Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 572

Chapter 572

In the Mirror Realm, Luo Quan and Wei Xibu looked at Feizhu with the expression of looking at a monster.

"Isn't it natural to seek out top-grade Taoist artifacts? Only quasi-spiritual artifacts and spiritual artifacts are stronger than Taoist artifacts!" Frustrations, based on their experience, they can't see a few quasi-spiritual weapons, let alone legendary spiritual weapons!
"My God, you guys are too backward, aren't you?" Fei Zhu felt that she had no way to communicate with them. Of course, the same was true of Luo Quan and the two of them. As the saying goes, summer insects are indescribable, and Luo Quan and the two had never been to Sword Hill. How do you know that the world's weapons still have spirit treasures and fairy weapons or even higher levels.

Zhang Kun smiled and said: "That Flame Dragon Armor is useless to me, I have refined it to the second degree of Shadow Death, even an attack at the Golden Core level can't scratch the corner of my clothes."

Wei Xibu nodded and said: "That's true, Zhang Kun, your body skills are strong enough, buying offensive magic weapons is more suitable for you."

This time it was Feizhu's turn to show a strange expression, she frowned and said: "Wait a minute, old man Wei, what are you talking about, Zhang Kun is only in the realm of Qi training, and can avoid the attack of Jindanqi, How is this possible, even the Holy Sons and Goddesses of the top sects don't have such abilities in the Qi training realm!"

"Miss Feizhu, this is Zhang Kun's strength. He has always been the most special." Luo Quan smiled and stroked his beard. He has been with Zhang Kun for a long time, and he is the most powerful to Zhang Kun say.

Fei Zhu was stunned for a moment, and there was a somewhat complicated look in her eyes.

"Old Luo Quan, don't you despise me the most on weekdays?" Zhang Kun asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, aren't you happy to help you look good in front of women? Forget it, I'm going back to the alchemy hall to refine medicine!" Luo Quan muttered, leaning on crutches like an angry child, to the alchemy hall. Go, without the slightest majesty and ruthlessness as the controller behind the country of Sealand.

Zhang Kun shook his head and said with a light smile, "It seems that the appearance of Feizhu has dealt a big blow to him?"

Feizhu didn't know which star was born, and her gestures made people feel extraordinary and immortal. Her realm was unimaginable to Luo Quan, and it might have aroused his inner fighting spirit. As for Wei Xibu, He didn't have any skill at all, but he was more idle and wild.

The auction was still going on, and when Zhang Kun communicated with the three masters with his spiritual sense, the Flame Dragon Armor was finally auctioned off at a price of [-] spirit stones.

"Congratulations to the distinguished guests of Room C in Tianzi for getting this Flame Dragon Armor. It seems that we can foresee the rise of an invincible God of War!" A-chan smiled sweetly at the box in Room C.

The boxes in the Zhenlong Palace are all made with special craftsmanship, and the people inside can clearly see the outside world, but the outside world cannot see the inside.

The countless spectators below without private boxes were dumbfounded. Sure enough, such top-grade Taoist artifacts would still fall into the hands of those big families, and retail investors like them were destined to miss out. At the same time, they began to guess who was sitting in Room C. Where is the sacred.

"It's him, Qin Ziheng!" Qi Zhengyan said calmly. When the auction started just now, a young man in Room C made a voice on his own initiative. At this time, Qi Zhengyan already knew his identity.

"Qin Ziheng? Who is he?" Zhang Kun asked puzzled.

"A ruthless character, if you continue to stay in the business alliance, you will meet this guy sooner or later!" Qi Zhengyan just said this, and then kept it secret, and no longer mentioned this person.

At this time, another lot came on the stage below, and A-chan smiled and led a young man slowly up the auction stage, and said to everyone: "For the next lot, we must invite this Rong Hongdan Master introduced it to everyone, our fourth-rank alchemist Rong Hong is really young and promising, and his appearance is so handsome, I wonder if there are any sisters who fell in love with him at first sight?"

"Sister Ah-chan, don't make fun of me. I have only one purpose here, and that is to see the beauty of the princess. Now that my dream has come true, I have no regrets." Rong Hong's mouth was filled with a charming smile, and he behaved respectfully and politely. , like a modest gentleman.

Qi Yelin's gaze stayed on Rong Hong's body for a moment, and he nodded slightly, his cherry lips parted lightly and said, "I wonder which work Alchemist Rong Hong brought us?"

"Your Royal Highness, I came prepared this time, and I will definitely not disappoint you and everyone." Rong Hong showed a confident smile, and threw himself at the box where Zhang Kun and Qi Zhengyan were. A meaningful smile.

Ever since Zhang Kun entered the palace from the Tianzi Gate, Rong Hong followed them all the way, watching them enter the box in Room B with his own eyes.

"Everyone, please take a look, this is Wannian Intermittent Cold Jade Ointment, a fourth-grade top-grade panacea." Sometime in Rong Hong's hands, there was a small box with blue ointment in it. Everyone in the distance can smell the faint medicinal fragrance it releases.

"Aren't you kidding me? Do you dare to sell a fourth-order high-grade panacea at an auction of this level?" Everyone in the audience was annoyed, and even shouted with dissatisfaction. Compared with the previous piece of Yanlong armor, it seems insignificant!

"Ten thousand years? How could there be a ten thousand year medicinal material, bragging, boy!" The protests below gradually increased, and a series of questions were thrown out. The hundred year medicinal material is really rare, and the ten thousand year panacea?Unless it is some ancient secret realm, it is impossible to be born!
Even Princess Qi Yelin's beautiful eyes showed a trace of confusion.

Qi Zhengyan frowned slightly and said, "What do you think, Junior Brother Zhang Kun?"

Zhang Kun thought for a while and said: "Although there is some gap between Rong Hong and me, he is not a stupid person. He would never dare to cheat in front of Qi Yelin, but he has refined the magic medicine of ten thousand years into a fourth-level top-grade spirit. Dan's words are too reckless, I think maybe he has some special refining technique!"

As if confirming what Zhang Kun said, Rong Hong bowed slightly to the audience and said: "I think you must be thinking that I am a liar, and the name of these ten-thousand-year medicinal materials is in vain, but I I can stand here and introduce my elixir to everyone, obviously it has passed the verification of the appraiser."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, what Rong Hong said was not wrong, it was indeed the truth.

"What I want to tell you is that I, Rong Hong, have invented a brand-new medicine refining technique, which can produce the medicinal effect of ten thousand years of medicinal materials from centuries-old medicinal materials!" Rong Hong raised his head high and straightened his waist, as if He is proclaiming his greatness to the world.

As soon as this remark came out, all the alchemists present fell silent, and then shook their heads in disbelief.

"Impossible, the gap between hundred-year medicinal materials and ten-thousand-year medicinal materials can be called cloud and mud. Is there such a technology?" Everyone questioned.

Rong Hong seemed to be sure of winning, and he didn't panic at all. He said to A-Chan, "Miss A-Chan, since you don't believe me, I request a third-party appraiser to come on stage and verify whether what I'm telling is the truth."

Ah-chan smiled and nodded when she heard the words: "Since this is the case, is there any elixir appraiser among all distinguished guests? Please come to the stage to appraise alchemist Rong Hong."

"I'm coming!" As soon as Ah-chan finished speaking, a person climbed up from the stage, and saw an old man walking onto the auction stage holding a lens and a series of identification tools.

"Oh? This is Master Bao Nan from Xinghefang. He has been engaged in the identification of pills for 50 years. He has never made a mistake. He is extremely accurate in judging the grade and efficacy of pills. I want to hire an appraiser for the alchemy assessment, I think he is the most suitable candidate!" Ah-chan said after seeing the old man on the stage and saluted him.

The people below also nodded, obviously trusting the craftsmanship and reputation of this Master Bao Nan, and everyone would be convinced if he came to appraise the elixir.

"Please!" Rong Hong was extremely polite to Master Bao Nan, and offered the Ten Thousand Years Intermittent Cold Jade Paste.

Master Bao Nan snorted coldly and said, "Boy, you have to know that this old man has a very bad temper. If I identify a fake, I will mercilessly crush your elixir into fine powder!"

"Don't worry, Master Bao Nan, I believe this elixir will definitely exceed your expectations!" Rong Hong was extremely confident.

Master Bao Nan glanced at him indifferently and started his identification work. At this time, in the second private room, a subordinate came to Qi Zhengyan's side, handed over a list and said, "Young master, this is the All the items in an auction have been collected by people sent by the Merchant Alliance to guarantee the most complete and thoughtful items in the whole city of Raging Waves!"

Qi Zhengyan glanced at it, but he didn't seem to see the lot he was satisfied with, so he handed it to Zhang Kun with a smile and said, "Junior Brother Zhang Kun, this auction is more important to you, so choose carefully!"

Zhang Kun took the list, and the first two items had already been displayed in front of everyone. He started to look at the third item, but he was stunned.

"Shenjueyu, isn't this just Kudangouyu?" Zhang Kun couldn't help exclaiming, it was one of the materials Feizhu listed for him, and he didn't expect to meet it directly at the auction.

Fei Zhu chuckled lightly and said, "As expected of a low-level planet, the dry and light gouyu are sold as treasures, and what are they called Shenjue jade, so wouldn't they be called divine weapons when they see spirit weapons and treasures?"

Zhang Kun ignored the woman, and his eyes continued to wander above the auction list.

But Qi Zhengyan said suspiciously: "Junior Brother Zhang Kun is interested in Shenjue Jade. It is a top-notch refining material, and it seems that it cannot be used for alchemy."

"Ah, it's like this. The exercises I practice need this kind of material as an aid." Zhang Kun explained that for the time being, he didn't want to tell others the secret that he had become a craftsman.

(End of this chapter)

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