Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 556 Controlling the Soul Slave

Chapter 556 Controlling the Soul Slave
Before everyone could react, Zhang Kun beheaded the island owner of Menglu with a sword in one hand, and used the space storage props that fell after his death with the other hand. The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water. Everyone saw a flash of light, Zhang Kun caught up with the blue light and chopped it off with just one move.

The audience was dead silent, and everyone was extremely shocked. The Qianlong guards all took a deep breath. Master Zhang Kun, who was defending himself on weekdays, was not an alchemist. He had just reached the sixth level of Qi training. How could he kill the Jindan expert with a single strike?

Even if the island master Menglu had been severely injured by the great elder, he was still a Jindan powerhouse after all. With such a powerful existence, he would die if he said he was dead?

Especially Jia'er and Lao He, in their eyes, all this is really a fight between gods, and in their impression, Zhang Kun, who is no different from ordinary people, has struck so hard, it is really unbelievable!
"It seems that we have all underestimated the treasure in the hands of Master Zhang Kun." Zhong Liye murmured. In his opinion, Zhang Kun had avoided the bombardment of the island master Menglu many times before, and suddenly appeared in other places like a teleportation. The position, coupled with the final speed soaring to the extreme, and beheading the owner of Menglu Island with a single sword, is all because of the treasure he bought with a lot of money!
When they were in Shanliao County before, they had seen such a scene, five elixirs exploded in mid-air, and out of thin air, there were five more monsters in the Foundation Establishment Realm!

There is also the treasure of the town hall in Zhang Kun's hand from the Seven Star Pavilion, the Jiugong Bagua Bead. After killing Xuesha, this treasure can be used here again. Although it is a consumable, it can be used eight times to build it. Attack based on the peak level!
With all the previous treasures foreshadowing, everyone also thought that Zhang Kun's move this time relied on magic weapons.As an alchemist with strong financial resources and the support of Rong Haomeng, it is not uncommon for him to have a few top magic weapons in his hands.

Others didn't see the details clearly, but how could these things be hidden from the eyes of the elder Rong Haomeng? He narrowed his eyes slightly, and noticed the whole process of Zhang Kun's killing and seizing the treasure in one go. What is the level of the sword.

"It seems to be several times stronger than the thunder seal in the old man's hand?" The elder was shocked, "Could it be a spiritual weapon?"

Immediately, he had some guesses about Zhang Kun's background, but he couldn't figure out where he got such a treasure. The more he looked at Zhang Kun, the more he felt that he couldn't see through it. It was very mysterious, especially the one he used just now. That movement was so fast that even he felt a little inferior!

"Thank you, Great Elder, for your help. Zhang Kun thanked Rong Haomeng for his rescue!" Zhang Kun received the corpse of the island owner of Menglu, came to the Great Elder, and saluted humbly.

"Hehe, you are young master Qi's friend and you have made such a contribution to the business alliance. I should come here in person." The elder stroked his beard and said calmly: "In addition to this dream land The owner of the island, Yuan Guangtao, was originally a traitor to my Ronghao League, and I came this time to clean up the sect."

Zhang Kun nodded, took out the storage bracelet of the island master of Menglu and said, "Elder, these are the treasures that the island master of Menglu carried with him. Thanks to the elder this time, these should be handed over. To the Chamber of Commerce."

The great elder reached out to scan the storage bracelet with a trace of consciousness, then took a deep look at Zhang Kun and smiled, "No need, if Keqing Zhang Kun didn't shoot and kill Yuan Guangtao in the end, he would have escaped and hid back in Menglu It will be very difficult for us to find another chance to kill him on the island, so you can take these things, but his saber was originally belonging to the Rong Hao League, so I need to take it back."

The Great Elder smiled faintly, raised his hand, and manipulated the quasi-spiritual weapon saber that fell into the deep pit from a distance, erased the traces left by the island master Menglu on it, and put it away.

He and Zhang Kun looked at each other with a smile, and there was a cunning in their eyes. After the loot was divided, they each took what they needed.The Great Elder didn't need to think too much before he could judge the value of that quasi-spiritual weapon, which was probably more valuable than all the other treasures in the storage bracelet of the island master of Menglu combined!
Qi Zhengyan also came up and said: "Since the owner of Menglu Island is dead, it is time for us to send troops to recover Menglu Island and put it under the sphere of influence of the Ronghao League."

Zhang Kun nodded, but he will not get involved in this matter, he has already got what he wants, this is a good opportunity for Qi Zhengyan to perform his meritorious service, although he has already been established as Rong Haomeng However, his position is not stable enough, and many elders are in a vacillating and neutral attitude. If he can annex Menglu Island under the leadership of Qi Zhengyan, it will obviously let the leader of the Ronghao League see his strength. potential.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, let's go first, Zhang Keqing, after tonight, the Chamber of Commerce will strengthen your protection, and there will be a team following you to protect you." The elder looked at it with a smile on his face. Looking at Zhang Kun and said.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, then returned to normal immediately, and nodded with a faint smile. At this time, Rong Haomeng equipped himself with guards for the sake of safety. He also needed to be monitored. Qi Zhengyan could only show a helpless expression, and Zhang Kun nodded to express his understanding.

After Qi Zhengyan and the Great Elder took the quasi-spiritual weapon of the island master of Menglu, they left. After the saber was taken away, the painful expression on Fu'er's face finally eased.

Zhang Kun checked the injuries of the injured Qianlongguards one by one, gave him medicine pills to treat them, and then returned to his room. The house was basically half destroyed, but there was still a room where he could sleep overnight. of.

"The Great Elder is a thoughtful person, but he didn't expect that most of the wealth of the island master of Menglu is actually in the hands of his soul slaves, and the magic weapon in the bracelet in his own hand is only part of it." Zhang Kun smiled slightly, and opened the bracelet. There were tens of thousands of spirit stones in it. Zhang Kun didn't even look at it, and went straight to the topic to find the Holy Spirit Moon Essence.

"Well, here are ten bottles of Holy Spirit Moon Essence, which is enough for me, but I think it's obviously not all he has in stock!" Zhang Kun speculated that there must be props used by the island master Menglu to control his soul slaves. There is a lot of space in it, and even on the Wojia kingship ring in Zhang Kun's hand, there are many treasures piled up like a mountain, so he had to be patient and clean them one by one.

"Not bad, there are a lot of refining materials, such as animal bones, animal skins, ores, gemstones, and crystals. There are also several finished Taoist artifacts and semi-finished magic weapons!" Suddenly Zhang Kun made some unexpected discoveries. This Yuan Guangtao was born as a craftsman. , being able to condense such a powerful force is also related to his identity!
The corner of Zhang Kun's mouth twitched into a smile. He was looking for the Holy Spirit Moon Essence just to open the seal on the Artifact Hall. After that, he obviously wanted to find a master artisan to teach him about his artifact refining skills. It happened that Yuan Guangtao sent it to him. Come to the door, there are so many materials and semi-finished products, just enough for Zhang Kun to practice!
"Tsk tsk, these are just the treasures he brought with him, I wonder how much more is in his soul slave's hands?" Zhang Kun was a little excited after thinking about it, this time he really got rich.

Of course, this is nothing compared to the spirit stone he exchanged from Luo Baiwei on Xuanyuan Fourteenth. After picking up the spirit stones, Zhang Kun now has no less than a million spirit stones in his hands!

This amount of wealth can be said to be incomparably rich!
"Found it!" Zhang Kun suddenly clapped his hands excitedly, and he quickly locked on a seemingly ordinary small black array disk, which exuded a strange aura, which was somewhat similar to the sick man at that time. Nian shrouded it, and the spiritual sense penetrated in, easily erasing the spiritual restriction set by the island master of Menglu.

For Zhang Kun, who has perfected his state of mind, few people can suppress him mentally, even the strong Jindan. This special realm that no one has been able to enter since ancient times is indeed miraculous. Advance by leaps and bounds, he just broke through the realm, and he felt that he was about to be promoted again.

"I can sense eleven auras, all over the country of Xilan, and several of them are on Menglu Island!" After Zhang Kun controlled the black formation disk, he was able to detect the auras of those soul slaves, even if they were separated by several hours. Thousands of miles away, they can still feel their positions very clearly. Zhang Kun dripped a drop of blood to completely refine the array!

"Boom!" The soul slaves in various parts of Xilan Kingdom froze instantly, as if they were waiting for Zhang Kun's instructions.

"Go to me immediately and bring the resources I need!" Zhang Kun gave the order instantly as the master of the soul slaves, and the order was sent out at a fast speed, and soon the soul slaves received the news.

"Huh? Master, what's wrong with this? It's not in line with his rule of looking for us!" The soul slaves were all puzzled, but they didn't dare to disobey Zhang Kun's words, and immediately put down their hands one by one. Things came to Rage City, and the existence of the array connected their souls together. When Zhang Kun sensed their position, they could also feel Zhang Kun's existence.

"Okay!" Zhang Kun was secretly pleasantly surprised. Judging from the strength of Fu'er's brother, the strength of these soul slaves should not be lower than the realm of Qi training. It is a good force!
After doing all this, Zhang Kun held the fragment of the mirror field, a white light flashed, and he appeared in the mirror field.

"I've got enough Holy Spirit Moon Essence, and I'm starting to unlock the seal of the Artifact Palace!" Zhang Kun said, a bottle of Holy Spirit Moon Essence appeared in his hand, turning into milky white horses and rushing towards the corrupted path temple.

The mirror field started to work, the galaxy reversed, the sun and the moon moved, and the gate of the Artifact Palace slowly opened!

(End of this chapter)

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