Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 578 Yue Qingfeng

Chapter 578 Yue Qingfeng

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man with some doubts, and he came to the stage and said to the surroundings: "Dear guests, in Xiayue Qingfeng, the dark spar for sale this time is an ancestral treasure."

"The reason why you sell the dark spar is to exchange for spirit stones to buy a rare medicine to treat my illness. If you have Jiuyang Pill, you can come and exchange it with me directly." Yue Qingfeng looked a little Lonely, frowning.

His illness has plagued him for many years, but he has not been able to find a cure. Therefore, his long-cherished wish has been to find the Jiuyang Pill, and he will not hesitate to sell his ancestral treasure for this reason.

Even so, he still stood upright on the auction stage, looking like a master.

"Hiss, Jiuyang Pill is an ancient prescription of elixir that has been lost, and the refining conditions are extremely harsh. I am afraid that no one in Xilan Kingdom can refine it!" Qi Zhengyan shook his head when he heard this.

Qi Yelin also frowned slightly, even if she was a princess, she would not be able to find such a pill.

Yue Qingfeng sighed when he saw everyone was silent for a while, and no one had any reaction, and said, "It seems that this time there is no hope of healing."

"Zhang Kun, this Yue Qingfeng is very imposing. I have a faint feeling that the aura in his body is a bit special. It's not as ordinary as it looks on the surface. His real strength should be at the Golden Core level!" At this time, Wei Xibu reminded Zhang Kun's ear. .

Zhang Kun hurriedly concentrated his thoughts on Yue Qingfeng, and found that he couldn't see through his realm, and at the same time, he could feel his aura flickering, a little elusive.

"It's always six times during the counting of pulses, and the yin and yang will be mad." Zhang Kun pondered: "This is the phenomenon of counting the pulses! The true vitality in his body is as deep as the sea, but it is scattered by the pulses and it is difficult to condense. The Jindan powerhouse can't exert its full strength, so on the surface, it looks like it's not even as good as the foundation-building powerhouse."

"That's right, it should be like this," Wei Xibu nodded and said: "Zhang Kun, if you can heal him, you will have a strong Golden Core under your command, and your forces will also be promoted to first-line forces! "

"But he said he needed Jiuyang Pill?" Zhang Kun thought for a while, and quickly called Luo Quan in the Mirror Realm.

"Senior Luo Quan, can you see what kind of illness this person has?" Zhang Kun asked.

Luo Quan glanced through the mirror field from a distance, and immediately came to a conclusion: "The poison of dispersing kung fu in his body, not to mention the dispersion of his kung fu, will decrease day by day."

Zhang Kun nodded, his judgment was indeed correct, and he quickly asked, "Does senior know how to refine Jiuyang Pill?"

"Of course I know, but do you have time to refine it?" Luo Quan said indifferently.

I saw that Yue Qingfeng had started the auction below, and everyone seemed to be unable to produce any pills, but they had spirit stones in their hands, so they bid one after another, and soon the price of the five night-crying nails soared to five thousand spirit stones a piece. pieces.

Zhang Kun wants to get the Xiaokui Nail, and at the same time wants to subdue Yue Qingfeng to join him. The only thing that can do both at the same time is to refine Jiuyang Pill on the spot!

"Generally speaking, it only takes half a quarter of an hour for an auction item to be sold!" Luo Quan said, "You don't know the recipe and refining details of Jiuyang Pill, I can teach you, but you Can you guarantee that you will learn it in half an hour and complete the refining?"

Zhang Kun didn't change his expression when he heard it, but said indifferently: "I want to try, this is a good opportunity!"

"Okay, start refining immediately, with your speed, maybe you can catch up!" Luo Quan nodded slightly after hearing this, and admired Zhang Kun a little more.

"Boom!" There was only a loud noise, accompanied by the popping sound of the rising flames, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhang Kun directly took out the cauldron of the divine hedge in the box of Room B.

"The refining materials of Jiuyang Pill are very common. They are nine yang-attribute medicinal materials. They are not fixed. Most of them can be replaced. You can definitely get them all in your collection." Luo Quan said, Zhang Kun quickly thought Entering the storage bracelet snatched from the island owner of Menglu, he selected nine yang-attribute medicinal materials.

"However, the difficulty in refining Jiuyang Pills lies in how to fully exert the medicinal effects of these nine medicinal materials without causing conflicts. It is already difficult to balance three or four medicinal materials in general pills, and The nine medicinal materials of the same attribute do not blend but repel each other!" While Zhang Kun raised his fire, Luo Quan introduced the difficulties of refining Jiuyang Pill to Zhang Kun at a fast speed.

"Junior brother Zhang Kun, who are you?" Qi Zhengyan was taken aback. Zhang Kun actually took out the alchemy furnace without saying a word and wanted to start refining here?
There was a bit of splendor in Fu'er's beautiful eyes. This was the first time she watched Zhang Kun refining the elixir, and seeing his smooth series of operations, she exclaimed in her heart that it was amazing!

"Well, that Yue Qingfeng needs Jiuyang Pill, and I'll refine it for him now!" Zhang Kun hurriedly explained to Qi Zhengyan, and then stopped talking, focusing all his energy on refining.

"The difficulty of refining this kind of elixir is the most difficult among the fourth-order alchemy pills. You have just entered the realm of the fourth-order alchemist, and the success rate is very low. You must listen to me carefully and do what I say!" Luo Quan solemnly said. said.

Zhang Kun did not speak, his mind was extremely concentrated, his state has been kept at the peak state, and he practiced refining pills in the realm every day. He felt it thoroughly.

"Now, refine two of the medicinal materials to [-]% accuracy." Luo Quan directed while watching the movements of Zhang Kun's hands intently.

Zhang Kun also didn't ask why Luo Quan asked him to refine it to [-]% precision. Normally, the higher the precision, the better the quality of the elixir, but obviously this Jiuyang Pill is different. Zhang Kun carefully controlled the strength , just right to control the accuracy, locked at [-]%!
"This, how is it possible?" Qi Zhengyan on the side was stunned. Zhang Kun is his younger brother, and he hasn't even spent a full year on Yaohuang Mountain, but now the details of his alchemy are so perfect, the operation is So smooth, as if doing whatever you want and responding freely!

"I seem to be able to see this state of alchemy only in my father's imperial alchemist. Could it be that Junior Brother Zhang Kun's realm is infinitely close to that of a great alchemist?" Qi Zhengyan was dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that Zhang Kun's position in the Shangmeng was too high. When he joined, he became a guest of three stars and worshiped as an honorary elder, which was far beyond what Zhang Kun could afford.

But looking at it today, it's not like this. This is completely the performance of a master. No wonder Gongsun Yangyan loves this apprentice so much!
"Master Zhang Kun looks serious and focused, so charming!" Seeing the radiant Zhang Kun, Fu'er's eyes were full of stars and she was full of joy.

And in the auction field at this time, the bidding has also entered a fierce stage. Most of the participants have withdrawn from the pursuit of the dark spar. In the end, only Taishan will be left to compete with the Lin family for this refining material.

"I lost the Shenjue Jade, I must get this dark spar, otherwise my ancestors will not have any spirit-level refining materials to use!" Ouyang Jinluo was determined to get this dark spar.

On the other hand, Lin Nuo Chunzheng looked at her sister Lin Nuozhen nervously. She didn't come to participate in this auction, but suddenly someone said that Zhang Kun was here too. She didn't know why, and halfway through come over.

"Sister, was there any movement at Ronghaomeng just now?" Lin Nuochun asked sideways while Taishan was thinking after Lin Nuozhen made an offer.

Lin Nuochun raised his snow-white neck like a swan and glanced at his sister lightly, and said slowly: "Oh, that kid Zhang Kun really stole the limelight, he even played us all, 25 Wan Ling Shi, how did he, a fledgling alchemist, get it?"

"It seems that he was promoted to the fourth-rank alchemist in the alchemist guild just yesterday, just like Rong Hong." Lin Nuochun also said puzzled.

"Just promoted to a fourth-rank alchemist? It's impossible to accumulate so much wealth, and his money didn't come from Rong Haomeng. To be honest, I can't see through him." Lin Nuozhen fell silent after hearing the words.

With such a large family property, the Lin family has never been afraid of anything, but today, Lin Nuo really felt a slight sense of uneasiness in his heart. This Zhang Kun really made them feel unpredictable.

Here, Zhang Kun's mental power is running at a high level, and the movements in his hands are so fast that it is dazzling, but there is nothing wrong, as if he is not making alchemy but tricks.

Because of the fast speed, Zhang Kun couldn't control the flames for a while, causing a few sparks to shoot out of the alchemy furnace. Fortunately, Qi Zhengyan quickly shot out a spiritual fire to wrap up the remaining flames of the sky.

"Huh? Brother Qi has spiritual fire in his body?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but glanced at Qi Zhengyan in a little surprise, but his hands didn't stop at all.

One can imagine how difficult it was for him to refine Jiuyang Pills this time. Luo Quan whispered in his ear that he was transporting vitality to refine the elixir. Luo Quan's words were said a moment in advance, and Zhang Kun had to remember them at the same time. Every detail of what he said, and at the same time operating alchemy without any mistakes.

"In the end, you need to fuse the nine yang-attribute materials into one. This process originally required a lot of pulling and pulling, but now your time is precious, and you can only synthesize it at one time. It all depends on your mental strength and operation. The timing!" Luo Quan reminded, at the same time Zhang Kun has completed all the preparations!

"One time for [-] spirit stones, two times for [-] spirit stones." A-chan in the arena had already confirmed the price to everyone at the end, and it seemed that these dark spar stones were about to be acquired by the Lin family!
Nine kinds of color pictures of different brilliance flashed and flew in the alchemy furnace, as if fighting a war, the world inside the furnace seemed to lose color, Zhang Kun took a deep breath, his mental power was divided into several strands, attached to it, and he gave a loud shout :"combine!"

(End of this chapter)

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