Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 563 Don't be a Licking Dog

Chapter 563 Don't be a Licking Dog

The warrior begged Jia'er and said, "Grandma, please don't make trouble for me, please! Danshi Zheng, please don't mind!"

Jia'er was suddenly angry, her almond-shaped eyes widened and she said angrily, "Why are you doing this, I'm obviously helping you, why do you still blame me?"

The warrior ignored Jia'er at all, knelt in front of Alchemist Zheng with a mournful face and begged: "Alchemist Zheng, please give me the elixir!"

Danshi Zheng thought for a while, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's not impossible to give you the elixir, tie this little girl up to me, and send it to my room. I can consider selling the elixir to you at the price." You, hahaha!"

That martial artist's body was trembling, and his face was extremely ugly. The insult of that alchemist Zheng to him was unbearable. He had already knelt down and begged him. Just willing to sell him the elixir at the price, this is simply an insult.

"Am I born to be inferior to this guy?" He struggled for a while, lowered his head, let his long hair hang down to cover his face, and knelt in front of Alchemy Zheng in a humiliating gesture, surrounded by many people , all pointing at him, laughing for a while.

"Damn it, this is the only way to cure this disease!"

"Crack!" There was a heart-rending sound of teeth gnashing, the warrior stood up tremblingly, still lowered his head, and walked towards Jia'er like a walking corpse.

The surrounding audience shook their heads and sighed, but there was nothing they could do. Does anyone dare to offend Danshi Zheng?
Suddenly, the sick and weak warrior felt someone pat him on the shoulder, stopped him with a little force, and then said flatly: "Promise me, don't be a dog licking again, okay?"

The martial artist trembled violently. He didn't expect that someone would dare to stand up at this moment, but of course when he turned his head to see Zhang Kun's young and childish face, his mood sank to the bottom of the valley just now!

"You can't help me, so go away, or you will be targeted by that alchemist again!" The martial artist sighed regretfully, as if he was even shorter.

"What are you doing standing still, you trash!" Danshi Zheng sneered again and again, urging the martial artist, and he glanced at Zhang Kun provocatively, the warning in his eyes was beyond words.

"A mere first-rank alchemist, don't meddle in other people's business, otherwise I will teach you what it means to respect seniors!" Alchemist Zheng casually lowered his head and caressed an agate ring on his finger, and said contemptuously.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, took a step forward, glanced at Danshi Zheng and said, "You've disturbed me, get out of here immediately."

Danshi Zheng was taken aback when he heard that, then he put his hands on his hips and burst out laughing, leaned forward and supported the shoulders of that burly man to stop his body.

"Did you hear, this kid is so crazy, dare to talk to me like that!" Pill Master Zheng spread his hands and looked at the surrounding audience.

"Old Jin, tell them, how is the last guy who hanged himself in front of me like this?" Zheng Danshi grinned ferociously.

"That man is already a pile of feces, and was fed to the dogs by Zheng Shao!" The burly man Lao Jin sneered.

Immediately, a burst of laughter erupted in the crowd, everyone knew that there was excitement to watch, alchemist Zheng was an old man in the alchemist guild, and this young man?I have never seen it before, so I must have no ability, offend alchemist Zheng, there is no way out!
"It's obvious that you bullied others first, yet you accuse my young master, how shameless!" Jia'er was not overwhelmed by the other party's strength and status, she said fearlessly.

Zhang Kun stood there indifferently, looking at Danshi Zheng calmly, it happened that he was very free today, after practicing for fifty days, he felt a little bored, since he came out, why not come and have some fun.

"What kind of thing are you, dare to talk to me like that?" Zhang Kun chuckled, the other party was just an ordinary alchemist, 30 years older than himself, and his rank was only a few ranks higher. In the eyes of people, he is also a domineering master, but in Zhang Kun's eyes, he is nothing more than ants and maggots.

"Fuck you, if I don't cure you today, my surname will not be Zheng! Beat that kid to death, and arrest that girl!" Pill Master Zheng became extremely angry in an instant, and instructed The burly man stepped forward.

Everyone immediately became interested, this is a dispute between alchemists, this is a good show to watch, there are countless masters under alchemists, the conflict will gradually escalate, the spectators don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, As long as things don't mess with them!
"That kid is going to suffer, judging by his small body, that girl doesn't seem to be able to fight, and that old Jin is a big guy, the one with the least strength to practice Qi?" Everyone shook their heads and sighed, no one was optimistic about Zhang Kun's.

At this moment, a young man with a handsome face in a white robe came out from the alchemist union, he looked at alchemist Zheng and said: "Alchemist Zheng, please come in quickly, the vice president has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot about my business!" Danshi Zheng changed his expression immediately when he heard the word vice president, and slapped his head with a smile: "Okay, I'll be right there!"

The young man nodded, turned and left.

Pill Master Zheng snorted coldly, looked at Zhang Kun with disdain and said, "Boy, this time it's your luck. The vice-chairman has urgent matters with me. I'm in a good mood, so I'll let you go! Get lost, if you let me see When it comes to you, things will not be so simple!"

"Let's go!" With a wave of his sleeve, Alchemist Zheng led a group of people into the alchemist guild. The young and beautiful maid at the door bowed deeply to him and smiled sweetly, making him even more proud.

"Take me to see the vice president!" Danshi Zheng shouted the word vice president loudly on purpose, so that everyone in the union hall and the door could hear him. He held his head high and condescended everything.

The audience outside seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "It's over, there's no show to watch!"

"Yo, this kid is really lucky, but I have to thank the vice president, without him, this kid would be dead!" Passers-by laughed loudly.

Zhang Kun looked at the back of Zheng Danshi leaving indifferently, did not call him, but walked towards the trade union amidst the astonished eyes of everyone.

"Troubleshooting, is this kid crazy? Alchemist Zheng has let him go, yet he still goes up to give him face and beat him up?"

"You're out of your mind, why don't you run away, Alchemist Zheng is very powerful in the alchemist guild!" Everyone shook their heads and laughed.

Jia'er and the bullied warrior ran up, Jia'er gasped and said, "Young Master, wait for me, this guy is so bad, you plan to let him go like this?"

Zhang Kun smiled and said: "I'm just here to update the rank of alchemy today. As for him, it depends on his own good fortune. Whether he lives or dies depends on his thought."

Jia'er nodded half-understood, she didn't know anything else, only knew that Zhang Kun was very powerful, and that Ge Ran, who was under him, was already a talking point in Raging City, and he even killed Meng Ludao Lord, a solid golden core powerhouse.

Therefore, in her eyes, Zhang Kun is not afraid of facing alchemist Zheng at all.

But the martial artist couldn't understand what the two were talking about, he just ran to Zhang Kun respectfully and saluted, "Thanks to this young hero for helping me save my life."

Zhang Kun glanced at the downcast warrior and said, "Remember what I just told you."

The downcast warrior nodded dully, looked timidly at the alchemy medal on Zhang Kun's chest, and said with difficulty: "Master alchemist, can you save my life?"

"Take it three times a day, three pills at a time, for a total of one week, and the symptoms will improve." Zhang Kun threw out a small jade bottle, which contained a soybean-sized pill.

"Ah?" The down-and-out warrior was stunned immediately, not only because Zhang Kun was so eloquent, but what shocked him even more was that Zhang Kun hadn't felt his pulse or reached out to check his symptoms. Directly prescribed the elixir?

"No way, does he know alchemy or not?" All the onlookers covered their faces and sighed when they saw this scene. It feels like Zhang Kun is putting on a show.

Only Jia'er saw the warrior standing there in a daze, quickly waved his hands and said, "Hey, hey, my young master has already given you the pill, why don't you hurry up and thank him."

"Thank you, my lord!" The warrior nodded suspiciously, but his face was still a bit worried. Although Zhang Kun's pill was given away for nothing, it was precisely because of this that he felt something was wrong. Can this medicine cure his disease?
Zhang Kun didn't care, and continued to walk into the alchemist union.

"Ah!" Just after he left a few steps, there was an exclamation sound behind him.

I saw the downcast martial artist staring wide-eyed, opening his mouth wide with disbelief on his face, he unscrewed the elixir bottle, poured out a elixir, and then fell into a daze.

His illness required long-term medication. When he was still financially well-off, he had obtained pills from Danshi Zheng. He was very familiar with this kind of pills, and they were exactly the pills that could cure his hidden diseases!
He stood there in a daze, his whole body was like a sculpture.

"And the quality and aroma of this elixir, it's the best elixir, three or four grades higher than the low-grade ones that Danshi Zheng gave me!" The warrior was completely shocked, grabbed the elixir and stuffed it into his mouth. The effect of the medicine washed over his limbs, and he immediately felt much lighter.

"This genius doctor!" The warrior was speechless, and directly facing Zhang Kun's back, he knelt down slowly and kowtowed repeatedly!

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!" He burst into tears and refused to get up for a long time, everyone was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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