time, there was only a group of Qianlongwei left in Zhang Kun's mansion, and a few people wandered in the city of Raging Waves due to their own affairs. Because of Zhang Kun's retreat, Zhong Liye has been loyally guarding here. It is impenetrable, and coupled with the many formation traps set up by the Qianlongwei, even a force of the Ge Ranhui level may not be able to attack it!

At this time, Zhang Kun's power can be said to be at its peak. Not only are there two strong foundation builders sitting in the town, but also forces such as the Liu family and Ge Ranhui are joining. The wealth and strength are astonishing. There are dozens of Qi practitioners alone. It looks like a great configuration!

Some sects in the Xiaoshuo Empire, such as Shendaomen and Tianhuozong, may not have as many Qi trainers as Zhang Kun's subordinates!

Today, it seemed a little quiet here. After all, Zhang Kun was still in seclusion, and Rong Haomeng didn't send anyone to look for him. In addition, it was located in a remote corner of Yiyang District, so it looked even quieter.

"Huh, what do I think of as a person with head and face? It's not bad to have a mansion in Yiyang District, but it happens to be the least popular position. Looking at this lifeless appearance, this Zhang Kun has only one vacancy." It's just a shell!" The island master Menglu sneered again and again, and immediately put down all his guard.

"Island owner, look, the two people sitting on the edge of the threshold seem to be guards, one at the ground level and one at the sky level. It's really ridiculous. This Zhang Kun is too shabby!" The tall and thin man laughed.

Those two were naturally Lao He and Jia'er. Zhang Kun retreated, and they became guards when they were bored. This scene was seen by the island master Menglu, and he was even more contemptuous!
"Boom!" The island master of Menglu stepped directly from mid-air and landed in Zhang Kun's courtyard. It was directly trampled by the vast vitality!
"Menglu Island Master, come to pay a visit and ask Zhang Kun to come out!" Menglu Island Master shouted loudly, his voice sounded like rolling thunder in everyone's ears, awakening everyone, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Qianlongwei hurriedly He started to send messages to his companions. There was a special contact talisman between them, and He Zhiyong received the message very quickly.

Zhong Liye frowned and stood up. He could tell from the attack just now that the island master of Menglu was very powerful, far above him!
Immediately, he stepped out of the door with extreme caution, and at the same time, with a squeak, the door of the opposite room also opened, Fu'er came out of the room, and looked at Zhong Liye worriedly.

"Miss Fu'er, back off, this time it's a strong enemy!" Zhong Liye warned, holding Fu'er behind him.

"General Zhong, Master Zhang Kun is still retreating, nothing will happen?" Fu'er worried.

"It's okay, with us here, nothing will happen to Mr. Zhang Kun!" Zhong Liye said firmly. At the beginning, he accepted the task that Xu Qing gave him to take pictures, just doing his duty.

But after a month of contact, he gradually fell in love with Zhang Kun, especially his extraordinary talent and his heart and skills that don't belong to this age!

Moreover, he is also the core figure of the Xiaoshuo Empire's rescue plan, he must protect Zhang Kun no matter what!
"Hmph, a foundation building?" The cold eyes of the island master Menglu swept across Zhong Liye's body, and he let out a sneer.

"Next time, Zhong Liye, I have met the island master Menglu. My master is practicing in seclusion. I don't know what the island master Menglu is here for?" Zhong Liye replied cautiously.

"Zhong Liye, right? You are also a strong foundation builder, but it's too ridiculous to be a dog for that little-known kid Zhang Kun?" The island master Menglu wore a purple gold crown on his head and satin satin, He looked at Zhong Liye contemptuously.

Zhong Liye frowned immediately, suppressing his anger and said: "Island Master Menglu, I respect you as the overlord of one side, so I treat you with respect, but you are also a strong foundation builder, there is no fundamental difference between you and me! "

"Hahaha!" The island master of Menglu laughed loudly as if he had heard a big joke, and the two attendants behind him also sneered and laughed loudly.

"Really, boy, since you think we are the same, then you dare to take my blow, I want to see how brave you are to talk to me like this!" The island master Menglu shouted loudly!
(End of this chapter)

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