Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 570 I'm Blind

Chapter 570 I'm Blind

"Hahaha, you are still pretending to be coercive. Look at how poor you are. You are not allowed to come here. Go away early, we are still waiting to get in!" Several alchemists next to him booed one after another.

The prosecutor sneered and threw Zhang Kun's invitation letter away, signaling the next one to come up.Zhang Kun was violently pushed out of the team.Standing there, his face was a little gloomy.

"Master Zhang Kun, why don't we try at the Tianzimen!" Fu'er tiptoed and said cautiously.

"Hehe, what a joke, the guy who can't even get through the Dimension Gate is still thinking about the Tianzi Gate. Can you see which one of the Tianzi Gates is not the most powerful one? This kid is like an emperor with a maid. Relatives?" The prosecutor laughed out loud when he heard the words.

"Tsk tsk, I think he has some kind of hysteria. He always fantasizes about being a big shot. You know, almost all young people of this age are like this!" The alchemists looked at Zhang Kun's back and showed sarcasm complexion.

Zhang Kun nodded and walked slowly to the Tianzi Gate. The Tianzi Gate was open but no one came in or out. After all, there are only a few people with high status. There is no need to queue up here. Zhang Kun brought Fu'er to appear and attracted countless people. Eyes of concern.

"What are you looking at! Get lost, is this the place you can see with your identity?" the Tianzimen inspector yelled before Zhang Kun asked.

"That's right, what are you thinking, the distinguished guests of Tianzimen have already greeted them in advance, and people like you must not be qualified to enter, so just stay where it's cool."

"Forget it, I don't really want to participate anyway, let's go." Zhang Kun frowned, stroked the dust on his body, took a deep look at the group of people in the team with unfriendly eyes, and walked straight outside the palace .

"Let me just say, without the support of the vice president, what would he be like? Now that his prototype has been revealed, he has slipped away in despair, right?" Rong Hong looked at Zhang Kun's back with a feeling of gloom in his heart. I was also very relieved.

At this moment, a voice came from above the city wall.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun! Why are you leaving?" Qi Zhengyan's shout was extremely small on the tower, but when the familiar tone came out, everyone was stunned, and the guards and prosecutors stopped Zhang Kun in a hurry. .

Zhang Kun was a little impatient, but he still stopped.Qi Zhengyan hurried down from the city.Everyone along the way was dumbfounded, what kind of card was this Kun, and Qi Zhengyan, who was extremely respected, did it so personally.

"What?" The muscles on Rong Hong's face were trembling. Without the vice president, the young master of the Ronghao League came again. Why is Zhang Kun so lucky?
"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, I'm sorry. I just entertained a few royals and came to see the situation. I didn't expect you to leave as soon as I saw you. What's the reason? It's because we didn't do well enough to make you dissatisfied Is it?" Qi Zhengyan held Zhang Kun's hands, for fear that Zhang Kun would leave.

Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly, looked at the invitation letter, and then said, "Senior Brother Qi, the inspector won't let me pass, I have no choice but to leave..."

"What?" Qi Zhengyan was stunned for a moment, his face darkened, and he became angry immediately. A terrifying energy suddenly swayed from his body, and everyone's hearts were shocked.

"Get the hell out of here! What's going on?" Qi Zhengyan snorted coldly, and the three inspectors rushed over like slaves, not daring to neglect at all.They understood Qi Zhengyan's style, and it was common for him to lose his head if he was upset.

The team stopped immediately, and everyone could only stare blankly at the farce because there was no inspector.But everyone guessed what Zhang Kun's identity was.

"Wow, what's going on, who the hell is that guy? He actually provoked Qi Zhengyan from Ronghao League to come forward for him in person."

"I don't know, I can't see his face clearly, but wasn't he kicked out by the censors of the herringbone gate one after another just now?"

Everyone was puzzled, and because of Qi Zhengyan's coercion, they dared not speak.

Rong Hong mocked, presumably Zhang Kun must be insignificant, neither of these two schools seems to have his name, this is a rule set by the royal family, even the young master of the Ronghao League cannot easily change it.

"Master Qi Zhengyan, forgive me, but the name Zhang Kun is indeed not on the roster of the herringbone family."

"Yes, there's no place on my door!" The two inspectors looked innocent, and showed Qi Zhengyan the roster.

"It must be a liar, Young Master Qi, I suggest that you just throw him out!" The Tianzimen inspector sneered.If this piece of Kun had been placed in the past, the result would have been obvious, that is, he had sneaked in and tried to do something wrong.

"Get out? Hehe, take a good look at your roster! You're blind!" Qi Zhengyan went up and kicked the Tianzimen prosecutor in the face.

The Tianzimen inspector was stunned and fell to the ground. Qi Zhengyan didn't use his vitality, otherwise his stinky face would have been bloody and bloody. This kick woke him up instantly, and he quickly picked up the roster to browse.Actually found Zhang Kun on the second page.

" is it possible?" the Tianzimen inspector stammered, "He is alone, has no ceremonial guards, and didn't inform us in advance, I think..."

Qi Zhengyan said coldly, "Hehe, Zhang Keqing is the honorary elder of our Ronghao League. Seeing him is like seeing me. He is the most important guest. He is not an ordinary royal relative who can compare to you. You treat him like this." he?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone opened their mouths wide and fell into a daze. The honorary elder of Rong Hao League?
Are you kidding me, that's just a teenager, which one of the elders in Rong Haomeng doesn't have a white beard?
The audience stared blankly at Zhang Kun. Such an ordinary person seemed to be in the Herringbone Gate, and he was barely able to enter the Dizi Gate. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Tianzi Gate of the royal family.

"Who the hell is he, who is so young and has such a high status? Could it be the prince of another country?"

"Maybe, maybe it's not impossible to have private visits or something. Rong Haomeng gave his father a face and asked him to be an honorary elder."

"Then we just mocked him, didn't we commit a serious crime? It's over!" Those people panicked just now.

Now the crowd almost looked at Zhang Kun with timid eyes, and some even lowered their heads and quickly entered the palace, for fear that they would be watched by Zhang Kun and remembered.

Rong Hong was embarrassed, his face was like a pig's liver. Now he really believed that Zhang Kun was hiding the royal family. Judging from the attitude of the vice president yesterday and today's events, Zhang Kun is definitely not such a simple commoner. Could it be that he really He has such monstrous power!
Zhang Kun was also puzzled, and saw that the arrogance of the Tianzi inspector had long since disappeared, and when he knelt up, he hugged Zhang Kun's thigh for a while to spare his life.

"What's going on, Senior Brother Qi, why did I go to Tianzimen?"

"Oh, Junior Brother Zhang Kun is specially arranged for you by the business alliance. Don't refuse, just invite you." Qi Zhengyan whispered to Zhang Kun softly.

"Hey, this is Miss Fu'er, come and join me! Junior brother Zhang Kun is very lucky?" Qi Zhengyan looked at Fu'er with a smile, and then looked at Zhang Kun with a smile.

Zhang Kun touched his nose in embarrassment. Although Qi Zhengyan always had a cold face, he was easy to speak after getting familiar with him.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of the public and surrounded by guards, the three of them entered the Tianzi Gate, and Zhang Kun and Qi Zhengyan chatted and laughed happily along the way.Only the crowd was left in a mess in the wind, struggling to wait for the team to move forward.

The Tianzimen inspector sighed like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, "It's been a long time. I didn't expect to enter the Tianzimen without etiquette. Other business alliance executives bumped into each other, but they are really going to lose their heads!"

Five steps to a small building, ten steps to a building.The deeper you go into the palace, the more luxurious the building, and the decorations and carvings are exquisite.The shining golden light blurred Zhang Kun's eyes, and Fu'er was also very excited. She looked around and opened her eyes. This place is like a hotbed of extravagance, which makes people intoxicated.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, the Zhenlong Hall ahead is the venue for this auction, come with me in." Qi Zhengyan said flatly.

"Why did you not see people from the business alliance all the way?" Zhang Kun asked casually.

Qi Zhengyan smiled and said: "At this time, I will not hide it from my junior brother. Anyway, you also have the qualifications to go to the secret realm of the ascendant. There was an accident in the secret realm, and the senior management of the business alliance decided to enter early!"

"Enter early?" Zhang Kun was slightly dazed. His training plan had not been completed yet, so entering now was not the best time for him.

"Well, it's time to enter when the auction is over. Now the high-level executives have assembled at the headquarters of the business alliance. All the people in the business alliance participating in the auction are your peers." A beautiful maid came up to guide them and took them to a luxurious box.

Along the way, many people came up to say hello to Qi Zhengyan, and smiled and nodded at Zhang Kun and Fu'er by the way.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Fu'er exclaimed in admiration, and saw that there were skylights in Zhenlong Hall, carved beams and painted buildings, covered with gold agates, open-air design, and there was a huge pool in the hall, half of which were planted with lotus, The fragrance bursts out, and the koi game adds a bit of vitality.

The location of Qi Zhengyan's box is excellent, facing north and south is extremely noble, and one can see all the luxury below the stage. The girl has no resistance to beautiful things, so she leaned on the railing and looked at the scenery.

"The long street is long, the fireworks are numerous, turn on the lights and look back, the short pavilion is short, the world is dusty, and Xiao Zai sighs." At this time, a sapphire platform slowly rose in the center of the pool, and a beautiful woman with a veil appeared on the platform. .

I saw her lightly picking the silver strings with her jade hands, and plucking the Guqin with both hands. The sound was beautiful, the rhythm was dexterous, just like the sound of nature. After a long time, she ended playing the piece and stood up slowly like a lotus flower .

"Welcome everyone to Zhenlong Palace, our auction will start soon."

(End of this chapter)

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