Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 576

Chapter 576
The audience in the audience was still in a state of semi-confusion, and those powerful and powerful families were already ready to move, gearing up one after another, as if they were going to fight to the death!
"There is a trace of snake spirit on this Phantom Pellet. It is the most top-notch panacea. Even though the difficulty of refining Pellet Pellet is first level, this is only the lower limit of this kind of pill!" Qin Ziheng Surprised.

"Although the lower limit is not high, it has reached a terrifying level in the hands of that existence. It is a peerless product in the first order, and it is almost impossible to exist."

Ouyang Jinluo also gasped again and again, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief: "The materials used for the first-order elixir limit its quality, even the most powerful alchemist can only polish it to the top-grade level. But this Void Entering Pill has unexpectedly reached the top grade, and the snake spirit in it has played a vital role!"

Zhang Kun looked at them extremely enthusiastically, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitched slightly. This Void Pellet was just a work he used to pass the Mirror Realm assessment. With his current level, refining such a Void Pellet is fundamental. It doesn't take much effort.

And the reason why Zhang Kun put it up for auction this time was to test the waters. With the blessing of Luo Quan's golden signboard, he wanted to see what kind of sky-high price this kind of elixir could sell!

Qi Zhengyan also straightened his back. Rong Haomeng had been dormant for a long time before, and the outside world thought that Zhang Kun's attack had exhausted Rong Haomeng's vitality. Even Qin Ziheng and the others chose to forbear for the time being. In fact, it was just It's just that Qi Zhengyan didn't come across any auction items he liked.

"This elixir was temporarily added by a mysterious seller through some channels. It is extremely precious, and it is the only one!" Ah-chan continued to promote this elixir.

"Isn't it just a first-order elixir? What's the god?" The audience below was clamoring again, shaking their heads, not knowing what to say.

Rong Hong also squinted his eyes and raised his chin slightly. When he appeared on the stage, he gave out a fourth-order elixir. At that time, he would be ridiculed by the ignorant people in the audience, but at this moment, entering the emptiness pill is nothing. What, it's all over the street!
"Hmph, shut up!" At this time, an old man among the crowd snorted coldly, and said in a mysterious way: "This elixir itself is good, but it is not a treasure. The key is its quality. Refiner!"

"Refiner?" Everyone was puzzled. Although the refiner of the elixir is also a factor that affects the price of the elixir, just like a signboard, the business of a restaurant with a strong signboard will be booming, but in the end it is still The quality of the elixir itself, a top-tier elixir, won't make all the bosses in the audience look crazy, right?
"That lord will definitely not aimlessly. He must have deep meaning in sending one of the Void-Enhancing Pills to the auction!"

"That's right, the snake spirit in the Void Core may be the key, maybe it contains the information left by that adult, and it may even be an inheritance!"

"Even if there is nothing, as long as there is an alchemist who can decipher the mystery of this elixir and master that kind of spirit injection technique, it will be a huge harvest!" The top forces in Raging Wave City speculated about this elixir one after another. The deep meaning in it.

If it was changed to the work of any other alchemist, they would not care at all, but this is the elixir refined by Luo Quan himself. Scalp!
Master Luo Quan's inheritance?This kind of thing is simply priceless. If it can be converted with Lingshi, those big families might be willing to spend all their wealth to get it!
But Zhang Kun, the real refiner of this elixir, leaned on the comfortable soft chair boredly, watching them brag about this elixir in various ways, he just smiled secretly in his heart.

Fu'er on the side was slightly surprised. She was also present when Zhang Kun was talking with the deputy leader of the Ronghao League that day. She saw with her own eyes that what Zhang Kun handed over to the deputy leader was the present brocade box!

"Master Zhang Kun, this is not it." Fu'er was about to say something, but she was reminded by Zhang Kun to close her mouth with her eyes. Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "This elixir is from the hands of the master. It is really extraordinary. Refining it He is definitely a genius!"

Qi Zhengyan also nodded, and even he was moved by it. Zhang Kun could see the uncontrollable excitement in his eyes, and felt amused in his heart, thinking about when to remind him.

Apparently everyone was itching and couldn't wait to start bidding. Everyone's burning eyes were focused on A-Chan, and her dark eyes suddenly lit up, and she said loudly: "The seller of this elixir has no Set the starting price, so we start with a spirit stone!"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the arena was instantly ignited. Those ordinary audiences didn't understand the way to do it. When they heard that a spirit stone can buy a first-order top-grade pill, they fell into a state of madness in an instant. During the meeting, they all stood up and raised their placards to increase the price!

"Five spirit stones!"



All of a sudden, the auction hall was bustling with excitement. None of the bigwigs at the top opened their mouths. They seemed to be watching the clowns below for fun. As long as they leave, everything will be settled in an instant!
There was a smile in A-chan's eyes, the value of this elixir rose so fast that she was almost overwhelmed, but she also knew that this was just an appetizer before the real battle!

"A thousand spirit stones!"

A deep, deep, magnetic voice suddenly came from above, and the people below who were still rubbing against each other in ten digits were startled for a moment. They all opened their mouths wide, their bodies softened, shook their heads, and withdrew from the competition.

Rong Hong instantly petrified, his own fourth-order elixir, he copied eight hundred spirit stones by virtue of special refining techniques, and now this elixir, which is not at all eye-catching in his eyes, has directly risen to one Thousand Lingshi, and this seems to be far from the end!

"The clowns are all gone, now it's a war between us!" Qin Ziheng said indifferently, in Xilan Kingdom, who can own the elixir refined by Luo Quan himself is a great honor!

Ouyang Jinluo sneered, and shouted directly: "Five thousand spirit stones!"

"Eight thousand!" Another rich man in the luxurious private room shouted.

Qi Zhengyan said confidently without showing any weakness, "Ten thousand spirit stones."

"Why, after Rong Haomeng's hemorrhage, what qualifications do you have to compete with us?" Ouyang Jinluo said contemptuously, as if testing Qi Zhengyan's confidence.

"Hehe, Ouyang Jinluo, aren't you afraid?" Qi Zhengyan also changed his usual indifferent style and directly put on a posture.

Ouyang Jinluo frowned, showing no sign of weakness: "Twelve thousand spirit stones!"

"Add another three thousand!" Qin Ziheng calmed down, as if he had thrown straw paper on it.

"Wow, I heard you right, a first-order elixir is priced at [-] spirit stones, do these bosses have no place to spend their money?"

"I can't believe it, I can't believe it, this must be the most expensive first-order elixir in the history of Xilan Kingdom!"

"Hehe, it's more than that. What is this? For the existence behind this pill, they won't have any scruples!" Old Chen, he vaguely knows some internal information.

Everyone was stunned, dumbstruck, completely dumbfounded, Rong Hong knelt on the ground like a crippled dog whose spine had been removed, without saying a word, as if he had been completely disheartened.

"Are you kidding? It's not true!" His pupils had turned into empty holes.

At this time, a voice suddenly rang out in Room G, which had been silent all this time.

"Twenty thousand spirit stones."

That soft female voice is crisp and sharp with a hint of rigidity, as if cutting through the mess with a sharp knife, and it will seal the victory as soon as it makes a move!

Suffocating, bewildered, unbelievable, everyone present was shocked by the sky-high price, [-] spirit stones and even the best Taoist artifacts can be sold in their hands, just to buy a Void Entering Pill that can avoid attacks below Foundation Establishment ?

They really don't know what's going on in the minds of those big shots?
"Miss Lin, are you here to get involved in this muddy water?" Qin Ziheng frowned slightly, and said solemnly.

"Is it not possible? You and I both know the value of this item." A calm voice came from Room No. [-].

Zhang Kun couldn't help looking in that direction. It's not the first time he's heard of the name of the Lin family. The cold woman in the robe seems to be called Lin Nuochun, and she is also from the Lin family.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, from your appearance, it seems that you have crossed paths with the Lin family?" Qi Zhengyan said.

Zhang Kun was noncommittal, but asked, "Who is talking here?"

"The eldest lady of the Lin family, Lin Nuozhen." Qi Zhengyan added: "The Lin family is one of the few top families in Nutao City that can keep pace with the Qi family. Their strength should not be underestimated."

"Lin Nuozhen? Looks like Lin Nuochun's sister." Zhang Kun thought to himself.

"If the Lin family makes a move, my Qi family will naturally not be able to show weakness!" Qi Zhengyan was about to step forward to continue making an offer, but was stopped by Zhang Kun.

"Brother Qi, don't be impulsive, this elixir is not as valuable as you imagined, it is optional." Zhang Kun said lightly.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, you don't understand, this Void Entering Pill itself is really only a little special, it's expensive because its refiner is a myth in Xilan Kingdom, the great Gu master Luo Quan!" Qi Zhengyan said seriously road.

"His status in Xilan Kingdom is similar to that of your master, Gongsun Yangyan, and even worse. It can be said that he is the real master of Xilan Kingdom, and even the Merchant Alliance cannot match him!"

Zhang Kun shook his head again and again and said, "Brother Qi, just trust me this time. If you really like this kind of elixir, I'll refine it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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